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JLeslie's avatar

When the US Supreme Court declines to take a case, can they try again right away?

Asked by JLeslie (65880points) June 21st, 2017 from iPhone

Is there any way to petition the court to hear a case they previously refused to hear? Or, would you need to bring a totally different case, in similar nature, and hope they will hear that one.

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2 Answers

zenvelo's avatar

If the SCOTUS does not take up a is implicit that the lower court’s ruling was correct and there is no outstanding question of law.

The Court may refer a case back to the lower court because the lower opinion was incomplete. In those instances, the Court may review the case again at a later date if a point of law is in conflict with another circuit, or if the appellant raises a question of error.

josie's avatar

The SC is the final court of appeal.
See above.
If they do not take on the case it is because they do not think there is a reason to debate the lower court decision.

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