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RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Have you ever lost your passion in anything?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25057points) June 22nd, 2017

From school , work, career or hobby. For me I’m sick of most video games now , when I was an avid gamer. Star Wars and Star Trek I don’t care about anymore. I used to be passionate about science and i’m not so anymore. It might be depression or just growing up.

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21 Answers

stanleybmanly's avatar

A bunch of em have gone with my youth. Racing pigeons, model railroading, the hoarding of military books. There’s an immaculate Norton Commando beneath a tarp in the garage that hasn’t been ridden since they passed the helmet laws.

PullMyFinger's avatar

Passions change. I think somebody wrote a song about it…...

(David Bowie ??....I don’t know)

Anyway, I wonder if it’s just that so many things which were once exciting and amazing eventually evolve into being thought of as routine. The internet, men landing on the moon, HDTV, holograms, LASIK eye surgery, you name it.

Being able to download any song I could think of for free blew my mind in 1999, but today it’s no longer awesome, just….you know…..a pretty cool ordinary, expected thing.

A hundred years ago, people used to look to the sky, astonished that the Wright Brothers could fly around in circles up there for a whole hour…..

Today, anyone can comfortably fly across the country in five hours, and there will always be some asshole bitching about how small the bag of peanuts is…..

imrainmaker's avatar

On arrival on Facebook people lost interest in Orkut (including me) which was very popular at that time.

Jon_Letko's avatar

Growing up I lived and died for the game of football. I came from a small town, and football was THE sport there. I played on a team every year from grade school all the way through high school. My senior year, I was the captain of the team and saw myself as a fairly dominant athlete.

But then I went off to a big state university to play football collegiately. I quickly found out I wasn’t the hot shot I had been back home. I kept it up for two years or so, but the writing was on the wall from day one: I simply wasn’t cut out to play at that level.

Anyway, one morning I woke up and realized for the first time in my life I wasn’t excited to go to football practice. My passion for the sport had just evaporated. I ended up quiting the team not long after. Although I still enjoy watching NFL games from time to time, I never played football competitively again.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

My hobbies wax and wane. Bicycling, music, woodworking, camping, photography – I go through long stretches without practicing them and then engage for a few weeks or months.

Mimishu1995's avatar

I think I start to lose my passion in gaming too. I like to play good games too, but I don’t actively look for games anymore. Probably because I’m getting busier and games take too much time. My passion for games is being replaced by a passion for movies.

JLeslie's avatar

In a way, I think this is something I am lacking. I never really have hobbies or things I’m very obsessed with. Some activities I really enjoy are Zumba (I do that about 3–4 times a week). I guess I used to swim more, and now that has fallen aside, but I’d like to start again.

For a while I was very into watching political shows and listening to some talk radio, and now I have cut that down severely. My husband yesterday said he thinks he’s going to stop watching so much of it (thank goodness). He never watched that stuff until Trump was running and won. He became obsessed, and now finally he sees how it’s just winding him up unnecessarily.

NomoreY_A's avatar

My passion is horsing around with my grand kids, or sitting on the porch drinking coffee. Literally horsing around with y 3 yr old granddaughter. She thinks it’s hilarious when I pick her up and tell her she can’t get away from me, then pretend like I fell asleep and let her down. Then I’ll make horse noises, and tell her pawpaw horsey is going to get her. She laughs her little ass off.

chyna's avatar

@stanleybmanly My uncle is in his 70’s and still has racing pigeons. He makes a bit of money from them, too!

stanleybmanly's avatar

I envy him. But those birds require commitment like you wouldn’t believe.

Mariah's avatar

I was really bored with my aquarium a bit ago, but that was temporary.

I’m uninterested in most of my creative hobbies right now.

I HOPE I lose interest in video games soon. They’re taking over my life.

stanleybmanly's avatar

I’d forgotten about that addiction in the days of video arcades.

rockfan's avatar

Because of a genetic disease that effects my vision, I have lost my passion for photography, but I’ve now developed a hobby for cooking, and it’s actually more rewarding

stanleybmanly's avatar

I approve. List the menu and your address.

MooCows's avatar

My life on the farm is taking away the passion I have
for my husband. It is not what I wanted to be doing
at 60 and see nothing changing.

chyna's avatar

@MooCows You’ve been missing for a while! Glad you are back.

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