Social Question

Why does the government typically make such utterly stupid decisions?
This is not a question about politicians. Its about the stupidity and lack of critical thinking skills we often encounter when dealing with people who have government-appointed jobs that really affect us. Here’s just a couple of TYPICAL examples. Feel free to add your own, even if you don’t answer the question as stated.
—I am dealing with a code-enforcement official regarding trees and growth on my parents’ property. When I finally got to the person in charge, I feel like he’s borderline mentally retarded and cannot even follow what’s going on or who I am. I spell my name. I give information. I get almost a canned response.
—People on Food Stamps / SNAP— my local supermarket has to throw away rotissierie chickens at the end of the day or past a certain date. It marks them down to $2 and they are barely edible at this point. But you can’t buy them on food stamps because they are considered “a hot and prepared meal” such as food ordered at IHOP. Regulations stipulate that the food cannot be given away, either—or it falls into a whole new category.
—Herbal teas and some juices are classified as drugs, drugs vitamins and toothpaste are not allowed on EBT/SNAP but twizzlers and twinkies are.
—convertly, others are lobbying that food stamps can only be used to buy extremely healthy foods—organic, etc. stuff that most of us consider luxuries and would expend the allotted money on the card four times as fast
—There is a public transportation system devised for the disabled in my city. They run 40 – and 20 passenger vehicles. Someone who lives in the building with you is going to the same exact place and time but the company requires that a whole separate bus be provided for them. 37 empty seats per ride. Your tax dollars at work.
A 10-year-old is suspended for bringing a “toy gun” to school. It was a deer rifle for a G.I. Joe figure used in a diorama for some history project or something similar.
Two schools or systems are “merged”—one is far superior to the other, but the failing school gets to keep their jobs and supercede the other—whose faculty and administration are demoted or lose their jobs. Sixteen months later, the merged school is on the failing list and loses its charter.
I’m sure you can think of better ones. There is no way a private business would stay afloat amid this. It seems to come from people appointed or committees formed by people who were just stuck in a job somewhere by some agency who have little or no experience or critical thinking skills.
I know there are a lot of GOOD things our government does for people. But there are so many stop-gaps of stupidity or misapplied rules.