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flutherother's avatar

Can you think of any similarities between Trump and Kim Jong-Un?

Asked by flutherother (35015points) July 4th, 2017

Apart from the weird hairstyles that is.

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18 Answers

AloraCrimson's avatar

I was just going to say the weird hairstyles right now :(

Sneki2's avatar

Fat, annoying, acceptable targets.

Coloma's avatar

Bloated bodies and egos.

Pachy's avatar

Tiny weenies?

Coloma's avatar

@Pachy haha…probably that too.

rockfan's avatar

They both lack self-reflection

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

They both appear to have mental health issues.

Strauss's avatar

Tiny hands?

Zaku's avatar

There are many, but it’s a bit exhausting and depressing to think about. Extreme selfishness and egomania at the expense of the people? Unfit rulers of nations? Hostility towards critics? Control freak powermongers? Warpers of media? Delusional liars? Bullies?

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Neither listen to their seasoned advisors and demand blind loyalty from the people around them. They have arranged it so they are surrounded only by yes-men, sycophants—or in Trump’s case psychophants. (LOL) This is symptomatic of megalomania. And with megalomania comes paranoia, which is never a desirable characteristic in a leader in the nuclear age.

LostInParadise's avatar

But what if they both had the same hairstyle?

I think that Kim Jong-un is crazy like a fox. He can justify his actions and maintain power by showing how the U.S. is employing sanctions against him and saying nasty things. Trump is a natural buffoon. At some point his power base is going to fall apart due to his inability to make good on his promises.

ucme's avatar

Both leaders of their respective countries & both rather seem to upset people a little.

stanleybmanly's avatar

With both there is no “take em or leave em” attitude on the part of their subjects/victims. They’re either worshiped or despised.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Both pathetic losers…

flutherother's avatar

They both find a free press intolerable.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Power & money grabbers, greedy and a total lack of concern for their citizens.

flutherother's avatar

Trump and Kim Jong-un are against immigration and discourage it.

LuckyGuy's avatar

They both can be goaded into doing anything.
Tell KJU He can’t make a missile reach the US
Tell DT he can’t come up with a system that will stop a missle.

Sit back and watch fireworks.

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