I don’t worry about getting dirty (mud) I do have some concern about germs though. Germs that can make me sick. If you are playing in the mud and get a puncture wound I do recommend you worry about tetanus if you haven’t been properly vaccinated. Tetanus cases still happen and it awful.
I don’t use antibacterial soap, washing your hands with regular soap is just as good. If someone is obviously sick, I don’t want to catch it. That’s something I avoid if I can. I either steer clear of them, or, if I must be around them I’m more careful to wash my hands if I touched them, or touched something they touched, or I avoid touching my face if I don’t have a sink around.
I don’t share drinks, because people really do catch illness and herpes from glasses and mugs. No thank you.
When polio used to circle through communities sometimes children were kept at home, not playing with other children. Not a bad idea. There is no benefit I can see from having polio.
The health organizations use quarantine for a reason. Some illness are contagious, and not good to contract, because they are so dangerous. TB, smallpox (eliminated from the earth by vaccine) polio, hep c, to bane a few, and then there are others we like to avoid, but most people come through ok.
Using good rules about cross contamination in the kitchen isn’t ridiculous either. People really do get food poisoning because they are clueless about the dangers of bacterias in raw meats.
In every day situations I’m not germaphobic. If I had kids I wouldn’t be too obsessed about it, because I know kids are knocking into each other all the time, there’s not much you can do. I would tell my kids not to share food, drink, hairbrush, and make-up.