Do you think this woman over reacted, or do you think the guy had it coming?
A guy grabbed a woman on the butt in a bar. She dragged him out of the bar in a choke hold. He slammed her against a wall, then he got arrested. Here is the story.
I love one of the comments made below the story. Guy said, “She could have just slapped him. She didn’t have to do all that.” Floors me how clueless some people can be. If she’d simply slapped him he’d have just beat the shit out of her. How does he not understand that?
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32 Answers
Get real, the asshole had it coming. She should have cut his nuts off. Maybe in the future, he’ll keep his creepy hands to himself. I think it’s hilarious. Would have been better if she were adept at martial arts, and opened a can of whup ass on him.
I agree. But I would not have used that kind of aggressive action on him. I just twisted fingers.
LOL – well I reckon that would work too. You ladies have every right in the world to defend yourselves from cretins like that. I always advocate pepper spray, right in the eyes. I guaran double tee that will fuck them up.
I’ve been waiting for someone to ask this, here. I don’t think she overreacted, I’ve seen things like grab-assing accelerate into harassment, and sometimes aggression, in the face of repeated protests. In the years I bartended, grab-ass and groping were the most prevalent reasons for the bouncers to intervene.
Good for her. We don’t know that that jerk wouldn’t have stalked her out to her car later if she had simply rebuffed him.
@canidmajor True that, and possibly abducted her and raped her, maybe worse. An ounce of precaution is worth a pound of cure.
I’m glad that things have worked out for her – at least so far; these things seldom settle out easily once the law and courts get involved. Let’s hope that it’s “over over” and that it doesn’t escalate further from here.
But … I’m not really a fan of the actions that she took. She took a real risk in putting him in a chokehold and then taking him outside the establishment, where he again got the upper hand by pushing her into a wall. By pulling him into her space and then taking him outside she faced two big risks – especially if she wasn’t already bigger, stronger and a better, faster fighter than he was. (Or worse, if he had friends who aren’t mentioned in the story.)
So for those reasons I would have counseled against what she did.
She should have turned around to identify who he was, that is, that he wasn’t a friend playing a joke on her, or someone who mistook her for a friend of his, etc. … and then throat-punched him to the ground, in front of witnesses, and while still standing at the bar.
I’m a big fan of disproportionate response when the physical attack is identified, the attacker has pulled a sneak attack to start the affair, and the initial victim is smaller, unprepared, outnumbered, etc. Plus, it’s hard to get back to the bar sometimes if you’re in a popular, crowded place, and she shouldn’t have to give up her location.
^^^ Agreed @CWOTUS. Except I’d leave the pass for a “friend” out of it. One time (out of countless times) someone grab my butt in a bar. I turned and it was a “friend” of my boyfriends. We had hung out countless times. Some friend. He got his finger twisted too.
When I was 18 or so my sister brought a real loser home. Folks were gone. She introduced him to me. He made some sort of inappropriate comment, probably having to do with sex, and I slapped him across the face, just like you see on TV. He back fisted me across the room. Never did that again.
That’s when you get a gun and blow his freakin’ head off. Why do women put up with that crap?
Learn martial arts or buy PEPPER SPRAY!!!
@NomoreY_A Sometimes we don’t have a choice.
I wouldn’t kill a man over that. Do you carry pepper spray with you every where you go? Even when you’re at home?
No, I don’t need it. I do advise it for women though. I got sprayed with it once in training for a security job, we had to be on the receiving end before we could carry the stuff. Thought I was gonna die. My eyes were still watering the next day. Bad stuff. Worse than getting tasered, in my opinion.
@NomoreY_A Women don’t “put up with that crap” you idiot. Women gauge (sometimes not accurately) what the reaction will be, then choose their battles.
Are you in the camp that thinks that women should all have self-defense training because “boys will be boys”. You have no idea what a fucking backlash we put up with when we protest. Learn a thing. Women get accused of assault when they se mace or pepper spray. We have it sometimes anyway, because the alternative is worse. Not in our homes, not with people we think we know (and still get attacked by), and not that often in clubs and businesses where we have a right to expect to be safe.
Good for her! The mere fact the creep turned around and started beating her up shows his mentality. The guy ought to hand fed to Alligators one sorry inch at a time.
I like the pregnant woman that ran down her purse snatching attacker with her SUV the other day. He was not badly hurt but yep, people should be able to defend themselves without fear of prosecution.
Never said women all need self defense training. I suggested pepper spray, take it or leave it. Also suggested martial arts training, again, take it or leave it. I’m of a camp that doesn’t like to hear about women being abused. That makes me an idiot?
I second @canidmajor. We don’t “put up with that crap.” We don’t condone it I don’t excuse it under any circumstances, I never asked for it, but it happens whether we like it or not.
That’s not the same as “putting up with it.”
I don’t think you’re an idiot @NomoreY_A. You simply have no idea what it’s like to be a smaller, weaker woman surrounded by larger, stronger men, a small proportion of whom will abuse that. Again, that’s not putting up with it.
I don’t think @NomoreY_A meant “put up with that crap” in a demeaning way. As in women just throw up their hands in helplessness when accosted. I think he meant that it is too bad women are subjected to such treatment and that we should always take a self defensive stand.
Point taken @Dutchess_III Poor choice of words. No biggy on the idiot comment lol – got called much worse at Y!A including a lot of hate mail. Some religionists and right wingers cant handle dissent. This place is pretty mild compared to all of that.
@Coloma Thank you, that is how I meant it. But for now, I must slink away, to lick my hurt feelings. ; )
That’s good to hear @NomoreY_A!
We are kind of helpless @Coloma. The aggressor can beat the shit out of us. We have to choose our fights carefully.
@Dutchess_III True, but we should always fight back with everything we’ve got when under attack, even if we end up getting the crap knocked out of us, but yes, avoiding or defusing the circumstances to begin with is always best. If unavoidable hit ‘em with your best shot. Preferably with something, like a giant rock. haha
@Dutchess_III Say what? To diffuse the situation if at all possible first, then fight with all you’ve got if unavoidable. Seems like a sound strategy to me.
If you are forced to fight, then of course. You have no other choice. You probably won’t win.
@Dutchess_III You never know, like the old saying ” a fighting chance.” The way I see it, even if I am killed there will be wounds left on my attacker and plenty of their DNA under my fingernails. lol
Better to fight than just lie down and die.
I agree. But I wouldn’t swing on a guy who pinched me on the butt.
@Coloma people should be able to defend themselves without fear of prosecution
@chyna That’s essentially what I was driving at when I made the remark about women not putting up with that crap. As my old pappy used to say, better judged by 12, than carried by six.
It isn’t prosecution that would worry me.
Was the guy in question Trump by any chance? I would love to see a woman put him in a choke hold and drag him from a bar.
@NomoreY_A to put your question in a different light: You been affected many times by other people driving stupid, right? Why do you put up with it?
I think she overreacted. That’s the correct answer, right?
There is no right or wrong answer. I wouldn’t have handled it that way but I’m glad she did and lived to tell about it. Since it’s gone viral maybe it will cause some thick headed men to stop and think about it the next time.
If it’s true.
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