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Dutchess_III's avatar

How do the makers of this dog food know what it tastes like?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) July 10th, 2017

I was idly looking at an empty sack of dog food and on it it said, “Roast chicken, rice and vegetable flavor.”
Now, how do they know what it tastes like?

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22 Answers

rojo's avatar

Modern Chemistry…... And food tasters ($2.25/hour plus all you can eat)

Dutchess_III's avatar

My grandkids do it for free.

Unofficial_Member's avatar

They don’t. It’s a placebo. Just like how they advertise pink “strawberry milk” that don’t actually contain any strawberry.

Sneki2's avatar

They make that. They know what they made it from.

Zaku's avatar

Are those not also some of the ingredients? The pet food I buy usually the “flavor” refers to what’s in it, but I do try to get good pet food.

CWOTUS's avatar

They’re telling you the contents of the container. Most “flavor” in processed food is added through chemistry, and if the container claims a particular flavor, it means that the chemistry that makes that flavor is in the bag.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@Unofficial_Member It’s a placebo for the humans!

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Maybe they tried some?

Darth_Algar's avatar

I believe they do employ food tasters.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Now I’m tempted….

cookieman's avatar

I worked at a place once that sold “all natural, organic” dog food. “Made with only ingredients a human would eat,” they’d say to customers. To prove the point, the manager would eat some right in front of you.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Pretty sure no dog food would hurt a human. Never hurt my sisters or the grandkids.

ragingloli's avatar

I tried dogfood once. It has absolutely zero flavour.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I imagine it tastes like card board.

ragingloli's avatar

More like jellied soil.

kritiper's avatar

Dog food makers have human tasters. I saw one YEARS ago on “What’s My Line?”

Coloma's avatar

Mmm…gimme some of that Alpo with ground beef byproducts and mashed chicken feet.
Jack in the Box tacos are made with dog food, pretty sure anyway. LOL

Kardamom's avatar

The only dog food I’ve ever tasted (as an adult) was a crunchy dog treat that was made of ingredients suitable for human comsumption, and it just happened to be vegetarian, so I thought I’d give it a go. 2 of the ingredients were peanut butter and sweet potatoes. It tasted very bland, kind of like those Wasa crackers. I couldn’t detect the flavors of peanut butter or sweet potatoes. The dog loved them though.

The only other time I ate pet food was when I was not yet 3 and I sampled our cat’s kibble. I didn’t care for it.

My cousin’s dog, who often stays with us got a new food the last time she was here. My cousin warned us that it was very stinky, but it was supposed to be very nutritious. It was very stinky. The dog loved it.

AshlynM's avatar

There are humans that taste test pet food. And a professiomal taster can make alot from this.

Strauss's avatar

@Kardamom It tasted very bland

Dogs have an olfactory sense that is much more sensitive than humans. I’ve heard it said that dogs can detect a range of odors that is comparable or better than the range of colors available to humans.

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