Social Question

elbanditoroso's avatar

What if this weren't satire? (Borowitz's column)

Asked by elbanditoroso (33717points) June 29th, 2017

link from the New Yorker

Andy Borowitz is hilarious. This is almost believable.

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4 Answers

Dutchess_III's avatar

I wish!!!

“For starters, I know how the light switches work,” he said.” Lol! I love Borowitz and The Onion too.

johnpowell's avatar

During the Clinton years I was going to tons of parties and trying to touch as many boobs as possible. Got my cock between enough of those tits to call it a success.

Then 911. I was starting college. I was a Republican at the time. Then I actually learned what a Republican was and became a Socialist.

So 9/11, Iraq and Bush. I thought that was fucking horrible and organized protests.

Then Obama and I felt a wave of “grown-up is covering this shit swoosh through me”

Now I just wake up wishing I had a colostomy bag.

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