CNN producer calls Russia/Trump investigation "mostly bullshit"; does this change your opinion of the investigation?
Asked by
DominicY (
June 27th, 2017
An “undercover” video by Project Veritas, a known conservative “sting” site that has been criticized for selectively editing its videos to push its agenda, has recently come out in which a CNN producer, John Bonfield, admits that CNN’s investigation into Trump and Russia collusion is “mostly bullshit”, that they “don’t have any big proof”, and that “the president is probably right to say” it’s a witch hunt.
Bonifield also said this of CNN president Jeff Zucker: “Just to give you some context, President Trump pulled out of the climate accords and for a day and a half we covered the climate accords,” recalls Bonifield. “And the CEO of CNN [Zucker] said in our internal meeting, he said good job everybody covering the climate accords, but we’re done with that, let’s get back to Russia.”
Do you think this proves the Russia/Trump collusion story is just a fantasy? Do you think if there had been evidence of it it would’ve leaked by now?
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14 Answers
No. When everyone from everywhere says it’s BS, I’ll consider it.
@josie CNN is certainly digging its own grave right now.
For the record, I am not in any sense a “Trump supporter”, but I always felt like the Trump/Russia story was a huge distraction.
The only thing I have seen on the retraction thus far is from Breitbart News and I would not believe them if you held a gun to my head. Let’s wait and see.
As for whether or not there was any contact or collusion between the Trump Campaign and the Russians my guess would be yes.
Two days after the presidential election, a Russian official speaking to a reporter in Moscow offered a surprising acknowledgment: The Kremlin had been in contact with Donald Trump’s campaign. As I said before, at first the WH story was there was absolutely none, then it was “ok, so maybe Flynn but only him” then it was Flynn and Manafort, then Flynn, Manafort and Sessions, then it was only Flynn, Manafort, Sessions and Page, then Kushner and Gordon. So we have gone from zero involvement to six or seven members of the Trump Regime having contact.
So, while it is obvious they were up to something and while Trump maintains his own personal innocence but he is careful not claim complete innocence of his campaign staff, But, again, let us keep looking and wait and see what the FBI, CIA and all those other secretive initialed groups come up with.
(1) The Russia story was always based on hints, allegations, and things left unsaid. That was why people wanted an investigation: to see if there was anything there. In the absence of transparency, however, we’re left with a slow drizzle of vague suspicions.
(2) Russia hasn’t been the story for weeks. The only real investigation going on right now is into obstruction of justice, which doesn’t require there to be any substance to the original Russia concerns. So the Russia question is potentially irrelevant.
(3) John Bonifeld works for CNN’s medical unit. He has no special insight or expertise when it comes to what the political unit might be doing. It’s like asking an accountant about quantum mechanics. His evaluation of the story is nothing to build a case on.
(4) Jeff Zucker’s job is to get ratings. Talking about Russia drives ratings better than talking about the Paris climate accord. So it’s not surprising which story he wanted to focus on, and no one committed to the lens of capitalism is in a position to criticize him for it.
(5) If you’re making a judgment based on content from Project Veritas, you might as well be getting your news from a cartoon. Nothing it produces counts as information. The Simpsons has “predicted” the future a few times, but that doesn’t make it a credible source.
Why would comments by a ridiculous corporate producer and a ridiculous corporate president “prove” anything to anyone, other than something about the thinking of that company’s leadership?
Also I am suspicious of anyone using the wording “the president is right to say” when the POTUS in question is that buffoon, as it implies they are trying to give some legitimacy to a clown.
At the very least, Rex Tillerson should not be Secretary of State, as there is a massive blatant conflict of interest with billions at stake over the USA’s sanctions of Russia over their involvement with war in Ukraine. That doesn’t need any investigation. It’s just blatantly wrong, as are most of Trump’s appointments. It’s disgustingly blatantly corrupt moronic bullshit.
@Zaku The entire administration could be classified as one big conflict of interest.
@DominicY No it does not. I always thought it was bullshit. And on whose watch was it when this hacking into systems here in the USA began by Russia.
Which investigation? Trump’s larger than life reputation for sharp and shady dealings guarantees him
a plethora of investigations. “Russia/Trump investigation” misses the point that there are several investigations into many aspects of both Trump and his associates regarding their entanglements with Russian individuals whose seedy reputations mirror that of the Donald himself. Our current President has the unique distinction of coming into office glistening with the dew of sharp practices bordering on criminality. His long history of burning any and all within range of his business pursuits had rendered financing of his many schemes through recognized legitimate sources “problematic.” It turns out that above board lending to the Donald is “risky business”. With all of this in mind, I am content to await the outcome of the many peekings under the Orange man’s covers.
They’ve spent thousands of man-hours searching for a crime. Still nothing. That, by definition is a Witch Hunt. Both the liberal press and the Democrats have a vwsted interest in keeping these investigations alive to try and delegitimize the Trump presidency. I don’t expect this to end until Trump’s term is over, whether it is 4 or 8 years.
It is almost funny to hear the liberals, after 9 months of investigation, saying let’s wait and see what they find. I guess they’re still hoping to find an unpaid parking ticket from someone on the Trump campaign.
the investigations are ongoing and there are already eye-popping revelations involving key members of the Trump administration. And for all of the endless investigations of Clinton, it is Trump’s people including the Don himself who have been advised to lawyer up. Can you recall a single incident of Clinton or any other high official in the Obama administration offering to testify for a grant of immunity from prosecution? The fact that no one is apparently willing to take Flynn up on his offer to snitch out his former boss can only mean that the prison bound general’s testimony is unnecessary. Nope. The curtain’s coming down on Trump, and it’s a sad but useful answer to the question Trump will not permit us to ignore—how do we get out of this?
Face it Jaxk. Already FOX is hard at selling the gospel that just as the entire field of (legitimate) journailsm is allied with the liberal cabal, the FBI and the nation’s intelligence networks are also in on the “conspiracy” to nail Trump. But neither the crackpot assertions from Fox nor the delusions permeating Trump’s low wattage base will rescue Trump whose principal achievement prior to his upcoming testimony will certainly be the enormously successful job in destroying his own credibility.
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