Social Question

Do you think it would be nice to have a punctuation mark that's more enthusiastic than a period but indicates less excitement than an exclamation point?
With texts, emails and Facebook posts, I think it would be nice if there were something that indicated more enthusiasm than a period but yet less than an exclamation point.
For example, “We’re ready to attend Sarah’s wedding!”
“We’re excited for the summer to begin!”
“Thank you for having me to your dinner party. I had a great time!”
“I think I found the perfect shirt for my first day at work!”
“See you soon!”
To me, in real life we don’t usually sound jumping with joy when we speak, yet the exclamation point makes it sound that way. To just use a period would be a bit on the glum side, in my opinion. “I’m excited for summer to begin.” “We’re ready to attend Sarah’s wedding.” “I think I found the perfect shirt for my first day at work.”
Discuss! :)