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Dutchess_III's avatar

How aware of you of the number of calories in food in general, and especially in the food you eat?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) July 14th, 2017

I’m acutely aware. I’ve never had a weight problem, except for one brief period in my life, about 6 months, shortly after I quit nursing my last baby. I had been nursing for pretty much 3 years straight. After I quit, I put on a BUNCH of weight! Nursing will suck those calories right out of you, and I had gradually changed my eating habits, consuming more calories, in those years without realizing it.
So then I suddenly found my self with about 40 pounds to lose.
I turned to my sister, who is the Diet Queen and she taught me everything I know, every trick there is.
Above all, she said, never go on a diet. You must completely change your eating habits forever, and get in the habit of counting calories.
So I did. It took about a year, but I lost that weight and never put it back on.
During that year I counted calories of every single thing I put in my mouth, whether it be a Life Saver hard candy, or a sunflower seed. I had to memorize them because this was pre-internet. Her other secret was to round up. If a piece of bread has 60 calories in it, call it 100. (Those numbers are easier to remember and add up.) It became so second nature that I still do it, pretty much subconsciously, unless I need to lose 5 pounds or something. Then I bring it to the forefront and get stern with myself.
I recoil at the sight of most fatty foods and many desserts, foods that I might have been attracted to a long time ago. It’s just gross now.
When coffee lattes and cappuccinos came out I was horrified! Coffee has 0 calories. It’s beautiful the way it is (except I don’t like coffee.) Why dump 200 fat and sugar calories in it?
People who get non-diet sodas freak me out. They’d probably be shocked to realize how much sugar is in them, probably 200 useless calories a pop. And people will drink 2 or 3 or more a day!

Not long ago Rick got a strawberry / banana smoothie from McDonalds. He asked if I wanted a sip. I blurted out, “Oh my God no! Do you know how many calories are in that??! Probably about 300!!”
He looked at me like I was stupid. It’s bananas and strawberries. How could it be fattening? Then I looked it up. Yep. 260 calories. Mostly from added fat (yogurt) and sugar. People wouldn’t eat it otherwise. He was shocked.

How aware of your calorie intake are you?

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