Social Question

Do you have anything to cheer me up a bit?
First of all, sorry for being a downer and a whiner.
I have been in a not-so-great mood for a while, longer than I want to be. I feel as if a dark cloud is floating on my head, making what I see darker. I feel horrible about myself. I think of my flaws and hate myself for it. There is a voice that I can’t put down, it keeps saying: “You are a failure. You are good at nothing. Your life will go nowhere. Forget who you think you will be in the future. You will never be that person. You will die a useless piece of shit no matter how hard you try, it’s inevitable.” I try to talk back to it by showing it what I think I have done well, and it says “Ugh! That’s it? It’s the most horrendous thing I’ve ever seen! And you have the gut to call it “achievement”?” I can only temporary distract it, and it always comes back one way or another, and I always end up mentally exhausted.
I know I have my deep dark thought, but most of the time I keep it to myself and manage to keep it under control. But this time the negative feeling has been around for longer than I expect and it worries me.
I don’t want to ask much from you. I just need a little help in putting the dark thought back to where it should be. Could you just share something that will make me a bit happier. Something light-hearted, funny, random… anything.
Again, sorry for being too negative, and sorry again if I sound like a whiner and if I’m asking too much from you.