General Question

elbanditoroso's avatar

What about poor Barron Trump? Eleven years old and stuck at the White House.

Asked by elbanditoroso (33686points) June 20th, 2017

Poor kid – like he doesn’t have enough problems. Now he has moved to a new city, new house, in the public eye.

How will he find friends stuck in that White House? How will he socialize?

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89 Answers

zenvelo's avatar

Well Sasha and Malia didn’t have a problem. Neither did Chelsea. Even Amy Carter had friends.

But they all had two loving concerned parents. Barron would be facing his parental issues no matter where he lived. Better the White House than that gawd-awful highrise apartment in NY.

JLeslie's avatar

Oh, so they did move?

He’ll make friends in school like most kids do. Play dates, birthday parties, etc.

Why the obnoxious tone?

Chelsea Clinton, the Bush twins, Obama’s girls, Amie Carter, the Kennedy children, we could go on and on.

Mariah's avatar

Honestly, I don’t give a fuck that 1 kid will have to make new friends or whatever. It was costing taxpayers 1 million dollars per day in Secret Service protection for Trump Tower.

elbanditoroso's avatar

@JLeslie – my tone wasn’t obnoxious, at least it wasn’t meant to be. I feel for the kid. All his school friends are up in NYC, so who does he have in Washington to hang out with. Being in the WH with all adults can’t be fun.

What’s the kid going to do all summer before school starts? I feel sorry for the kid.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

I think his chances aren’t good. There are no pictures out there of him and his parents looking like a family. I’ve seen one where the kid is smiling. Melania should leave for her own sake and the kid’s.

josie's avatar

I bet he will have good memories after the experience is over.

elbanditoroso's avatar

@josie – not so sure. His dad is 60 years older than he is. His dad will likely die of old age before Barron turns 20, maybe sooner.

The kid will have grown up in a billionaire household. Where will be learn how to get along normally in life?

My guess is that eventually he will live with either Donald Jr (and become part of that family) or maybe with Ivanka.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Well it seems to me that the kid will be in his element. The Trump entourage must be chock-a-block with peculiar parents afflicted with hyperbolic personalities. I like to imagine all the kids crowding into Chucky Cheese to swap notes and tales on their parents’ disorders.

stanleybmanly's avatar

And you gotta think. Here’s a kid who’s attending elite schools and intermingling with the best teaching minds the country can put in front of him. It seems pretty far fetched that in such an environment or even through interacting with his peers, that the kid can long escape recognizing just how far dad has wandered from the “well adjusted human being” tracks.

JLeslie's avatar

Military kids, IBM kids, families move all of the time. Usually the worst time is when you’re in high school. He’s still young. It might be hard for him, it might not. Hard to guess.

I know kids who move to different countries. He’ll be fine.

Sorry that I incorrectly read your tone.

Yellowdog's avatar

I think the images of seeing the severed head of his father on all the comedy channels and the struggle and assassination of his father with the knife guised as “Shakespeare In The Park—Julius Caesar” and all the incest jokes and smearing his own character saying he’s a special ed kid are traumatic enough without your being concerned about his moving into the White House.. The Trump children are the first time children are suitable topics of ridicule, insults and perverted jokes on primetime T.V. Its even acceptable for talk show guests to say they hope the baby will die.

kritiper's avatar

He was more stuck back in NYC at the hotel. At least in Washington, DC, he can go lots of places with his entourage of Secret Service agents.
(But if there ever was a candidate for suicide based on facial expression, he’s it, poor kid.)

Zaku's avatar

I hope he resists the evil of his family better than his brothers have. I care far more for the countless other victims of his family’s evil.

zenvelo's avatar

@Yellowdog Once again, misplaced outage after eight years of similar treatment visited upon the Obama family, with threats to “lynch” the President, Fox News criticism of Malia Obama as “wild”, and a Julius Caesar production with Obama as Caesar.

The Trump child (Barron) (the other offspring are adults and also very active despite not having been elected to anything) is not ”... the first time children are suitable topics of ridicule. Amy Carter suffered that much more in the late 1970s, and Sasha and Malia and Chelsea also endured it.

chyna's avatar

@elbanditoroso Why would you think he would live with his half brother or half sister? He has a mother and she is young.

Darth_Algar's avatar

Christ, I remember seeing conservative commenters on national TV calling Chelsea, not much older at the time than Barron is now, “a dog” and all manner of other things to mock and disparage her.

Yellowdog's avatar

I’m sure you can assuage your feelings about the treatment of the Trump family with this rhetoric—but no, Obama never faced anything like the vitriol expressed daily against the Trump family. Severed heads on comedy central, seen by school children, does not equal some obscure act by Ted Nugent that cannot even be found on an internet search.

The Obama family never received any criticism or perverted jokes or “lynchings” except on a few really bizarre webpages—like the one saying Michelle Obama was really a man or transgender. Not on Fox and certainly not regular news like ABC CNN or MSNBC.

Fox News pretty much reports regular news events. If you mean the Fox Channel talk show hosts, such as Sean Hannity, they are not hate mongelers They have all been about the constant assaults from the left taking place in the public arena. The comments themselves are often shown because they are so stupid or filled with hate that most people would not believe the rhetoric, the riots, the violence—until they see it for themselves.

No “conservative commentator” ever called Chelsea ‘a dog”.

The Obama family and their children were treated like royalty on national T.V. I remember when Nancy Reagan wore expensive dresses at some event, the American people silently scoffed with how out of touch she was with the way regular Americans live and how she didn’t do that. But when Michelle Obama wore $20,000 dresses, people only talked about her taste and elegance.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well, he’ll be doing the same things he did before, just in a different house.

@Yellowdog Michelle paid for the dresses our of her own pocket.. They are millionaires you know.
They were treated like royalty because they acted like royalty. They acted in ways which earned the respect of others.
Trump and Melania will never be treated as royalty because they’re buffoons, not worthy of respect.

Darth_Algar's avatar

As usual @Yellowdog ignores reality in favor of what he wishes were true.

MrGrimm888's avatar

That’s it Dutch. It’s about earned respect. Trump hasn’t “earned” anything, much less respect…

I would assume that his children will grow up much like him. They’ll become terrible people, if they aren’t already. The littlest Trump will probably OD, or die in an exotic car crash. Not after living the type of life many could only dream of. I’m more worried about the price of tea in China, than some little wealthy brat. And yes, I will sleep just fine hating him because he’s Trump’s son… I care as much about Trump’s family, as he cares for mine….

Pachy's avatar

He was doomed the instant he was conceived.

Theremin's avatar

It seems to me that anyone truly concerned with Barron Trump’s wellbeing would just let him be a kid instead of engaging in concern trolling about how unfortunate it is to be the wealthy son of a US president.

stanleybmanly's avatar

@Yellowdog Frankly, I dont waste time bad mouthing the Trump family. The entire herd of them combined are meaningless compared to potential for damage from big orange himself.

Dutchess_III's avatar

It’s our concern that causes us to express concern for him over his circumstances @Theremin. The OP posted the question in sympathy.

Theremin's avatar

@Dutchess_III I don’t think that @elbanditoroso asked this question out of genuine sympathy. Everything in his question and answer history suggests otherwise. That’s why I used the term “concern trolling,” which refers to disingenuous expressions of concern or sympathy. I dislike the current president as much as anyone, and probably more than most people because I have personally had a negative encounter with him. But I’m not going to take it out on his son.

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josie's avatar

I don’t really believe that OP or some of the respondents on the thread really give a shit about Barron Trump.
There is something mildly disingenuous about all this.
I am sure he is well cared for and loved by his parents.
He will face all the challenges and enjoy all the privileges that previous children of presidents experienced.
Why this strange concern for this particular young man, at this time?
I wasn’t there, but I suspect that people thought that Kennedy’s children were lucky, in spite of their philandering father and remote mother.
I think this is sort of bullshit in disguise, using a kid as a mask.
And I think some of these comments are for shame-using a child as a means to express your antipathy toward a politician.

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Dutchess_III's avatar

He’s a KID. I feel for him. I feel for all kids but he’s in an especially odd situation that he hasn’t been mentally prepared for. In that respect he’s going to have more stress than other first kids adapting I think. Especially if something happens to his dad. :(

johnpowell's avatar

I don’t give a shit about Baron… You got that fucking right.

Look at his brothers… If you can stomach it.

The 11 year old bag of shit will never know the fear of waiting for Sbarros to call back after your interview. Gotta pay rent.

The fucking horror… OMG his mom have to remember him and buy him a play-date. I’m sure on of the secret service guys likes Lego too.

Oh, fuckheads. In a week 24 million people (my mom included) could lose her insurance. But poor Baron and his cunt dad. And fuck Paul Ryan too.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Those things are not his fault @johnpowell. He COULD turn out to be a decent guy with some empathy. I kind of doubt it but I’ll hold him responsible when the time comes.
For now he has no choice.

jonsblond's avatar

No innocent child deserves what @JP wrote. That’s fucked up.

josie's avatar

Me too. That’s pretty fucked up.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I know I shouldn’t ask this…. @johnpowell… do you identify as a Christian?

MrGrimm888's avatar

I don’t see anything wrong with disliking someone whose family is trying to destroy the world….

The question was asked about Barron. JP gave his assessment. He didn’t blindly attack the kid. He gave valid reason…

Anyone want to take bets on if lil Trump will ever be shot by the police, denied health care, have to serve in a war, have to worry where his next meal will come from, have to choose between his medication or food, get a overdraft fee on his bank account, get bullied, have to get good grades, have to be good at anything etc…
He will face a fraction of the adversity most do and likely be a piece of crap cut from his father’s cloth… Let’s be real. If he’s lucky, he’ll turn out like G.W.Bush… A classic example of a pathetic human being who failed his way to the top, despite a life that would have landed him in jail if he weren’t who he was… Place your bets folks. Will Barron be a saint, or a sinner? Really…..

jonsblond's avatar

He is a child. Call him a piece of shit when he has done something to deserve it, when he is an adult. He didn’t ask for this life.

MrGrimm888's avatar

He was called a “bag of shit.”...

And again, it was an answer to a thread. Not a random remark. Words won’t harm Lil Barron…

Dutchess_III's avatar

But none of that is his fault @MrGrimm888! If he never has to face adversity like the rest of the US, he’s just a lucky kid. I’d get that for my kids too, if I could. It doesn’t make them, or him a “bag of shit.”

MrGrimm888's avatar

^Correct. I just think that it’s wrong to crucify JP for being mad. His mother didn’t do anything wrong either. Now, she’s going to have a lot of problems.

If Trump cared about how his family was perceived, he wouldn’t be screwing millions of other people’s families. Such is the fallout from his actions…

chyna's avatar

I remember the Reverend Jimmy Jones who led hundreds of people at his compound in Africa, to drink poisoned kool aid and die. He had a son that was named after him. His son was horrified by his dads actions and changed his name.
Perhaps Barron can change his at some point.

Dutchess_III's avatar

You know, Trump’s dad was much like him. He actually told his sons they were the product of superior genes. Things like that. Well, Trump had an older (I think) brother who was a much gentler and introspective soul. He ended up drinking heavily and finally committing suicide. He just couldn’t handle being the asshole his Dad wanted him to be. That is why Trump does not drink alcohol. He has added a cocaine wing to the White House, though.

Little Baron LOOKS like a horrible snob, but I have yet to hear him speak or to even witness much about him.

Jaxk's avatar

A couple of points. First, being poor doesn’t make you a good person and being rich doesn’t make you a bad person. That’s a ridiculous generalization. I would think that after the losses in Georgia and S.Carolina, you would begin to see that attacking Trump, his family, and supporters doesn’t win or change anything. If you don’t like his policies, offer up some ideas. Attacking Barron or anyone else doesn’t get you much without ideas and participation. I understand that this is a Trump bashing thread so with that I’ll let you go back to the vitriol you seem to have in abundance.

Darth_Algar's avatar

Clearly the elections in Georgia and South Carolina hinged on a Fluther thread.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I haven’t attacked Baron. Neither did the OP or anyone else, except @johnpowell.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@josie I think Melania loves him. I think Trump just tolerates him. That’s my impression, anyway.

josie's avatar


And of course, you can say that.

But what makes you imagine that is true?

I see the same pictures and read the same news stories you do.

And I can draw no conclusion one way or the other from them about the boy and his relationship with his father, his mother, and his attitudes about living in the White House.

I can only assume that his parents cherish him and hope for the best for him because, with a few depraved exceptions, that is generally true about people.

So what is it you see that I do not?

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

I see the same pictures and read the same news stories you do. I can draw no conclusion one way or the other from them about the boy and his relationship with his father

Can you point to one picture of Donald and Barron enjoying each other’s company?

NomoreY_A's avatar

@Jaxk Yeah, like Republicans don’t stoop to that, right? I mean they didn’t trash Chelsea Clinton or the Obama kids for 16 years. Not saying this is ok, to be trashing Baron. But if you can’t take the heat stay the hell out of the kitchen. Talk about the Republican pot calling the Dem kettle black.

Yellowdog's avatar

Its been several days, and the only thing I’ve been able to find was an article where Fox News DELETED a comments section of an article where READERS made racist remarks about Malia Obama attending Harvard University—and another article where a Facebook commentator who worked for a Tennessee Republican staffer (who resigned in leiu of being fired) wrote a hateful message to the Obama daughters’ dress being in poor taste and to show a little class for the office.

That’s a little different, I think, than talkshow hosts THEMSELVES, news anchors and “comedians” telling sexually explicit incest jokes on prime time T.V. for several months now about children and minors.

JLeslie's avatar

Both sides need a chill pill on attacking the young children of politicians. By young I mean anyone u see the age of 20. The majority of people don’t comment about the kids, but the ones who do are so horrible it echoes in our heads I think like a million voices.

stanleybmanly's avatar

When it comes to this sort of nonsense there’s no point in looking for tasteless crudity from either side, because of course it’s going to be there. And the more extreme the example, the brighter the spotlight shining on it. Both sides can wheel out their psychotics, and B list comics will do and say anything to attract that spotlight. The way I see it, besmirching Trump’s
family amounts to unnecessary roughness or a waste of ammunition while Trump himself remains such a target rich environment. And picking on kids is of course always an unmistakable mark of the bully as well as a confession of “I lack both class & judgement”.

For me, it seems essential that Trump be verbally kicked and ridiculed without respite. No one should be allowed for even one moment the illusion that there isn’t a jackass loose in the White House. The fact that the jackass brays incessantly and kicks over the furniture aids considerably in this pursuit.

Darth_Algar's avatar

^^^What this man said.

Yellowdog's avatar

But isn’t it ironic that CNN is CONSTANLY preoccupied with Donald Trump (about 92% of what they talk about)—but don’t even cover a speech or rally that is currently and ACTUALLY going on—and yet continue to beat the dead horse of a Russia conspiracy theory?

Democrats have lost four house special elections which they have invested hundreds of millions dollars. I think they are woefully out of touch with real people

That Trump is connecting with real people at huge rallies but the Left keeps painting him as an egomaniac who thinks himself above real people? That he stands for workers, jobs, and the middle class who actually support him while democrats SAY they are doing the same but keep losing seats and power?

That political violence, anthrax, graphic depictions of beheadings keep coming from the left—pretending to be the party of peace—and calling the people they threaten and bully to be fascists?

You can’t keep calling the greater half of the country “the redneck fringe” Or assume you are smarter or better than the rest of us—and remain any credulity. Or pretend to represent the poor when you taught superior culture and wealth and education
We need a true Democratic party—I voted for Gore in 2000 and Obama against McCain—but what’s happened to the left seems completely schitzophrenic and dangerous.

Darth_Algar's avatar

If you really think that Trump stands for anything other than furthering the Trump brand I’ve got some great oceanfront property in Kazakhstan I’ll sell you cheap.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

isn’t it ironic that CNN is CONSTANLY preoccupied with Donald Trump (about 92% of what they talk about)—but don’t even cover a speech or rally that is currently and ACTUALLY going on

Why do conservatives lie about things that can be Googled in a few seconds?

Do you really think nobody will notice? Honest question – what do you get out of this? Is it a thrill?

CNN – June 18, 2017 – Trump heads west to POTUS-friendly Iowa

CNN – June 22, 2017 – Trump takes victory lap at Iowa rally

CNN – June 22, 2017 – Trump in Iowa: Don’t want ‘poor person’ on economy gig

CNN – June 22, 2017 – Trump in Iowa: ‘Solar wall’ could ‘pay for itself’

CNN – June 22, 2017 – Trump in Iowa: Proposed 5-year welfare ban for immigrants is already law

JLeslie's avatar

@Call_Me_Jay I don’t think @Yellowdog is purposefully lying, he’s just repeating what he’s heard. It’s important we point out the truth, but we need to listen to what Trump voters are saying if we want to not have 8 years, or another candidate similar to Trump.

I think Trump will in the end help the upper classes more than any other group, and I believe the Democrats, and their policies, are still more for the average person than the Republicans, I’m not sure how to fix the perception the Average American has now regarding that.

I do know that the Democrats were offensive throughout the campaign and still now towards Republicans and Trump voters, and I think that only helps Trump. I also think a lot of hosts on MSNBC (I can’t speak to CNN) sound like they are constantly trying to manipulate politicians, and the people, to what they think should be done. They seem to have no idea how they sound to the very people they are hoping to influence.

See, you just called @yellowdog a liar. You definitely could point out the actual statistics without sounding like all conservatives lie, and he is just another one of them. We should be listening to his perspective. He is amidst the very people who are frustrating you. His perspective is important to understand if you want to influence those voters.

I keep saying things like this, and I just get accused of “supporting” Trump.

My experience in the South, is they really really care about respect—about being respected. They take things personally that aren’t meant to be. Not all southerners, and of course there are sensitive northerners too, I’m just generalizing based on my experience. The delivery really matters in the South. If Democrats want Trump voters to listen they need to understand their audience better. I know Democrats will jump all over me with all the horrible things Republicans have said. That doesn’t help, because people are hypocrites. It’s like how George Lopez can make fun of Mexicans, and Margaret Cho can make fun of Asian people, but don’t you do it.

stanleybmanly's avatar

@Yellowdog I don’t dispute for an instant that the Democratic party has forfeited the allegiance of the people it should represent, and now receives the drubbing it deserves. But you and the “real people he is connecting with” miss the significant point that Trump is NOT the remedy to the failure of the Democratic party. And yes there is a failure of perception on the part of his supporters. Both you and they make the mistake of believing it is democrats “painting” Trump an egomaniac. The obvious is bypassed on the flawed logic that democrats pointing out the fact proves it untrue. It matters not WHO states the obvious if labeling Trump a narcissistic egomaniac is equivalent to “painting” a schnauzer as a dog. This should not be an argument about who is smarter between Trump’s supporters and detractors. This SHOULD be a discussion on how a man with a lifetime experience shamelessly exploiting anyone in range can claim to champion the interests of the common man. A man whose life amounts to a career of shady dealings from gold plated mansions; a man who could not explain the difference between a working man and a fire hydrant-this is the lying ignorant fool you choose to rescue us from our plight?

Dutchess_III's avatar

@Yellowdog What you and Trump consider “huge rallies,” would be no more than a handful of people to the rest of the world.

Jaxk's avatar

It would seem you all still don’t understand why Trump won the election. It wasn’t his red hair, his beautiful family, or his business dealings. It was his message. When Trump says he will bring back manufacturing jobs, Democrats scream, ‘He’s a liar’. If Trump says he’ll stop illegal immigration by building a wall, Democrats say ‘He’s a bigot’. When Trump says he’ll negotiate better trade deals, Democrats say’ he’s an egomaniac’.

You can follow this scenario through every issue and it’s always the same. Trump says he’ll do something positive for the economy and Democrats call him names. The democrats have been waging war on the rich for decades but guess what, most people want to be rich. Why, because being rich is better than being poor. That’s why we sell over 35 Billion lottery tickets every year even though everyone know they have virtually no chance of winning.

If you don’t like the administration we have try offering something better instead of just screaming about how bad you think it is.

Dutchess_III's avatar

His lies, you mean. He hasn’t brought back manufacturing jobs. He’s tried to stop ALL immigration in illegal ways and has been shot down. He’s not building his bigly wall, either. He isn’t doing anything but whine and sign nonsense Executive Orders, acting like that makes him a Big Man.

Try offering something that’s feasible and that the majority of the people can get behind. He still hasn’t found that because he’s stupid.

Jaxk's avatar

@Dutchess_III – Thank you for making my point.

Darth_Algar's avatar

No, we call him a liar because what comes out of his mouth can be objectively be shown to be a lie 80% of the time. We call him a liar because he constantly contradicts himself and his own staff. We call him a liar because he has a reputation, built up over several decades, as a liar, a cheat and a conman.

Jaxk's avatar

80% huh? That’s a lot. Objectively shown by who?

stanleybmanly's avatar

@Jaxk just which of those names is undeserved? Is he not a liar? How about narcissistic egomaniac? And it isn’t true that the Democrats have been waging war on the rich. The truth is that Trump is in office PRECISELY because the Democrats are in bed with the rich. It cannot possibly be otherwise IF the rich are getting richer. Are they?

stanleybmanly's avatar

@Jaxk I am not a big fan of the democratic party which has clearly and undeniably failed what should be its natural constituency. However, as I said before, it doesn’t matter who calls the jackass a jackass. The fact that Democrats have noticed is irrelevant. The only reply to “I am the greatest President since Lincoln” remains “LYING JACKASS”

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

we need to listen to what Trump voters are saying if we want to not have 8 years, or another candidate similar to Trump

No, we don’t. You are affirming their racism and ignorance. The only way you’re going to meet them halfway is by becoming more racist and ignorant yourself, because they aren’t budging.

Trump won with 27% of the electorate. 27% of the electorate is irredeemable. They vote based on their delusions of oppression and victimhood. Their prime motive is sticking it minorities, women, gays, and the poor.

Forget the 27%.

We need to work with the 73% who see human decency as a virtue, not lower ourselves to please the ones who vote for “grab her pussy”.

stanleybmanly's avatar

@Call Me Jay I don’t agree that Trump’s supporters are delusional about their oppression and victimhood. They have indeed been played and victimized. The gold plated man has explained that “the Mexicans did it”.

JLeslie's avatar

@Call_Me_Jay So, you are saying all 27% are irredeemable? Seriously? You put the whole lot in as being a single mindset? Shit, when I generalize and stereotype on fluther I usually get blasted, even when I follow it by saying, “I know not all,” and, “I’m admittedly overgeneralizing.” But, your statement is that every single one of those voters is a waste of time. Well, that kind of proves my point.

So, who are you talking to and convincing? The people who didn’t vote at all? You want to get them out to vote? Is that your plan?

Jaxk's avatar

@stanleybmanly This is where we go different ways. Whether Trump is the greatest President since Lincoln is rather subjective. I’m sure some think he is and I’m sure many disagree but so what? If he really is an egomaniac, so what? Neither of those arguments would cause me to vote for someone else. I just don’t care. In fact I think a President should think he’s right and improving the country. Hell, Obama was an egomaniac but that’s not what I had a problem with. It was his policies that drove me into a frenzy.

@Call_Me_Jay – Grab her Pussy? If @Darth_Algar has any credibility, that was a lie.

MrGrimm888's avatar

@Jaxk is another example of why I DON’T CARE why the worst of our population supports Trump. It’s become quite obvious ,to me, that such ignorance must simply die off. Like many bigots, they will be bred out. I understand their point of view very well. I don’t need to see it more clearly.

Most importantly, I don’t need to explain it to them. These morons like the bullshit sandwiches Trump serves them. It makes them feel less racist. It makes them feel patriotic, not xenophobic. It’s what the alt-right is all about. Public support for pro-white agendas, but enough bullshit to make them think they can deny the motivation for their thinking…

They will play the “you just don’t understand why Trump won” fiddle while the ship sinks. They will NEVER admit their own bigotry, or selfishness. They will ALWAYS blame others, for their problems. They will ALWAYS offer nonsense as an excuse. They will NEVER be accountable for their actions. Their stupidity will never allow them to find fault, in their reasoning. Their undeserved pride, will never allow them to admit the divisive, selfish, racist, STUPID, ill informed, spiteful, evil motivations for their support of Trump…

When will we learn? You can hold the truth in Trump supporters’ faces. That will just make them close their eyes harder.


@Jaxk and @Yellowdog will feel the negative effects of the Trump administration, like the rest of us. They will blame Obama, or anyone but themselves. But history is,and will continue to show Trump, and his supporters’ true colors…

Trump supporters, regardless of conscious motivation, sold out the world for a unrealistic white utopia, that only exists in Back to the Future’s 1950’s…

The real question here should be, How is Barron Trump going to like this world, when it is a direct byproduct of his father’s work? I only wish his father,and his supporters, are around to see the mess they created for their children…

Jaxk's avatar

@MrGrimm888 – Wow, that was quite a tirade. The ideology of Victimhood. Nothing we can do because they are evil, wicked, bad, mean, and nasty. Now that’s a good way to get people to vote in your ideology. LOL.

stanleybmanly's avatar

@Jaxk I will credit Trump on his frankness. He certainly convinces me that he believes himself the greatest President since Lincoln. Come to think of it, IF he believes it, the argument can be made that it isn’t a DELIBERATE lie. But it clearly is not true (yet). And YOU should give a damn that a man 60 days in office should make such a declaration in public. And which President ever did not believe himself right and working in the best interests of the country. Do you really believe that’s all it takes? If it is, then my guess is that the majority of the folks voting for him are better qualified than himself.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Man, Lincoln proved himself. Trump has proven nothing. Zero. He has accomplished nothing.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

So, who are you talking to and convincing? The people who didn’t vote at all? You want to get them out to vote? Is that your plan?

Yes, that is where the energy needs to go.

JLeslie's avatar

^^I agree putting some energy there is a good idea, but that group also has proven they will sit out ejections and do nothing. A certain amount of apathy in that group.

There are independents who did vote, and people who might be registered as Democrats who voted for Trump, and you might be able to sway a lot of them too. They took a chance on Trump, and if it doesn’t pan out as they hoped, they are probably open to information, but not if you call them hopeless idiots. Geez.

Strauss's avatar

“BUT THE EMPEROR IS NOT WEARING CLOTHES!” shouted the little girl…

MrGrimm888's avatar

@Jaxk . I don’t want your vote… Sorry…

NomoreY_A's avatar

@Jaxk Yeah, the Dems really should try harder to work with Chump and the Republicans. In the same way the Republicans always strove so hard to work with Obama. Uh, I mean Clinton. What universe are you living in? What’s good for the goose is good for the gander.

Yellowdog's avatar

A lot of hatemail to respond to here. But I’ll deal with what’s relevant.

JLeslie—I guess you are trying to support me amid a barrage of hate against me with the comment that I am not ‘lying’ but repeating what I’ve heard.

I have to reiterate how many times I’ve been right when the overwhelming response was that I was wrong and misinformed or lied to. Evidently no one is keeping score.

It wasn’t too long ago when many of you were harping the score that Trump had just given away really top secret, dangerous intelligence regarding Israel to two Russian ambassadors and had just hurled himself all the faster towards impeachment and possible prison. Links to articles naming “unnamed sources” and “Former White House Officials”. Some of you were even saying that Trump himself admitted to this. But it turned out that the NAMED officials who were REALLY there—did not agree with this false and libelous narrative.

In fact, what was being discussed with the ambassadors regarded ISIS and laptop bombs. Trump has very close relationships with Israel—something Obama had obliterated.

It wasn’t TOO long ago when many of you were ridiculing that Trump reported that he had been wiretapped. Some of you went to town over how unhinged and paranoid he was. But it turned out that a lot of illegal survielence and FISA warants were issued—information was obtained, unmasked, and leaked to the press.

James Comey himself ADMITTED to leaking information to a law professor who would get it published in the New York Times. Do any of you not realize how serious and unethical it is that the FBI director HIMSELF leaked classified material in order to start an investigative counsel?

Many of you STILL believe that Donald Trump is under investigation for collusion with the Russians. And three major news outlets are STILL reporting it even though it was debunked in Comey’s own testimony. NEWSFLASH: The focus has shifted from the dead Russia story to something about Obstruction of Justice—which also appears to be not going anywhere.

Speaking of obstruction—I mentioned and got pages and pages of rebuttal regarding Loretta Lynch and Bill Clinton meeting 40 minutes on an airport tarmac and Hillary subsequenty being cleared of any wrongdoing of a very serious investigation—involving Hillary’s own deals with Russians (Nuclear One Deal) and other information on a private server—and all the documents and devices that were destroyed. I was lambasted for days by some of you.

Now that Comey himself has affirmed it—guess what? There will be an investigation into the matter. Many of you said it would never happen.

I guess if the only news I had about Donald Trump came from CNN and MSNBC, I might, too, start believing the narratives you are espousing. Some of these networks have a pathological obsession with Donald Trump and how nasty he is—how racist, hoe physically nasty he is. Like, Trump wipes his ass with his toupe nasty (btw its his real hair). How Trump has incestuous relations with his daughter—etc. If we see an image at all of Trump with foreign diplomats we are told a voice-over narrative about how Trump looks like a goon, a thug, a mobster. The images, we are told, are deceptive. We’re not REALLY seeing a cordial meeting shaking hands and signing treaties.

My favorite was when Trump was meeting with an Indian leader and how well the reception was—meanwhile, MSNBC was reporting that Trump was a “scared little man” meeting and hiding in the White House—gaining weight and living “only within himself—and for Trump that’s a really dangerous place to be.”

Trump is still drawing record crowds—2,000 inside and 2,500 outside—engaging with REAL people and energetic crowds— while a whole different, entirely fictional narrative is running on CNN and MSNBC about investigations that aren’t even happening anymore about Russian collusion—and comedy networks are bloodthirsty for beheadings and people wishing publicly that all 20 of those senators had been shot and died—give ‘em some of their own medicine.

I don’t base these statements on what I’ve heard or been told but on what is plainly and openly happening in the nation. Yesterday, Trump signed some bill that will greatly improve the treatment of veterans. But many of you are not looking. You are instead relying on what you’ve been told by MSNBC and CNN which is a whole nother plane from what is actually taking place somewhere else. Maybe today, Trump had a brother whose daughter-in-law is a communications vendor who set up security systems in a Russian hotel in 2013.
Or a Republican senator from eastern Kentucky spoke with a Russian exchange student who was in the senator’s own school district last September. Or, Trump’s daughter in law alleges Trump raped her and the baby is his—and how this has caused estranged relations with Trump’s son… I guess if I heard such narratives over and over, I might be inclined to believe where there’s smoke there’s fire—in other words, believe what I hear rather than what’s plainly going on.

If you see Trump actually doing something, signing something, meeting with a diplomat—and there is some in-depth discussion about what’s taking place—it’s REALITY, If someone on MSNBC is saying a cabal of “10 leading psychiatric experts are saying Trump has—get this—penis envy, and are afraid he might act out by starting a war” and is “already showing signs of stage 2 syphalis that is eating his brain”—it’s fake.

Yellowdog's avatar

That being said—there are LEGITIMATE objections to Trump policies—especially the Health Care bill, Depending on who you ask. Forbes magazine thought it was brilliant—AARP thinks its disasterous and five republicans including Ted Cruz are solomnly against it. I have no problems with legitimate objections and legitimate opposing points of view. That’s just not what I’m reading a lot of here or seeing on major networks.

Jaxk's avatar

@MrGrimm888 – Finally, something we can agree on. That is a request I can grant.

stanleybmanly's avatar

But fellas, just LOOK at the calamity. The accusation that the left is churning this all up requires some truly remarkable capabilities on the part of we liberals as well as a level of competence we CLEARLY lack. But’s let accept that liberals are brilliant enough to mire Trump in the muck to wallow. We are now stuck in a situation where he can’t fill critical government appointments. Just as surely as no A list entertainer wants to be caught performing at one of his functions, no qualified and capable bureaucrat wants to work for the volatile unstable sociopath. The troubles embroiling Trump are so numerous and tangled that the prospect of an environment somewhere in his future wherein useful work might result are beyond dubious. Sure the guy can restore soda and potato chips to the school lunch program, or kick the crutches from under the disabled. But what sort of useful effort can we possibly expect?

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