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Dutchess_III's avatar

Do you have any tried and true suggestions for my Dakota and her diarrhea?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47209points) July 9th, 2017

We messed up their diets for a couple of days. Dutchess is fine, but Dakota is suffering. It really messed up her gastric system and the poor girl has diarrhea. I’ll bet she has a tummy ache, too. :(

I did some googling. Then I went to the store and got boneless, skinless chicken breasts, rice, Pedialite, and some probiotics. I cooked the rice in Pedialite, boiled the chicken and mixed it all up. It sounded like a good plan, and she does like it. I’m only giving her a little at a time. That will be her diet for the next few days. Hopefully it will clear up.
I haven’t given her a probiotic yet. I figure I’ll give her one in the mornings, starting tomorrow.

One of my FB friends breeds German Shepherd and she suggested an anti-diarrhea pill. I didn’t see anything like that in the pet section, so I asked if she was referring to the same ones humans use, which we do have around here somewhere. She hasn’t responded.
I don’t see how it would hurt. Our digestive systems are pretty similar, and diarrhea can be caused by the same kinds of things in dogs and people…..but I’m afraid that, in combination with her rice and chicken diet, will tip her back into constipation. So I haven’t tried that yet.

Do you have any suggestions and what has worked for you?

(On the bright side I have the cleanest damn kitchen floor and rugs in the universe right now. What a thing to wake up to first thing in the morning. When she poops she WALKS alllll around the yard….or the kitchen. Always has. Guess she’s trying to convince others that there are a bunch of her. So much for a casual, relaxing Sunday.)

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49 Answers

Dutchess_III's avatar

I’ve given her two small bowls of it over the last 4 hours….and she seems to be perking up. Maybe it’s calming her stomach, at least.

janbb's avatar

There is a canned dog food you can buy for dogs with sore tummies. I forget the name but you should be able to find it in a pet store.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Does it help with the diarrhea?

MrGrimm888's avatar

Hills I/D soft food. Probably available at a big box pet store.

janbb's avatar

Yes, that’s the one @MrGrimm888.. Here’s an article about diet and meds for diarrhea in dogs.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Thanks @janbb.

Somehow I don’t think she could be convinced to drink Pepto, Immodium AD, or Kaeopectate! But I may try. Maybe mix some up in her rice and chicken…..I think I’ll give the probiotic instead, first, and see how the next couple of days go. Don’t want to hit her too hard with to many different things.
I’m thinking BRAT diet. Obviously bananas and apple sauce are out, but I think the Pedilite should take care of those electrolytes. Rice and toast good, though.

I think I’m on the right track. Thanks you guys.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Rice works on humans. I would cook up some rice in strong beef buoillon and serve it to her. Pour some leftover beef gravy over it. It should help.

jca's avatar

If it’s really severe, you might want to take her to the vet. She might get dehydrated and her electrolytes might be off.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I don’t have any left over beef gravy @Espiritus_Corvus. But I think the chicken and rice is helping already. I’m mixing her portions with a spoon full or two of some Campbell’s chicken and rice soup, undiluted. I figure it has carrots and salt and other things in it that might help too.

We’ll keep an eye on her @jca. She actually seems to be doing a little better now. She has lots of fresh water, and she’s drinking it, but not excessively so.

And tonight I’m rolling up the runner carpets that we have through the kitchen for her before I go to bed!!


Dutchess_III's avatar

I just gave her and Dutchess a piece of warm toast. They liked it. They’re looking at me like, “MOAR!!!”

janbb's avatar

Do you normally feed them people food or dog food?

Dutchess_III's avatar

Dog food @janbb. Toast is the part of the BRAT diet I can give her. That and rice.

I did buy some chicken broth @Espiritus_Corvus. Tomorrow I’ll thicken it up with some flour and make a gravy. I think it will be OK if it doesn’t have grease or milk in it.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Cheese works as well. Some dogs like it.

Dutchess_III's avatar

They do love cheese!

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Pandora's avatar

When my pup got sick long ago, the doc, recommended boiled rice with no salt or anything and boiled chicken. No salt or seasonings or fat of any kind. You dog won’t poop for a while after eating it.because it will be easily digested. She will get really hungry a lot so you may feed her more than usual. It’s like chinese food for dogs. An 2 hours later they are hungry.
It makes sense too. When my kids were babies and had the runs, I would feed them rice water. It helped calm their tummies down and filled them up like formula and stopped the runs.The starch from the rice water helps to balance your electrolytes like the way pedialite works.

snowberry's avatar

Don’t give em salt.

Dutchess_III's avatar

That’s what I’m doing, actually @Pandora. That and toast. The BRAT diet, modified. But why no salt? It’s essential and diarrhea can deplete it.

canidmajor's avatar

My old dog has very dicey digestion these days, I get Endosorb from my vet, it’s very inexpensive and helps right away. Now I just keep it on hand.

snowberry's avatar

@Dutchess_III Dogs aren’t supposed to get much salt. I did a quick search, and found enough sites to make me think twice about giving a dog extra salt, but I don’t know how much is “too much” for a dog. If you’re on good terms with your vet, they might have that answer for you without you needing to bring her in.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Dogs are a fairly unique animal, in that they have been domesticated and bred to a point where they have pretty specific dietary needs. Pick a good dog food, and stick with it. No people food. I was a medical technician in a emergency veterinary hospital, for almost 10 years. I’ve seen countless dogs sickened, or killed by pancreatitis. The result of eating fatty foods. If you want to give them treats, you can buy canned green beans with no salt. Keep them in a plastic bag for easy access.

Most people love their dogs. They aren’t trying to hurt them, but giving them people food is extremely unhealthy/dangerous. People would get sick, if they eat dog food. Makes sense right?

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well, I did add a little salt and now I wish I hadn’t. But she seems to be doing OK.

NomoreY_A's avatar

I just lost my lunch, reading about runny dog poop.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well, you shouldn’t have read it.

longgone's avatar

A dog’s BRAT diet is spelled “CRC”: Boiled chicken, rice, shredded carrot.

No human meds, and be extra-cautious. Old dogs often need to be seen by a vet for small ailments. Make sure she drinks enough – try baby food or chicken broth mixed with water.

Dutchess_III's avatar

She’s drinking @longgone. Thanks.

Pandora's avatar

Too much salt in a dogs diet can lead to sodium ion poisoning, Which can cause vomiting and the runs. So it’s just not necessary for now unless you know your dog has a sodium deficiency.. It’s just a temporary diet. If this doesn’t work then take your dog to the vet to see if there is another reason for your dogs condition.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I will. She didn’t have excess salt before this started. It was a disruption in her normal diet. And she’d old. But I won’t add salt to the stuff I make from now on. I was concerned because common sense tells me she’s crapping all her electrolytesā€ˇ away. She isn’t showing signs of salt poisoning.

WHOA! She be liking her rice and chicken! I give Dakota a good portion because she’s a German Shepherd. But I have to give Dutchess a little too because she’s a whiner. Dutchess finished hers and tried to make Dakota share hers. That normally doesn’t faze Kota. She just so easy going like that. But not this time, boy! She got in Dutchess’ face with a growl and showed her teeth! I can count on half a hand the times I’ve seen her show her teeth.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Round two of Dakota’s special diet. Boiling rice again. This time I broke an egg in to the water, per someone’s suggestion here about a hard cooked egg.
No added salt.
That dog has been eating better than we do!

Dutchess_III's avatar

That was interesting. Breaking that egg into the water as the rice was boiling made the rice much stickier. Maybe that’s what she needs.

Pandora's avatar

Never met a dog who doesn’t inhale the stuff. It’s chinese food meets crack for dogs.

syz's avatar

Boiled rice with just enough chicken for flavoring is the only thing that you want to feed. And if the diarrhea does not resolve within 3 days, it’s time to see a vet. Frank blood in the stool is another reason to seek veterinary help (dogs can develop hemorrhagic gastroenteritis). Vomiting in addition to diarrhea is a reason to seek veterinary care (possible pancreatitis).

Please don’t use gravy or cheese or any other fatty foods – the whole point of the rice diet is to use a bulky, easily digestible material.

Dutchess_III's avatar

That’s what I’ve been feeding her. But I threw an egg in the rice water yesterday so when it swelled it absorbed the egg. I think that was good. I also give her a piece of toast every day.
I’m going to finish this rice/chicken batch, and make another tomorrow and start adding her regular dog food to it.

Now I’m all fussing because she hasn’t pooped at all today! Geez. But it was nice to wake up to a kitchen that didn’t have runny shit all over the floor. I just want to see her poop though!

Pandora's avatar

They poop very little on that diet. It’s not that they get constipated but rather the food seem more easily digestible. At least that’s what I think. My dogs would just do these tiny bits of turd after a day or two. They would also lose some weight on this diet. I guess normal dog food is just loaded with fat and filler and that’s why they poop more.
Oh, and my doc said not to keep them on this diet for more than 2 weeks. It doesn’t have enough nutrients for a dog.You can change it up and boil lean ground beef for something different.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well, she’s was better last night. Today she was still about the same as last night. I’m waiting until they got more normal and I’ll start adding her regular dog food to the chicken and rice.
I feel like some obsessed OCD mother here, wanting videos of my kids poops so I can examine them!

Pandora's avatar

LOL. In a way it is like dealing with a kid. They can’t tell you whats wrong so you can only go by what you see.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Right. She has been feeling better since we started. Her coat is looking good and she doesn’t seem so sad. In fact, she’s down right perky now! It is really heartbreaking when they can’t tell you what is up.
I boiled up some hamburger to put in her latest batch of ER food.

Pandora's avatar

You gave her a reason to livvveeeee. She’s not eating that same old nasty dog food. And her butt isn’t burning. Thanks mom!

Dutchess_III's avatar

LOL! Well, she hasn’t asked to go out once today, and THAT has me worried. Wait, I guess she went out this morning, before I was up.
But on Sunday and Monday she went out every 30 minutes. Bless her heart.

Pandora's avatar

I’m not a vet, nor do I pretend to be one; but if she is acting better than fine, then she is probably okay. At least that is what I always do. Best way for me to always tell, is if suddenly the dog is up under my butt every 5 seconds. She is crazy about my husband but when she doesn’t feel well, she is glued to by butt. My former dog did the same thing. He wasn’t a very big cuddler like my current dog, but when he was sick, Mom was the gal to go too. With my current dog, it’s hard to tell sometimes because she is always on me when she’s on the sofa with me, but if my husband is next to us and she chooses me, then I know she isn’t well or dad is making her too hot. My body is always too cold for her liking, unless she is hot or sick.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Dakota has never been a cuddler, but she just seems to be feeling better. She plays “Dead dog,” with my husband every night. She didn’t want to for a couple of nights there.
She’s so funny now. When she was young we taught her to roll on her back with all 4 feet in the hair to play “dead dog.” She can’t do that any more. She’s too old. She’ll lay on the floor by my husband and when he says, “Dead dog!” she’ll just slam her head on the floor so she’s lying prone. :D

I started mixing a small amount of her regular food in with the rice stuff yesterday.

Dutchess_III's avatar

They are associating this special eating with me. Now every time I go in the kitchen, and come back out, they look at me expectantly. God, I hate that. I have always gone to great lengths to prevent dogs from begging. I don’t feed them out of my hand. I may give them a left over here and there, but I put it in their bowl.
Well, it should be done soon.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Welp, used up the last of the special food. Now she’s trying to tell me she isn’t going to eat her regular food!

snowberry's avatar

She’ll get over that soon enough. It’s called hunger!

Dutchess_III's avatar

I know @snowberry. Im not worried.
Now she’s ignoring me. Instead of looking at me in anticipation when I walk out of the kitchen she frowns then looks steadfastly the other way.

Dutchess_III's avatar

LOL! Last night she went into the laundry room where her food and water is. She came out with a mouth full of food and proceeded to spit it out on the floor in the living room, where I was sitting. Then she looked at me. I just rolled my eyes.
Then she laid down…and proceeded to eat one tiny piece at a time. Poor long suffering doggie.

snowberry's avatar

Let her miss a meal. That’ll cure her!

Dutchess_III's avatar

Pretty sure she didn’t eat at all on Friday, and not much yesterday, except for the little bit she ate under protest. She’ll be fine, though.

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