Social Question

stanleybmanly's avatar

Have you heard that the connections of Trump to the Russian mafia are more than rumors.

Asked by stanleybmanly (24153points) July 19th, 2017 from iPhone

There’s an article in the 13 July “New Republic” titled “Trump’s Russian Laundromat”. It’ll make your eyes pop.

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3 Answers

filmfann's avatar

Rumors of that were active all during the election.
and they still voted in the lying sack of shit

stanleybmanly's avatar

Yes. But NOW all the rocks are being turned over for close examination. If Trump comes through this with a clean slate, I will not ony be amazed, but apologize right here to Yellowdog.

zenvelo's avatar

This is no surprise, in that Trump has been involved with Putin and the Oligarchs, who are the money faces of the Russian mafia. It’s all connected. That is why the “eighth man” in the Donald Jr meeting with the Russians was a money launderer.

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