General Question

Was this covert sexual abuse from my father?
Sorry to ask this question on father’s day, guys. And I hope you’re all having a good one.
I went no-contact with my abusive narcissist of a father four years ago after my mom died. For most of my childhood and adolescence, he physically and emotionally battered me and continued to be extremely heartless and nasty to me in my 20s until we had our final blow-out right before my mother’s death.
Whenever people ask me if he was sexually abusive to me, my usual reaction is to recoil and deny any such thing happened. However, now that I’m getting further on in adulthood, certain traumatic memories from the past are popping up, and I’m seeing them in a different light than I used to.
My father did not respect women and did not want a daughter in the first place. He often stereotyped women as being “hysterical” and “ninnies” even though he was a very emotional and irrational person with a tendency to overreact to everything in his life. He was obsessed with exerting power and having “respect” from my his family (i.e. being treated as an authority figure and with extreme deference at all times). When he failed to earn our respect through his actions, he would use anger and rage to get his way. I think he wanted to be feared more than he wanted to be loved.
One of the ways he would exert power was to humiliate me when he felt I had wronged him. Very often this was through insults and hitting, but there were a few times when it veered into very creepy territory as well. The only time I remember him sexually “touching” me per se was when I was about 10, and he was yelling at me for something. I didn’t have breasts yet and was wearing a bathing suit, and he reached over and twisted my nipple as hard as he could, leaving a nasty bruise for days. I was shocked and didn’t know how to react to that, and it still strikes me as bizarre.
Many other times, he would barge into my room when I was naked or getting dressed; screaming at me for something or another. Or he would force his way into the bathroom when I was showering and tear open the shower curtain to yell at me. This was usually in a fit of anger and would leave me an ashamed, sobbing, heaving mess. I distinctly remember trying to cover my naked body with my hands while he hovered over me with his 6’5 frame, calling me a stupid bitch for getting a poor mark in math or some other transgression. My grades were often poor thanks to persistent anxiety and depression that later turned into self-harm and suicide attempts; which only furthered his abuse.
He was also a pornography addict and would stay up all night watching porn sites on the family computer until 4 am. And he would make no effort to hide his habit or even close out the porn pop-ups when he was done. It wasn’t uncommon for me to log on to do an assignment the next day only to find a bunch of boob spam all over the screen. Keep in mind I was like 14–15 years old, so it was pretty disturbing to see this. He often objectified women based on their bodies and would make comments about my friends’ looks. He would also comment on my body in ways that felt invasive and inappropriate for a father to say to his daughter, telling me I should get a boob job if I wanted to find a husband or pointing out things I needed to work on.
I’ve only started opening up about some of this stuff to my partner lately but I’ve never considered it to be sexual abuse but he says it sounds like it was. Am I wrong?

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