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RedDeerGuy1's avatar

What do you wish was invented?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25196points) June 23rd, 2017

I would like a way to save cut avocados that wasn’t ripe. Also hair colour pills that you eat and colours all of your hair.

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25 Answers

Jeruba's avatar

Instabath. Walk through a portal and you’re all clean and dry.

Zaku's avatar

Clean fusion power generators that make fossil fuel obsolete.

Synthetic wood that makes deforestation obsolete.

A new economic system that makes government corruption, greed-mongering and abandoning “the unsuccessful” and requiring people to suffer in so many ways obsolete.

A meditation technique all women can do to prevent and/or terminate unwanted pregnancies, that no government can interfere with.

gondwanalon's avatar

A toothbrush that was a combination Oral-BĀ®, SonicareĀ® (A high speed rotating brush head that also is a sonicator) and automatic high speed tooth flosser.

cinnamonk's avatar

I wish I could call my car keys whenever I can’t find them.

AshlynM's avatar

A food replicator like on Star Trek.
A nail polish pen where you can just touch your nails and they change color.
A flying hoverboard, a real one, not the fakes ones they have now.

flutherother's avatar

A force field generator that keeps all flying insects beyond a 5 metre barrier. Works with triple A batteries for outdoor use.

PullMyFinger's avatar

A computer-driven, robotic machine which calls your house every day, trying to sell you shit which you have no interest in, and couldn’t possibly need.

(What…??.......they already have that…..?)

I’m sorry….....carry on, everyone…..

gorillapaws's avatar

A safe, effective, reliable, and reversible male birth control pill.

JLeslie's avatar

It already exists as far as I know, just isn’t on the market yet. A car that drives itself.

An economic system that eliminates poverty, encourages innovation, and reduces individual worry.

The cure for cancers, and so many other diseases, and the cure doesn’t ravage or mutilate the body.

A way to slow the aging process.

@flutherother We just live inside a screen in FL. It’s awesome. I just walk right outside without a care. The back patio is like an extension of the house. In and out, no worries.

flutherother's avatar

@JLeslie You mean your entire back patio is enclosed within a screen?

Unofficial_Member's avatar

A machine to converse with ghosts, to prove once and for all that afterlife really exist

JLeslie's avatar

@flutherither Yes. Back when I had a pool at a different house the entire pool and patio were screened in. You can’t screen a pool north of South Carolina, I don’t know where you live. The pools have screen literally over and around the whole thing.

Right now, I just have my covered patio screened. It’s about 25’x14’ I think. Well, one side is only 12’, it’s not perfectly rectangular. The roofline continues right over the patio like it could have been a regular room in the house. Very typical in Florida. 4 panels of screen across the 25’ wall, a screen door on one of the sides, and the rest of that side is a wall with shared with my bedroom. A large single screen on the 12’ side.

Edit: photo of screened pool Not mine, it’s an ad for a company that does it.

janbb's avatar

@cinnamonk There is a device that will find your keys, etc. from your phone. Look at tile. I guess it works like a mini-transponder and sends a signal to an app on your phone.

janbb's avatar

@JLeslie He lives in Scotland. No lanais there.

JLeslie's avatar

@janbb Oh. I think he could screen in a patio? Why not? In TN they would build patios with a roof and screen and everything. Smaller panels for the screen. I guess an all weather room might be more practical, but it still doesn’t feel the same as a screened room to me.

Edit: I found this company as an example, it looks like they match the existing roof. I’m going to see if I can find a company in Scotland.

flutherother's avatar

Sounds great. I’m not sure it would keep out the Scottish midgie however.

JLeslie's avatar

I tried to google and all I could find was a company in the U.K. That sells the screen, mosquito screen, for doors and windows. But, my google search tries it’s best to stay local, so I might not be picking up the full breadth of what’s available in the UK.

This could be a real niche market to be tapped if it doesn’t exist yet. I can sit out on my covered patio during the rain too, I know it rains quite a bit in Scotland. As long as the rain isn’t blowing in, and I don’t in lightening storms.

I’m pretty sure they do have all weather rooms, or 4 season rooms, whatever they are called, in the U.K. Lots of windows with screens, maybe a sliding door out to the garden. Then you can open all the windows if you want to feel more outside. The 4 season room probably needs to be built more soundly regarding building codes.

I don’t know if the midgie is smaller than some of our bugs here. We do have solar screen that has an extremely tight weave, I have it on my screened door that faces south, but it barely lets the wind in, and it’s more difficult to see through.

flutherother's avatar

Thanks @JLeslie there’s many a beautiful summers evening in the Scottish Highlands ruined by midgies. They are very small and can get through some screens.

canidmajor's avatar

@flutherother we ‘ve called those guys “Flying Teeth”. They’re wicked.

DominicY's avatar

A form of air-conditioning that doesn’t require a huge, clunky, noisy, power-guzzling, ozone-depleting device. Air-conditioning has basically been the same since it was invented. We can Snapchat from our refrigerators, but why can’t there be a pocket-sized air-conditioner?

Pachy's avatar

A Democrat who would have whipped Trump’s ass in 2016.

cinnamonk's avatar

Something that makes my anxiety go away that isn’t meth or cutting.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

A quick sober pill. A pill that changes your hair color.

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