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gondwanalon's avatar

What's the Best Computer Router for a Dummy?

Asked by gondwanalon (23340points) June 28th, 2017

Yesterday I bought a ‘brother” printer/scanner/fax (Model: MFC-J680DW). I bought it to work with my iMAC OS X El Capitan Version 10.11.6.

The brother printer requires wifi which I don’t have.

Can you suggest an easy to install router?

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5 Answers

zenvelo's avatar

An Apple airport.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

Any modern linksys dual band router is pretty much idiot proof.

johnpowell's avatar

I’m not 100% sure if this will work for your printer but it is free so I would give it a go.

I’m assuming the iMac is wired with ethernet into your modem.

There is a option built into OS X for your iMac to appear as a Wifi router. Note that the wifi can can only do one thing on the iMac. Act as a router or act as a client.

So basically. Try this. Apple Menu—> System Preferences—> Sharing

Make it look like that.. Then hit Wi-fi options in the lower right.

Network name is the SSID. It can be anything. But I would avoid using spaces or special characters to be safe. Leave the channel alone and leave security off for the moment.

Then click the checkbox to the left of the internet sharing box and you should get this.

Hit start and hope it works.

I would note that the range when you do this isn’t nearly as good as a normal router with external antennas. But if the printer is close it should be fine.

If it works then I would go back and modify the security settings and set a password.

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gondwanalon's avatar

Thanks you all for your input. You helped to give me the courage to buy a “LYNKSIS” model EA8500. It only took me 3 hours to get operational with the printer, cell phone and iPad. Oh and another half hour to get the scanner part of the printer to be functional.

I was just thinking about how the computers in cars are now powerful enough to take over the controls and drive the car. Why can’t the computer be programed to hook up the wifi by itself? Computers are supposed to work for me not vis versa.

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