Social Question

Kardamom's avatar

If you are the person who has let your food explode in the microwave, why don't you clean it up?

Asked by Kardamom (33584points) July 9th, 2017

Why don’t you clean up your own mess, rather than leaving it for someone else to clean up?

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31 Answers

johnpowell's avatar

I have a funny story about this. Actually, not funny. More of a “BURN THE RICH STORY”.

When I worked at the theater we had a lot of college kids and high school kids. They would make their kitchen nightmares in the breakroom. We cleaned shit all day and they realized someone had to clean it. So they cleaned their mess. Because… Socialism.

Some years had past. I made parts on the International Space Station. I worked for Intel, I tried to be a professional skateboarder.

I ended up in my sisters garage working as a janitor at a TV station and in a office building while going to school full time for economics.

This is when I first learned people are horrible.

So there was a person that would in the male bathroom toss a bunch of hand towels all over the floor. It made me so mad for months. And I had finally caught the motherfucker.

I no longer gave a fuck and confronted him. He went with “My laziness gives you work”.

No fuckstick. I only get paid for 120 minutes of being here. I run as fast as possible while vacuuming since if it takes 3 hours I only get paid for two.


Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

I swear to God, it wasn’t me!

elbanditoroso's avatar

The burden of living alone is that if I make a mess, I do clean it up.

LuckyGuy's avatar

@johnpowell i hope you told everyone in the office his name! Fuckstick in the bathroom – fuckstick in life.
Maybe women wouldn’t give him a chance to reproduce. You’d be performing a service to the world.

Sneki2's avatar

[goes to clean the microwave]

josie's avatar

It seems like just about everybody wants somebody else to clean up their mess. Whether it is their microwave or their bad life choices.

snowberry's avatar

It wasn’t me. I don’t use it. But I’ll clean it up for you (for a price)! <evil grin>

CWOTUS's avatar

Living alone helps to teach notions of responsibility for things, if they hadn’t already been learned at Mother’s knee. If I don’t do it, then it won’t get done.

And I will admit that there are things that don’t get done quickly, or at all, at home. I’m not a “neat freak” (far from it!) so my floors are not well vacuumed or swept, the mail sits unopened for quite a while (or forever, if I knew that it wasn’t important), and I’ll leave dirty dishes in the sink if I don’t feel like washing up this evening. And yes, the microwave is not always pristine.

But if the floors are ever going to be vacuumed or swept, the mail put away or shredded, the dishes washed and the microwave cleaned up (and the refrigerator cleaned, the shopping done, the laundry washed and put away, the yard picked up and then mowed, etc. and etc.), then I’m the one who will be doing it.

And at work, knowing that standards have to work for all of us, I modify my behavior to fit in with the group norms – and clean up the microwave from every speck of my spill, and at the time. It’s annoying AF when people don’t get that and act accordingly.

Coloma's avatar

I always clean up my messes.
A gross and dirty kitchen/microwave is disgusting by most standards.
I always clean up any messes I make as I go, including any microwave explosions. I also leave the microwave door open and wipe it down after heating something that generates steam.

Closing a steamy, damp microwave is gross to me.
Not too long ago I forgot to prick the yolks on my poached eggs and they blew up in the microwave. Carnage to the 10th power.
Took me about 20 minutes to clean up.

Some people are just okay with being slobs and while I am not OCD about anything I do like my environment tidy, it is leasing to me to function in a nice kitchen and tidy house.

Response moderated (Personal Attack)
PullMyFinger's avatar

Oh, the whole thing is very simple.

You see, some people are far more special than everyone else, so just leave it to the (unfortunate) less-special beings to worry about all of that bothersome clean-up shit.

These are the same fine citizens who throw everything out of their car windows because… know…..the county has people whose job it is to take care of all that…uh, you know…..disgusting kind of thing.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Because they were never taught to clean up after themselves. They think there is a magic clean up fairy who visits when they aren’t looking.

NomoreY_A's avatar

I don’t make a mess in the microwave. I just like to overdo my popcorn a bit, I ilke that crispy critters taste for some reason.

Coloma's avatar

I have friends that are really nice people, a childless couple in their mid-40’s and they are both, the biggest slobs of all time. haha
They will just toss a bowl with leftover food in the sink, no scraping into the trash, no running down the garbage disposal, just turn on the water, fill up the bowl with the swill of funky food floating around and leave it for hours, if not a day or two sometimes. They never clean out their fridge and there is always all kinds of weird, funky, leftovers and stuff in there for weeks on end. They both make tons of money, have a big, beautiful home but nobody wants to clean, it really is crazy.

They are the type to let things build up til critical mass then frantically clean for company.
More like the lifestyle of a couple of college roomies than a professional couple in their 40’s. People are so weird. LOL

ucme's avatar

Oh, but we have staff for that ;-}

rojo's avatar

Just a guess but I am thinking it is something along the lines of this Magic Coffee Table

jonsblond's avatar

The response moderated was cute. It wasn’t mine but it certainly wasn’t a personal attack. boo to whoever flagged it.

Clean your shit is all I have to say.

jonsblond's avatar

rojo fell asleep cleening.

flutherother's avatar

You mean there is someone else who would clean up for me? I wish!

canidmajor's avatar

Thanks, @jonsblond, I had hoped the windy face would denote humor, I guess not.

Let me try again: @Kardamom, why do you assume we don’t clean it up? (Just emphasizing the pronoun like you did!)

Dutchess_III's avatar

I imagine she was using us for role playing purposes. Probably frustrated over someone in her real life. I didn’t assume she was talking to me specifically.

Kardamom's avatar

Somebody is clearly not cleaning up their own mess in the microwave, because there is often a mess in there when the next person goes to use it.

If you don’t leave a mess, thank you for cleaning up after yourself.

NomoreY_A's avatar

OK already, I’ll clean out the burned popcorn kernels. So sue me.

Kardamom's avatar

Wouldn’t it be great if someone could invent a self cleaning microwave oven?

Or if not that, invent popcorn that smells like a fresh pine forest when it’s burned.

NomoreY_A's avatar

But but but – that would take away all of that crispy critters ambience. The smell. the taste.

rojo's avatar

My wife and I have a running joke about the Dishwasher Faery that takes the dirty dishes from the sink and loads them in the dishwasher. A lot of times the Faery does not come until some time just prior to bedtime.

Must have had a busy day.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Who usually loads the dishwasher @rojo?

Coloma's avatar

I am currently hiding my honey pot in the microwave because I have ants. The other morning they were swarming my honey pot. Little bastards. Now they cannot get to it.

I just take it in and out accordingly as I use the microwave.

rojo's avatar

@Dutchess_III The Dishwasher Faery, duh.

JLeslie's avatar

If it’s a microwave at work and it already has food splattered, I admit to not cleaning it if my food splatters too. If it was clean to start with I’d leave it clean.

At home, I usually clean it right away if I splatter food. If I don’t clean it right away it’s not because I’m waiting for my husband to do it, I don’t think he has ever cleaned the inside of our microwave.

LuckyGuy's avatar

I clean it right away. It will never be easier to clean that right after you make the mess. I also have a spare glass turntable that I bought at Goodwill for $2, If I make a mess I can put the dirty one in the dishwasher and use the spare stored behind the microwave..

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