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RedDeerGuy1's avatar

In your life, have you ever called b.s. on something?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25143points) June 30th, 2017

How did It work out? Share your story?

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23 Answers

rockfan's avatar

My science teacher in 9th grade once told us that humans causing climate change was not settled among scientists. I said he was full of shit and I got detention

My science teacher would regularly put on Fox News when we were doing our lab projects.

PullMyFinger's avatar

Almost every day, during my working life.

I refused to tolerate political nonsense, and knew that this would restrict me regarding promotions and better salaries, but also knew that someday (that being today) I would have to look back at my younger self, and didn’t want to see some inauthentic jerk-off who was always playing the angles, just to afford a bigger house.

Later in life, I apologized to my wife for not “playing the game”, which would’ve been pretty easy to do, and would have resulted in bringing home a lot more money.

She said she wouldn’t have wanted me to behave in any other way….

Coloma's avatar

Yes, plenty, I’ve never “played the game” either.
I have quit jobs without so much as a backwards glance, given the axe to more than a few, and always speak my mind. Of course, now that I have just returned from a 17 day suspension here I must be more discerning and discreet, I can do it! Well, time will tell, haha

Zaku's avatar

Ever? What do you mean, ever? Are there people who never call BS?

For me, it’s more like all the time, except when I’ve determined it’s almost certainly going to lead to pointless hostility or other predictable bad results. My dad remembers one of my favorite phrases as a little kid was “wrong again, Dad!” Mixed responses, of course, but I hate to know something is BS and not call it out.

Darth_Algar's avatar

I’m not sure there’s been a day in my life where I haven’t.

stanleybmanly's avatar

You’re forced into it all the time. But I suppose the big one was the business with the Catholic faith.

LuckyGuy's avatar

I did it when i was 12. I called b.s. on religion. I didn’t discuss it with anyone but I had been mulling it around in my head for a while. It all clicked into place and offered clarity.
The laws of physics, chemistry, biology, statistics, etc. became my guiding light.

cookieman's avatar

Absolutely. I was camping once with some guys in Mexico. They were real outdoorsy types, unlike me. There taste in camping food was adventurous.

One night, I came out for dinner and Carlos lifted the pot lid to to show me what he made. I looked in and yelled, “Boiled Snake!!” – and ran away.

janbb's avatar

I do it on here all the time – in my subtle avian way.

Coloma's avatar

^ Well clearly my avain way is not so subtle at times. LOL

Dutchess_III's avatar

My 8 year old granddaughter called BS on my son and me once. I was so proud of her! She was unlucky enough to find herself on our back deck with the two of us.
My son said, “Boo, you know where they get olive oil from? They get it from squishing olives.”
She looked at him suspiciously then gave a small nod of acceptance.
I said, “Yep. And they get peanut oil from squishing peanuts.”
She looked at me suspiciously too, and gave another small nod. (She knows us too well.)
Then my son said, “So, where do you think they get baby oil from?”
There was a pause and she yelled, “WELL THEY DON’T GET IT FROM SQUISHING BABIES!!!”

Coloma's avatar

@Dutchess_III Hahaha, that’s hilarious!

Dutchess_III's avatar

:D Well, my grandson, Jayden, and I had planted some bird seed a couple of weeks before Just To See. When Boo was there she asked what was growing in the pot and without hesitation Uncle Chris said, “Birds.”
I just looked at Chris, shaking my head.
Boo said, “Birds don’t grow from plants!”
“Well,” Chris said, “think about it. You plant flower seeds you get….flowers.”
I said, “Yeah, and when you plant corn seeds you get….corn.”
Chris said, “So if you plant bird seed you get…..”
“WELL YA DON’T GET BIRDS!!!” She yelled!
That poor child getting double whacked by two people who are supposed to LOVE her!

kritiper's avatar

Yes, on theism, and religion.

PullMyFinger's avatar

As a boy of about 10 years old, I one day asked our devoutly Catholic (and mother of seven children) next-door neighbor where exactly did God himself / herself originate.

She responded, “He just always was”.

I was skeptical…..“Huh ??......

She said…..“Sometimes, you just have to have faith…..”

No, ma’am, no…...sometimes you just have to use common sense….

janbb's avatar

I told my Catholic best friend in second grade how babies were made and her Mom wouldn’t let her play with me any more. We are now FB friends and I wonder if she remembers.

PullMyFinger's avatar

She remembers, I’m sure.

And I’m fairly certain that she still loves her mom as much as ever. But her respect for the facts as they are certainly has to make her remember your educational assistance with a smile….

imrainmaker's avatar

I would let them enjoy thinking they are too smart..)

Dutchess_III's avatar

When I was 5 or so some neighbor girls who lived across the cul de sac invited me in. They had a naked Barbie and Ken behind the living room curtains. Ken was on top of Barbie and they said, “This is how babies are made.”
I was like, “Whaaaa?”
“Don’t tell your Mom!” they said.
So I went home and told Mom and she matter of factly explained it to me. I called BS at the time. It wasn’t until many years later when I saw a stallion mount a mare that I understood how it worked.
And looking back, I am very surprised about how frank she was with me. But…she also grew up on a farm.

YARNLADY's avatar

@Dutchess_III My mom always tried to tell me that dogs in the yard mounting were just playing, but I knew that wasn’t true.

I often read stories in the paper which I declare are FAKE, and it usually turns out I was right.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well, they aren’t hard to spot.

Are these stories in your physical newspaper? Or online?

YARNLADY's avatar

@Dutchess_III I get my physical newspaper online. I hated dealing with the huge pieces of ink impregnated paper, and the Sacramento Bee is available online.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I think online print has a greater chance of being fake news. You can get rags IRL, like the National Enquirer which are always fake news, but everyone knows it. I think CNN and NBC, ABC are reputable. Anyone else can be questionable, especially if they obviously align themselves with a particular political faction.
And there is always Snopes.

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