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rojo's avatar

Is there anything, anything at all, that Trump could do that would lead to his fall?

Asked by rojo (24182points) July 12th, 2017

In the opinion of Dylan Matt writing in Vox there is nothing that he could do or cause to be done that could dislodge him from office. The only thing that could bring him down is Paul Ryan working with Mitch McConnell and he does not believe that they would ever be inclined to do so no matter what Trump does.

I think he is correct. Trump could skewer journalists on the White House lawn with sharpened spikes ala Vlad the Impaler and they would excuse it and still not be inclined to go against him because doing so would bring their agenda to a crashing halt and vindicate what many in opposition have said about them.

But, what is your take? Is there anything that would be so repugnant that even his political allies Ryan and McConnell would disavow his actions and turn against him?

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55 Answers

LostInParadise's avatar

I don’t see the Russia investigation going anywhere. There was no collusion, because the Russians saw Trump’s election as being to their advantage. There was no need for collusion. Trump had nothing to offer in terms of information about Clinton, and the hacking operation was probably not expensive enough of an operation as to require Trump’s monetary support.

rojo's avatar

@LostInParadise For a possible Russian motive, along with a timeline, I would offer this blog by David Kaiser. Interesting reading even if you do not necessarily agree.

But regardless, do you think there is anything that Trump could do that would turn McConnell and Ryan against him?

LostInParadise's avatar

I can’t imagine that even Trump would be stupid enough to put himself in a position where he could be blackmailed by Putin.

As to the second point, I don’t see any major areas of disagreement among Trump, Ryan and McConnell.

ragingloli's avatar

He could start gassing muslims, and his support would only grow.

funkdaddy's avatar

His own exhaustion with not being as effective as he’d like, not being in control, and not being admired.

He’s a businessman, and utterly proud to be one. If he sees no way to win, he’ll look for an advantageous exit.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

After he appoints some more ultra right Supreme Court Judges; the time could be neigh.

Ryan, McConnell and Pence.

zenvelo's avatar

The only real way before the mid term elections is if Pence gets fed up and goes to Ryan and McConnell. And Pence is probably a lot closer to being fed up than anyone will admit.

Yellowdog's avatar

If Trump actually DID anything he was accused of, he’d be impeached within a couple of weeks.

Dutchess_III's avatar

If the nasty crap that came to light about him before the election, and the world learning what a disgusting person he really was, didn’t stop him from winning, why would anything he does now make a difference?

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@Yellowdog You see the controlling party in Congress is his party.
Does not compute. Why would they give away there fair-haired tweeter?

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

The legal way, an investigation by a new FBI director resulting in serious charges, the impeachment process and a Senate vote of guilty on a serious felony, is out. It could be stalled until the next election, unless the power brokers in the Republican Party really wanted him replaced at the cost of having a sitting Republican POTUS publicly convicted and unseated by the US Senate.

Any illegal or violent method is unthinkable and would divide, weaken and disrupt our country for at least a decade. So, in all probability, as things stand now: NO. We are stuck with him for at least the next three and a half years, unless he becomes naturally incapacitated. And then we would have Pence. Do you really think Pence would be an improvement?

Yellowdog's avatar

This question presumes Trump has been engaged in a lot of illegal or unethical behavior. i.e. “is there ANYTHING he could do that would lead to his fall.

Yes, anything WOULD, almost anything, if it had any basis in reality.

Some of you probably believe Michael Jackson was a pedophile, and ask, “Why wasn’t Michael Jackson charged with sexually molesting all the hundreds of boys ,,, :” or why Lewis Carroll got away with being a child molester, and pose these as questions. In reality, there is no evidence or first-hand allegations that the alleged events happened—NO MATTER HOW MUCH you think it did.

To ask, “will Trump supporters remain loyal no matter WHAT he does” implies or presumes he has committed crimes or dubious behavior.

Dutchess_III's avatar

He has not acted with dubious behavior? Are you kidding? The list of his dubious behavior is unending.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

I mean Trump wears his dick on his sleeves but I would not exactly call his behavior dubious.

stanleybmanly's avatar

My bet is that he’s already done it. But for those who have yet to get the point, he will almost certainly cotinue to “deepen the hole” until forcing the Congress to toss him out. And dubious is rather kind for a creature as oily as Mr. Trump. It’s perplexing that his supporters still stridently assert that the orange man’s problems are the creation of the “liberal left wing mainstream media.” Never mind the absurdity in the idea ( which Trump finds happily convenient) that the entirety of credible journalism is persecuting the fool through the factual revelations on his doings. As though the man’s behavior and slimy past have nothing to do with his present ordeal. The truth is that it was all over the minute it was announced that Trump and his crowd were in for some serious scrutiny, because as the current revelations in the Russia probes demonstrate, it is difficult to name a figure as prominent as Trump more likely to be “caught with the stinky” in any matter involving him.

flutherother's avatar

Trump famously said he could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and wouldn’t lose voters and for once I believed him. Perhaps if he converted to Islam and began tweeting quotes from the Koran?

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Not to sound too contradictory to my first post, but hang in there guys. Nixon had an awfully thick coat of teflon, too.

It was no secret—it was all over the national news media—that he was under FBI investigation from June 19th, 1972 (48 hours after the Watergate break-in, according to Assistant FBI Director Mark Felt) through the last five months of his second campaign for POTUS, then still won in one of the largest landslides in US history.

It took 15 more months before he was finally subpoenaed, on 1 March 1974, to stand and testify as an unindicted co-conspirator in front of the Senate Watergate Investigation Committee. He had gone through two FBI Directors, three independent Special Prosecutors, two United States Attorney Generals and fired most of his upper-level staff during the Watergate Investigation.

He refused to obey the subpoena and resigned his office instead.

So, you really never know what the future will bring.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Oh, yeah. And two Vice Presidents, the last of which pardoned him for all crimes proven and yet to be proven during his presidency. LOL. Yet to be proven. That’s one helluva pardon.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Befriend/support Obama. His party, and supporters would drop him, like a bad habit….

NomoreY_A's avatar

Problem is that, as someone stated above, as long as Trump can push the Republican agenda, they don’t care what an embarrassment he is to our country. They screamed for years about Clinton getting a BJ, but Clinton looks like a Boy Scout compared to this scum bag.

Darth_Algar's avatar

News report – “Donald Trump literally took a shit on the Constitution today.”


Donald Trump (on Twitter) – “I literally took a shit on the Constitution today. Yuge shit. Best shit I’ve ever took.”

Trump supporter – “Well technically nothing says the president can’t take a literal shit on the Constitution.”

flutherother's avatar

Maybe if he tied his shoelaces together by mistake.

ucme's avatar

If…& this is just one guy talking here, but if he were to arse burgle & then swallow Putin’s seed, then yeah, he’s pretty much fucked as good as Vlad would have just been.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well, he had prostitutes pee on him. Conservatives didn’t bat an eye.

NomoreY_A's avatar

Hillary Billary! Obama Mamma was a Muslim! Move on folks, nothing to pee, uh, see here! Look, two gay people cashing a Welfare check! Go git ‘em! (Whew, works every time, J.B. Bigbucks )

Yellowdog's avatar

And while Paris and London were hit by terrorists, Obama was attending an international convention in Switzerland about transgender bathrooms in schools.

ragingloli's avatar

Which means he has an alibi.

zenvelo's avatar

okay @Yellowdog please provide a link to an unbiased news outlet for that story.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Pictures @Yellowdog or it never happened.

Yellowdog's avatar

You’re right. It never happened. The Transgender Bathroom summit was Canada

MrGrimm888's avatar

Now Obama let Paris, and London get attacked? Will he never stop?!.....

The reality is that Obama ordered the attacks. And, he wants transgender bathrooms, so Americans will have to wait longer at other bathrooms. Over time, that’s going to add up to minutes taken from non-Muslim people. He’s diabolical! He lives in a volcano you know. Plotting to take everyone’s guns, so his death camps can be filled. Obama HATES Americans people. That’s why he gave everybody health care. Duh…..

NomoreY_A's avatar

@MrGrimm888 Me ‘n ol’ Cletus don’t wanna hear no commnist propagandy. Them nice Republican fellers take good care of us, ol’ JB Fatwallet be payin’ nigh up to five dollar week now, even let ol’ Cletus set a spell for nigh five minutes, when he cut off his thumb up to the sawmill yonder. We know we don’t no sochlist health care. that’s fer moochers what wanna take off sick from work. Now you yankee librals just skeedadle back to yankee land, ‘n quit comin’ down here givin’ our wimmin folk ideas that they got a right to a job. Daisy Mae thinks she needs shoes now, won’t even stay by the stove and cook my possum.

Yellowdog's avatar

Woman and Jobs? Isn’t the left parading a militant Hamas woman who has declared Jihad against the President?

Sharia law does not respect women

Darth_Algar's avatar


Do you seriously believe the bullshit you parrot?

Yellowdog's avatar

Is that the best you can come up with?

Trump has many accomplished, talented women in his circle.

The Democrats have blonde. blue-eyed women who pretend to be Native Americans in order to get placed as minorities, and shaky women who angrily show their body parts and moan in defiance and hatred at “women’s” marches. I’ve never seen such vitriol, hate, anger, and sexual perversion claiming the high moral ground.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^You nailed it. The left’s females are represented by a single militant Hamas woman… And yes, they commonly approve of and support Sharia law… Thank god Trump is saving us from these perils… Where would women be, without pussy grabber sticking up for their civil rights?

rojo's avatar

If you really want to see “vitriol, hate, anger, and sexual perversion claiming the high moral ground.” all you have to do is attend any Southern Baptist Convention.

Yellowdog's avatar

Claiming the high moral ground—absolutely.

There is a lot of anti-LGBT expression among the ranks but not much among the leadership. I think they are more concerned with souls than their sexual orientation. If you listen, their concerns are sociological rather than moral.

Pat Robertson and TBN are strongly conservative politically, but I certainly wouldn’t call them hate groups.

Never saw a lynch-mob mentality among evangelical Christians. And most younger ones, under age 50 (Generation ‘X’ on down) aren’t concerned about political positions and certainly not sexual orientation.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Lynch mob of evangelical christians = The KKK….

Yellowdog's avatar

McGrimm—so you think Linda Sarsour represents women’s rights or your political party?

About the only thing she has in common is Jihad against Trump. I SERIOUSLY (seriously) think some of you might ally with her. And yes—she IS an extremist and wants Shariah law. Can’t the Democrats come up with someone better to represent Islam, Feminism, or their own party?

Your KKK comment is in poor taste, of course. The only religion associated with the Klan is “Identity Christian.” They believe Jews and Blacks came from Eve and the Serpent in Eden. The KKK is a Southern Democrat organization. No republican ever owned a slave or rallied under a confederate flag.

Yellowdog's avatar

The Southern Baptists split from the other Baptists over slavery—but they were not Republican. These differences occurred before the Civil War.

Christians of the Holiness tradition (Church of the Nazarene) and certain Pacifist groups never owned slaves, as did the majority of Christians in this country. Presbyterians and Democrats, usually associated with liberalism nowadays, were ironically the only ones who consistently battled for slavery in the 19th and early 20th century.

MrGrimm888's avatar

@Yellowdog . To clarify, I don’t consider myself part of any political party. I can see how you would think that though. I most frequently get my news from liberal sources. I’ve never been able to watch FOX news with a straight face. Calling themselves “fair and balanced,” is like a crazy man saying “I’m not crazy.” When you aren’t crazy, you don’t have to declare it to the world…
I think Hillary was a crook. You’ll never get an argument from me there. But, I think ALL politicians are crooks. I vehemently oppose Trump for reasons I’m sure you’ve heard to ad nausea, but choose to ignore. .. Call me anti-Trump, if you must label me please.

Now. Keeping in mind that I stick with liberal / left media, I will say I have never heard of this jihadist woman whom you keep bringing up. A sign ,to me, that she is probably just someone the right is shining spotlight on. A common tactic by the right. It works well on their gullible base. That story, from what you’ve said, taps into all the normal bigotry, fear and ignorance of the right. Whoever she is, if she hates Trump, she can’t be that bad. That alone makes her more in touch with reality, than Trump supporters…

As for your claims that the KKK is a “Southern Democratic organization,” let’s say I couldn’t disagree more. Find a KKK member who voted for Bill, or Obama, or didn’t vote for Trump. Not all Trump supporters are racist, but ALL (white) racists voted for Trump. My remark in that case was not in poor taste. It was relevant. And 100% true, regardless of what type of Christian you don’t feel happy admitting they are…

As to your ridiculous assertion that no Christians, or Republicans owned slaves, you must be kidding. You do realize that there is a reason that Christianity is the main religion of descendants of slaves in America right? Because it was the religion of their owners…

No republican slave owners? That’s a verifiable fact.~

This is typical right thinking. No accountability, and blame the other party. You can’t play the victims, when you are the oppressors.(Not you personally YD.) Whatever good the Republican party has done, it has been thrown away, over the past 20 some odd years. They are now the party of greed, bigotry, and hypocrisy. They work, as we speak, to take healthcare from over 20 million people, just so the wealthy can be slightly more wealthy. People WILL die, or have to make fun decisions like “do I buy my medication, or gas for work,”(been there, before the ACA) when the ACA is repealed.
I’m not going to get into the millions more who will be affected by immigration changes. Or the billions who will suffer, due to changes in environmental protection.

I am unsure if it is ignorance, or denial that would allow a republican to see their party in the light you see them in…

zenvelo's avatar

This thread has devolved to evidence of the OP’s conjecture.

A Trump supporter has demonstrated complete contempt for news of potentially treasonous behavior, contempt for the rule of law, disdain for journalists, and excuse for despicable behavior, and turned it into casting lies about Obama and “Hillary is worse.”

So, no, in the current atmosphere, there is nothing Trump could do to lead to his fall.

Darth_Algar's avatar

@Yellowdog “Trump has many accomplished, talented women in his circle…”

Case in motherfucking point.

Soubresaut's avatar

I ran into this YouTube video. It moves quickly over its topic (I wish it dug in a bit more, though that’s not really the nature of short YouTube videos), but it raises I think an interesting point. It also seemed relevant to post here, since this question is at least partly about what one “thing” Trump will do that is finally enough—this video suggests, basically, that as we look for that “thing,” we miss what is probably the larger and more concerning story.

Btw, thanks for sharing that article, @rojo! I hadn’t considered that perspective before.

Yellowdog's avatar

No Republican ever owned a slave. That is an historical reality, The Democrats separated from the Republicans (originally it was the Republican Democrat party, against the big “Whigs”— the Democrats separated from Republicans over the Trail of Tears. The Democrats believed the Cherokee Indians did not deserve their own nation in Tennessee / North Carolina. Or even to live there. After they won that goal, they remained separate over the issue of slavery. Some say the Democrats being on the wrong side of the Civil Rights issue ended in the Eisenhower years, but the South and racism associated with it was still with us until the Carter years. Republican political dominance didn’t occur anywhere in the South until racism was less a factor in the south.

I’m sure the Klan WOULD nowadays vote for Trump over Hillary or Obama. That doesn’t mean Trump is of the Klan mindset— Trump is a left-leaning Republican who actually supports Gay Marriage. But he is still more Right-Wing than Hillary or Obama who have supported open boarders, unrestricted access for illegals, voting for illegals, and have demonized Law Enforcement officials and police officers. The Klan and David Duke types are certainly Right Wing nowadays but began as a Southern Democrat organization and have always used victimhood to justify their movement and identity—just like many leftist groups.

So, Christians are the new Racists? Hate and vitriol? Well, The TBN channel—has as much Black representation as any other channel. The Bill Gaither program has a fair number of African Americans even though its traditionally a culturally white genre of music. It wasn’t too long ago when virtually everyone in that audience == black and white—voted solidly Democrat. I’ll bet most of them voted for Jimmy Carter and at least half for Bill Clinton. But they are all solidly Republican now. Hillary and Obama made active, offensive efforts at alienating them. The Southern Gospel and Billy Graham types were once democrat. Billy Graham himself was a lifelong democrat. The deliberate alienation of these people are a prime example of why the Democrats have lost touch with their base, grass-roots support—the working class and the regular grass-roots Americans who overwhelmingly voted for Trump—close to 100 percent.

Its fun to point to the KKK and, with a broad swath, say that that’s the Southern Christian base such as the Bill Gaithers— but doing that what is EXACTLY cost you most of the Christian base and most of middle-America.

If the Democrats, and YOU, would get in touch with and campaign with real people instead of demonizing them and mocking them, and actually took an effort at learning about them, you could regain a chance at winning seats and elections.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Holy shit. Now I get it. You get your propaganda from Christian TV. LOL.

Yellowdog's avatar

Of course I watch and hear Christian networks and Fox News. But you can always dig deeper into the sources they reveal.

A story on Fox can always be traced to a neutral source. The Atlantic, the Guardian, The Hill, Politico.

For many years I filtered all my news through Utne. but they went from being of a whole other perspective to being just another opinionated and extremely biased leftist.

I mean, even I voted for Obama over McCain—but when I wanted to learn Utne’s position on the many new and unusual Independents that were gaining ground with environmentalists and Millennials—Utne only propogated Obama like a religious cult might, and all the independents and republicans was the equivalency of voting for shit (and that’s about all it said and how it said it)—I realized all the “true” progressives had degenerated to telling us what to think and anything else was anathema to their cause.

I would appreciate more independent thinking and less propaganda.
Most of the CNN and MSNBC news commentators and talk shows resemble SNL skits more than news—and SNL skits cannot even fall in the realm of political satire if they misclassify the positions of the right. Its only lampooning if you ridicule or exaggerate the actual positions of the people you satirize. In any case, I have not found CNN and MSNBC to be credible or unbiased or accurate (projecting an outcome) since Trump first announced his running for president. So what’s wrong with Fox, who quotes The Atlantic. Politico, The Hill, The Guardian, and Forbes?

MrGrimm888's avatar

^They are similar to SNL skits, because our government is currently a joke…

Darth_Algar's avatar

I’m now tempted to invest in the Jel Sert Company.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

“A story on Fox can always be traced to a neutral source. The Atlantic, the Guardian, The Hill, Politico.”

Most of us here have done the research. LOL. This PolitiFact File on Fox confirms most of the research results one gets on any given sensational Fox news item.

HERE is the Wikipedia page on FOXNEWS. Pay special attention to:

Studies of reporting bias
Tests of knowledge of Fox viewers

And then there are these little FOX gimmicks:
Photo Manipulation
Video Footage Manipulation
912 Newspaper Ad Controversy
Discredited Military and Counterterrorism Editor

English Wikipedia edits:
“In August 2007, a new utility, WikiScanner, revealed that English Wikipedia articles relating to Fox News had been edited from IP addresses owned by Fox News, though it was not possible to determine exactly who the editors were. The tool showed that the article for Shepard Smith was edited from Fox computers, removing mention of his arrest.”

Pew Research: Five Facts About Fox News

LOL. I won’t even get into the bold-faced lies spewed on Christian TV, including their insistence that all non-Christians in America are out to get them. LOL. Truly, yellowdog, we couldn’t care less.

If you want good, clean, conservative news, I suggest OANN, the One America News Network. I go to it when I get sick and tired of the constant opinion insertion and editorializing found on ALL cable news channels these days—and to escape what has become Trump TV 24/7. I don’t need to know every time that guy sneezes. OANN devotes 15 minutes per news hour to international news, which no other cable news does anymore. If your cable provider doesn’t carry it, you can find it available on the net. They stream their broadcast for free. Check it out. I highly recommend it to any conservative with any intelligence.

Jeruba's avatar

Just seeing this thread for the first time, three years later, I note a post above by @Yellowdog:

“Christians of the Holiness tradition (Church of the Nazarene) and certain Pacifist groups never owned slaves . . . ”

The Church of the Nazarene was founded in 1908, 46 years after the Emancipation Proclamation. So no, they never owned slaves. They didn’t own TVs either.

Yellowdog's avatar

The Holiness tradition, as it is called—Holy Rollers if you will—the Church of the Nazarene is part of that tradition. The movement started in what was called “The Second Great Awakening”—mostly Wesleyan and Methodist groups, and they were anti-slavery from the start.

That is why most black churches, such as the Christian Methodist Episcopal (originally Colored Methodist Episcopal), Free Will Baptists (Even though they are called Baptists, its the Free Will designation), Missionary Baptists, and all of the groups with ‘Holiness’ in their name, are of this tradition—as are many white groups in Appalachia, the Ozarks, etc etc.

It was those tall steeple groups, populated by the wealthy, the landed, who usually preached the tenants of the Confederacy that some people (races) were created to be slaves.

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