Meta Question

Strauss's avatar

Is this just my system?

Asked by Strauss (23886points) July 6th, 2017

On my Android phone I can login to Fluther and make full use of the site. On my desktop I can’t see the Login link. Just wondering if it’s Fluther or my system. Anyone else have a similar issue?

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4 Answers

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

I’m on a PC right now. I’ve logged out to see if I could get it to do what you’re describing, and I can’t. It gives me a log-in thingy.

There have been times in the past when the system has logged me out. I’ve had the experience of having to hunt for the log-in link. I remember it being very small and not highly visible.

Strauss's avatar

I’m on my phone now. We’ve been having some Wi-Fi issues, but it does the same with a WiFi or Ethernet connection. I can see all the “new member signup” info, but it looks like one of the windows on the page is hiding the member login link.

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

I think on occasions I’ve tried to answer a question so that it will bring up the log-in link. I know I’ve had difficulty logging in in the past.

Strauss's avatar

Might have been just that one computer or WiFi setup. All’s good now. Thanks.

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