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Jeruba's avatar

What is going on in this photo of Trump & Merkel?

Asked by Jeruba (56211points) July 7th, 2017

This disturbing photo in the English edition of Der Spiegel appears to show Angela Merkel covering her face while Trump delivers some sort of pronouncement to her. What is actually going on? Is he berating her? What happened right before and right after this photo?

To see any two world leaders in a pose like this would be upsetting. With these two in particular, it chills my nerves.

Tags as I wrote them: Angela Merkel, Donald Trump, Germany, U.S.A., G-20, international relations, looming catastrophe, not knowing who your friends are.

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32 Answers

ragingloli's avatar

She is clearly double face palming over something incredibly retarded that the Orangutan said.

Jeruba's avatar

But what? WTF did he say that so overwhelmed her that she had this reaction in a public and highly publicized setting? I’m horrified that this could even happen.

Patty_Melt's avatar

She was laughing.

chyna's avatar

The look on Trump’s face doesn’t appear that he said something funny to make her laugh. He actually looks pissed.

Sneki2's avatar

It’s taken out of context just so people would see it and think something big is going on. In reality, she may as well just be tired or wiping sweat of her face or something like that and he happened to be there.

It’s like that one photo circling the internet, when a girl reporter seemingly ogled some sportsman. In reality, she was listening to his upsetting story and made a sad face that was misunderstood.

janbb's avatar

It’s really impossible to know.

Jeruba's avatar

Maybe not impossible. I thought somebody within earshot might have reported on it (maybe in a non-English-language news story) or somebody might have posted a video that includes this moment. I imagine that anybody who reads lips might have a pretty good idea of what was being said. Trump is obviously speaking.

flutherother's avatar

It may not be anything specific that has given rise to this odd body language. Angela Merkel is a politician, maybe even a stateswoman whose life is devoted to resolving difficulties through discussions and finding solutions that benefit everyone. Trump is a bone head without the intellect or the will to discuss anything and I suspect his very presence fills Ms Merkel with despair.

Yellowdog's avatar

With all due respect, I find it very odd and even sinister that people in America do not even know what was going on in this photo. Your media does not want you to know.

You would not trust my media sources even though they show activity in full and report.

Essentially, this meeting was Europe and America uniting with Russia against terrorism. It had nothing to do with climate change, or the previous summit, and Trump’s relations with the European leaders were cordial and very productive. Like in the U.S. there was out-of-control buffoons from the left wrecking havoc and the police were barely able to control them. Over 200 police officers were injured, and arson and firebombing were rampart. The Left has waged war on these world leaders,

Sneki2's avatar

^ Why would they do that and where are your sources?

Yellowdog's avatar

Live right now on Carson Tucker on Fox News

Dutchess_III's avatar

I’m with Loli.

Patty_Melt's avatar

He told her she had tp on her shoe earlier, but its gone now.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Thirteen year old humor is SO TRUMP !
Oh maybe 8 year old humor.

rojo's avatar

“Live right now on Carson Tucker on Fox News” BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!

Seriously? Try listening to the real news channels.

rojo's avatar

“Sinister” and “odd” that people don’t know what the pic is showing? And then blaming that on our media. Well, why not. Someone has to be responsible for a picture that shows a pissed off Trump and a totally embarrassed Leader of the Free World, Angela Merkel.

But you know what? I read the article and I read the heading with the photo and I still do not know what the picture actually shows but I am not blaming CNN or NBC. All I know is that the pic was taken during the opening of the G-20 meeting. If you got more, please share.

rojo's avatar

And, just as an aside, I have seen the same action with the hands covering the eyes and rubbing the forehead from my daughter at the onset of a migraine.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

Essentially, this meeting was Europe and America uniting with Russia against terrorism. It had nothing to do with climate change

Live right now on Carson Tucker on Fox News

G20 meetings are explicitly held to discuss economic policy and cooperation. Terrorism is a minor subject.

FOX is not an honest source and trusting what they tell you is foolish.

BBC – July 8, 2017 – G20 summit: Leaders seek to bridge climate gap in Hamburg

Reuters – July 8, 2017 – German Chancellor Angela Merkel pressed fellow Group of 20 leaders to compromise at the start of talks on climate and trade

AFP – July 7, 2017 – G20 draft statement shows 19-against-US split on climate

Here is the official 13-page PDF of the G20 agenda and the entire plan regarding terrorism is:
“In order to enhance the fight against terrorist financing, we aim to ensure global and comprehensive implementation of the recommendations of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF).”

ucme's avatar

This is so typical of an hysterical, anti Trump narrative running throughout America & large swathes of Europe.
Why anyone of sound mind who would in any way want to be taken seriously feel worried by a photo is beyond me.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

Who is worried?

Dutchess_III's avatar

I’m not worried. There is a good chance that if we knew what the picture meant I’d probably embarrassed by him again, but not worried.

Patty_Melt's avatar

@ucme, spot on. There are so many innocent possibilities.
Maybe Merkel sneezed, and Trump is saying (help me, loli)
Maybe the man right behind her had some disagreeable brat.
Maybe a bee was buzzing around near her face, and Trump is urging her to stay still.
Maybe Trump is talking weather, and suddenly Merkel realizes she might have left her oven on.
People are socially mingling in the photo. People are laughing, telling jokes. It is doubtful there is any sort of tense moment.
Trump is not embarrassing my country. He is facing the world just fine, and being accepted. The Americans quivering and moaning about armeggedon are being an embarrassment to my country.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Your country is nuts, then @Patty_Melt, to deny what is there.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

Trump is not embarrassing my country. He is facing the world just fine, and being accepted.

LOL funny.

According to a new Pew Research Center survey spanning 37 nations, a median of just 22% has confidence in Trump to do the right thing when it comes to international affairs. This stands in contrast to the final years of Barack Obama’s presidency, when a median of 64% expressed confidence in Trump’s predecessor to direct America’s role in the world.

ragingloli's avatar

Like the Emperor’s new Clothes.

Soubresaut's avatar

This was as good as I could find:

Another framing of the same photo from Reuters (or at least the same moment—if you look closely, you’ll notice that Donald Trump’s tongue appears in the Reuter’s photo, and doesn’t appear in the Spiegel photo). It’s captioned ”German Chancellor Angela Merkel reacts next to U.S. President Donald Trump during the G20 leaders summit in Hamburg, Germany July 7, 2017.” Go to the picture slide show right before the section break (right above the second section, titled “Frightening,”) and click to photo 4 of 23. The caption suggests her face in her hands is a reaction to something, but it doesn’t specify what—not even to indicate whether the reaction is related to something Trump said or not. She just “reacts next to” him… but I guess her pose is a deliberate reaction to some unknown-to-observers thing.

I also found another website which cites the photo to the… EPA? Or at least “EPA – Reuters,” if it’s a shortening of an above citation? Not sure. I’m honestly a little confused by their citing. I couldn’t find anything on the only EPA I am aware of (US Environmental Protection Agency), and I couldn’t find anything that would suggest “EPA” is also an acronym related to Reuters… but I thought I’d mention it in case someone else could find or do more with the “EPA” citation. The beginning few paragraphs of this article suggests, at least to me, that the author is trying to piece a narrative together based on the photos, rather than recounting known context for them. See photo here. Scroll to the third photo of Trump and Merkel.

It appears that this is merely a wider framing (and brightening adjustment?) on the same photo from the Reuters article. I used a painting program to overlay the Reuters photo and the Express photo (just because it was easy and I felt like it). They’re a match when I size them and rotate one. If you’re curious, here’s my match-up via Imgur. The top photo (directly from Reuters) is at 65% opacity. I somewhat tinted the Reuters photo with a “gel” option, so it appears darker over the photo beneath.

[Edit, and probably overkill: looking at it again, I see some of the pixels aren’t actually lined up; I blame that on my lack of line-up skill, but idk. I think it’s the same photo.]

I’m not sure we’ll be able to know the exact context, but I’m not sure there’s anything necessarily sinister about that lack of knowledge. Based on the crowd, I’m guessing these photos were taken from some distance, plus Merkel and Trump are in a sea of conversation. I imagine it would be hard for even the best eavesdropper to hear everything that was said between them without being closer. I also imagine, given the optics of the photo, some people will want to read in more than can be known.

MollyMcGuire's avatar

No idea. Perhaps he called her an idiot or something equally negative.

ucme's avatar

@Call_Me_Jay & anyone else who assumed I meant them, a quick read through the questions details will tell you who is worried…“upsetting…chills my nerves”
Read them & remember them, avoids any unnecessary confusion see.

rojo's avatar

“No, no, Angela, seriously, I can touch the tip of my nose with my tongue; watch.” – D. Trump

rojo's avatar

“And, if you hold your tongue just right you can make little farty sounds” – D. Trump

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