General Question

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

US Jellies, have you seen this analysis of Donald Trump?

Asked by Earthbound_Misfit (13177points) July 9th, 2017

I’m not asking whether or not you agree with the evaluation, but whether you had seen this journalist’s piece to camera before I posted it here.

I ask this because a US analyst who works for Australia’s public broadcaster, the ABC, discussed that while this piece has gone viral, whether people in the US have seen it depends on the news channels they choose to engage with.

Given this is a perception of Donald Trump and the changing place of the US on the global stage, and that this video has gone viral, it also offers an interesting experiment in evaluating how news content is (or is not) disseminated in the US.

So, have you seen this and what news channels do you normally engage with? Where did you first see the video?

If you’re not in the US, it would be interesting to note if you have seen it and where you saw this video?

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28 Answers

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

Thank you, Jan. I realised I’d forgotten the link and have posted it now.

janbb's avatar

This was posted on FB today or yesterday. I’m not sure by whom. I imagine it will make the rounds of the Resistance and not be seen at all by the Trumpists. Many of us would agree with this assessment.

Jeruba's avatar

I hadn’t seen this report. I normally get my news from print (including online newspapers that publish written stories) rather than video or TV. This is consistent with many of the opinion and analysis pieces I’ve read over recent months, both in American media and in the world press, but few have made these points with greater clarity or directness.

It’s hard to say any more what’s “disseminated” in the U.S. If I go online and look up news stories and commentary in outlets ranging from CBC and BBC to Der Spiegel, the Straits Times of Singapore, IceNews from Iceland, and Al Jazeera, is that “disseminated”? It’s pretty hard to withhold a variety of coverage from people who want to go looking for it.

At the same time, I can’t speak to what’s shown on American television because I don’t watch it.

Zissou's avatar

I had not seen it. I rarely watch TV news.
I get most of my news from NPR.
I skim the headlines that turn up on my Yahoo homepage when I check my email. I tend to favor old-school press agencies like AP and Reuters and avoid more obviously slanted sources.
I sometimes read items from AFP and CBC for a non-US perspective.
Sometimes I read magazines in the library, usually middle-of-the-road ones like The Economist or Atlantic, but sometimes ones from further left or right.

janbb's avatar

Yes, I meant to add that I don’t watch any television news either – just get news from The New York Times, NPR or reposts on FB.

rojo's avatar

Saw it and reposted it on FB. Have not seen/heard anything anywhere else but I have not seen any news channels since yesterday evening. Watch BBC, Reuters, NPR mainly. Used to watch Al Jazeera America when it was around. Will be looking into Ice News

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

I am aware of it. I will not watch it, because I know it will not surprise me. I will agree with it. I’m limiting my news intake to remain sane.

I remain engaged and make regular phone calls to the local offices of my 2 US senators.

I get the vast majority of my news from the Guardian.

MrGrimm888's avatar

First for me. I usually get my news from a variety of sources. NPR, google, yahoo news put articles out from almost all news agencies. I would wager it wouldn’t get much play on major TV networks. They spend a lot of time already, constantly bashing Trump….

janbb's avatar

A FB friend in the US just posted it from The Guardian.

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

Thank you everyone so far.

stanleybmanly's avatar

poignant, sober and beautifully stated. Everyone should hear it.

jca's avatar

I just saw the video and I thought it was accurate.

I get most of my news from the New York Times. I also read (online) the local paper and papers from New York City. I subscribe to The New Yorker magazine because I like the varied topics it discusses (culture, crime, politics, etc.). I’ll often click on news stories from around the country and world on Facebook. When friends post links to articles that seem outrageous, I’ll google and see what legitimate sources say. If I see that what they post is untrue, I’ll post the link to show them it’s untrue.

janbb's avatar

Just saw it online on Apple news from an article about it in The New York Times. And another person’s posting on FB.

johnpowell's avatar

This is the first I have seen it. And thanks for it. It is a reasonable conclusion. I’m fairly news savvy and I try to keep up with this Nightmare but I don’t think it has been posted there yet. .

Zissou's avatar

It appeared in my Yahoo newsfeed shortly after I posted the response above, sourced from HuffPost (which I usually ignore) and others.

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Zaku's avatar

I had not seen the video. I watch almost no televised news. Nice video – thanks for sharing. I’ve shared it to Facebook.

I had however seen him sitting alone at the G20 meeting while others talked to each other, in a written article pointing out that foreign leaders rightfully have little interest in talking to the idiot.

Pandora's avatar

I saw it on facebook on the news feed. I watch MSNBC or Cnn or just read the paper or read the headlines on MSN. But MSN has gotten silly. When things are slow they bring up some stupid crap. But I do agree with this Australian anchor.

flutherother's avatar

I had already seen this clip as it was posted on the pages of a Facebook friend in the United States. This friend is very anti-Trump and posts a lot of similar material. A clip like this is less likely to appear on the pages of an avid Trump supporter which is maybe the trouble with politics today. We are more likely than ever before to get ‘news’ that reinforces our existing beliefs and we are less likely than ever before to change our opinions. Despite, or because of, the Internet the public is less well informed than at any time since the invention of the printing press.

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

Thanks for all your responses. I don’t think this community is an indicator for what’s happening in the broader community. As can be seen from the posts above, people here are reading from a wide range of sources. I do think our Fluther pool is filled with many critical thinkers. It was interesting to see nonetheless. I know I was interested (although not surprised) to see @Jeruba‘s post the other day citing Der Spiegel. I engage with content from The New York Times, The Times and a range of Australian and global alternative and mainstream news sites. And like many of you, I don’t watch ‘commercial’ television news. I do watch our public broadcaster’s news. I find it fairly central (although it is criticised for being too left-leaning). Chris Uhlmann is himself an interesting and talented man. If you like political dramas, have a look for a series he wrote called Secret City. It’s excellent.

Yellowdog's avatar

I have never seen this piece but it is typical of the anti-Trump rhetoric out there.

There is very little, if any, of the actual speech. It is mostly opinion and spin,

The actual speech in Poland was an ascertation that the Judeo-Christian values of Western Europe would prevail over Shiara law, communism, theorcracies and terrorism—as well as the barrage of influences tearing us apart from within. Basically, what’s written all over the monuments in D.C and what so many from the Soviet Bloc countries were declaring when communism fell (such as in Poland). Western ideas would prevail. America would not fall, and it was a clarion call for the rest of the free world to follow America’s lead and not succumb.

Why “liberals” would object to this is hard for me to fathom—except, of course, it was Trump giving the message.

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

@Yellowdog, as I said in the details, I’m not asking whether you agree or disagree with the piece. I wanted to know whether you had seen it (you hadn’t) and what news sources you engage with.

stanleybmanly's avatar

@Yellowdog you don’t find this “opinion and spin” an accurate assessment of Trump’s performance at the conference?

Pachy's avatar

Didn’t see—totally agree.
Thanks for sharing.

rojo's avatar

My general take of is that if you are totally dependent of the TV media you will not have seen this. If you get your news from a variety of sources and media then there is a much better chance that you have. I noticed yesterday evening that one of the major MSM sources on the internet did reference it. Sorry, but I do not recall which one.
And, since @Yellowdog is really our only dyed-in-the-wool conservative to answer it is hard to get a feel for whether the conservative media stalwarts are reporting the same. My gut feeling is no. From my limited time on Fox it is all feel-good-rah-rah-lookhowwellTrumpdidstandinguptotheother19 reporting with very little acknowledgement of the almost universal opposition he faces from the other free world inhabitants.

Yellowdog's avatar

Well then, no— I did NOT see this particular piece.

But most cable channels in the States were reporting that it was a “White Supremacist” speech—declaring the superiority of white American males—or an “America First” speech.

Trump did not write this speech, of course. But it was an inspiration to many people who see Western civilization eroding. Most of the world wants to come here, to Western civilization and be like us— If we don’t defend our values and way of life, which has pretty much brought liberty and culture to the world, we’ll be decimated by those who want to destroy us. This has happened with Communism and now with Sharia / Militant Islam
(and, of course, many of YOU—whose “Antifascist” groups were firebombing Warsaw and killing police at the time in protest as this speech was being given)

It really doesn’t matter what you believe the other “free world inhabitants” think. There was virtually no similarity between what the speech in Warsaw actually contained and what this Australian piece said it was about.

That fact alone was scarier than anything this speech could have actually contained.

MrGrimm888's avatar

@Yellowdog . I would like to say, thank you. As mentioned above, you are our only consistent jelly,
on the right. I appreciate your opinions, even though I disagree sometimes. I’m happy you’re here.

Peace n love.

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