General Question

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

What is it like being a cart attendant at a store?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25057points) June 27th, 2017

I used to have fun returning carts in big box grocery stores as a teenager. I am looking for a part time job and was wondering if I would love that position. What was is like for you?

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9 Answers

zenvelo's avatar

It is one of the few jobs at a store where you get outside, so that is a plus. And you get outside everyday, no matter the weather, so that is a minus.

It is repetitive, and you are on your feet all day. But that can be a good thing.

janbb's avatar

Why not try it and see for yourself?

MrGrimm888's avatar

I didn’t care much for it…

I was a “bag boy.” For several months in high school, I would dream about bagging groceries. Nothing interesting either. Just hours of “paper or plastic ma’am?” And then I would bag these dream groceries, and random cans.
Then I’d wake up. And have to go do it for real. Cart runs, cleaning public restrooms, and basically janitorial work were the norm…

I guess it was easy work. Little thought required. But I did a great job, so I could get promoted, and was soon. Unfortunately, the manager would still make me clean the restrooms, on top of whatever my other responsibilities were. Because the other, new bag boys didn’t clean them well…

Of you’re going to look at workingat a grocery store, I would recommend trying to train into being a frozen food/dairy guy, or a butcher. The meat dept paid the best, for whatever reason….

Anyway. Best of luck bro.

Peace n love…

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Lot’s of exercise that you get paid for, probably doesn’t pay all that great but what the heck it’s a start.

PullMyFinger's avatar

Are the wheels all good on these carts ?

I mean…..I’m just sayin’......

JLeslie's avatar

I think go for it. You can say hi to customers if you want, but no pressure. You get to go outside. Sounds good.

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

You get to work outside for at least part of the day. Perhaps not a plus in winter in Canada.
You can say g’day to people who are shopping and help elderly people return their trolleys perhaps.
You get paid.
You don’t have to take work home.
The work isn’t mentally taxing.
You are getting exercise every day.

As others have said, give it a go. You might find that you enjoy it now, even if you didn’t in your youth.

LostInParadise's avatar

Let’s try a little honesty. This is not a position that you might apply for because it is fun, but because you could use the extra money. Try to make the best of any job. It would get you out of your apartment and allow you to interact with others. Being part time, it provides a break in your day. It is also something that you could add to your resume, which is important in your case since you have not worked for several years. For an entry level job, you may not need to show a resume. For any job requiring a resume, a potential employer may ask why you have not been working recently. What would you tell them?

Yellowdog's avatar

Not much I can add to the discussion—but one store where I worked, we were expected to bring back an inordinate amount of carts at once. Like, 20. I think if you only brought back two to four at a time you’d actually be just as efficient—instead of meandering around the parking lot gathering your stack of 20, you’d be meandering around and hauling them in smaller numbers at a time to their actual destination. But middle management really doesn’t care about efficiency as long as they can work you to the brink doing things the hardest way possible.

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