Would you think that either Oprah Winfrey or Jesse Ventura would make a good leader?
Even the president of the United States in the next election? Who else are mature and responsible adults?
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23 Answers
While Ventura has some experience, neither has enough to run the country. That is important, as our current mistake shows.
I’d vote for Oprah.
Ventura ?......No, thanks. One pro wrestler / bad actor per millennium is quite enough, I think….
Good leaders, yes. U.S. President, no. I would vote for neither.
I’d vote for Oprah. She seems like a good person and intelligent enough to hold down the office and do what needs to be done.
Oprah is a damn talk show host, WTF would she know about running the country. Jessee Ventura is a wrestler/actor turned conspiracy nut. Talk about two people who make horrible candidates, they’re not fing qualified.
It’s depressing that this is even a question. Celebrities with no political experience should not be able to run for office.
^^Ventura did one term as Governor of Minnesota. He also spent six years on a Navy Seal Underwater Demolition and Personnel Extraction Team during the Vietnam War. As an entertainer, I don’t believe for a second that he believes the conspiracies he depicts on his show, anymore than he believes that WWF is not scriptwritten. He’s just making gobs of money giving the dullard masses what they want. I would listen to what he has to say as a serious candidate.
Oprah is a former local newscaster turned talk-show host who is most famous for once being the highest paid woman in television, gaining weight, dieting, and repeatedly gaining weight again. I would probably discount her as a serious candidate.
Well yeah….but he never kicked Hulk Hogan’s ass, I’m pretty sure…..
They are each self absorbed and dependent on their manufactured public image which may or may not be anything like their ” true” self
Therefore they are candidates for President
Hogan I am very interested in his political opinions, but I doubt I would vote for him. Funny, I used to say that about Trump, but for different reasons. Hogan, I feel is objective and honest in politics. Trump I felt knew many of the big shakers and movers, and it seemed back in the day he was willing to criticize them if he didn’t agree with them, or if he believed they were harming America.
Oprah I give a lot of credit to, but I feel she is incredibly ignorant in the sciences. I mean really beyond belief. Although, admittedly, many of our presidents have been too. I’m not sure how savvy she is about world politics, but I do think her heart is in the right place, and I think she would do her best to put the right experts in place. I can’t see myself voting for her though.
It all partly depends on who else is running.
The last thing we need are more unqualified candidates. If they’re interested in serving their country, they should run for local office and work their way up (Al Franken was a happy fluke).
“Hogan was a governor.”
No he wasn’t. He’s made a good career out of being a cartoon character, a spectacularly shitty actor, and out of getting fired from the biggest wrestling company in the world for going on a racist tirade (wait, my bad, he’s totally not racist, despite rating about his daughter dating a “nigger”), and suing Gawker into oblivion over a sex tape. But he’s never held public office.
But no, I don’t think ether would make particularly good leaders. Especially Ventura, who proved during his time in office that he cannot handle the criticism and scrutiny that comes with public office.
I think Leslie means Ventura. It’s easy to get all those WWF guys mixed up, especially if you don’t watch them. Yes, Ventura did a term as Minnesota’s governor.
I meant Ventura. Shit. The guy the OP mentioned. That’s who the Q is about. Some other jelly mentioned Hogan, and I mixed it up. I’d think that’s fairly obvious.
Sure it’s easy to get most of them mixed up, but Hogan and Ventura both seem to be pretty recognizable outside of their “sport”. Sorta like how people who don’t follow basketball still recognize Michael Jordan and Magic Johnson. So I took @JLeslie‘s comment on it’s face. Anywho…
LOL. They both are about the same age, have long, blond hair, and have faces that look like they’ve been ground into gravel way too many times. The only reason I know the difference is because Hogan lived near me for decades, all the way back when he was in a popular local band in the mid-seventies. He was a local celebrity and all over the place.
I knew nothing about Ventura until I read that a former WWF wrestler had won the gubernatorial elections in Minnesota. I saw his WWF pic and thought that he looked an awful lot like Hogan.
Well, I hear moms call their kids by the wrong name at times (say their son’s name Paul instead of David their other son) so I’m not feeling too badly. It was just a mistake based on someone else mentioning the other name. The name was in my head.
^^LOL. I had six siblings. Both my mom and dad would sometimes go through every one of our names before they got to the one they were trying to address. LOL. We kids used to laugh about it all the time.
^^Yeah. Lol. Pretty common I think.
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