Some people will always be judgmental and dismissive, while others will never stop being oversensitive and offended by everything that moves.
The fact is, on a grand scale of 1 – 1,000, if we took the traits and characteristics of each person….place of origin, personality, appearance, intelligence, level of honesty, loyalty, gender, temperament, sense of humor, religion (or lack of it), respect for others (or lack of it), personal hygiene, natural talent, etc., assigned each trait a number, then threw them all into a pot and stirred the damn thing, some of us would average-out to a 791, others maybe an 865, with the rest of us landing somewhere in the middle.
My point being, in the grand scheme of things, nobody is anywhere near highly superior (or deeply inferior) to anyone else on the planet.
Throw in the relatively short amount of time that each of us gets to live, and I can’t for the life of me understand why anyone would waste a moment of their time foolishly judging anybody else, or being overly-offended by random, ill-informed comments, which for some reason are mindlessly thrown around single day, by people who should know better.
(Hey, even Einstein and JFK cheated on their wives…..)
PullMyFinger (827)