Now that O.J. Simpson is paroled will he hunt for the real killers?
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Donald Trump’s going to appoint him to head a council on domestic violence.
When I first heard about this douche bag I had just got back from duty in North Africa. I really did not know who this asshole was.
They told me he was a super jock. The Juice!
He was acquitted of murder. And people rejoiced about this. How could they rejoice. I did not get it and still do not get it.
In fact, I resent it.
He is clearly a violent murderer!
OK, it works that way. Sometimes the guilty go free.
But he is CLEARLY a sociopath
Listen to how he always presents himself as a victim. He is the worst of the worst.
I bet the farm that that he will not make parole restrictions. He will be back in jail in less than five years.
Total asshole. Total asshole!
If there is such I thing as moral and or legal justice, he will be back in prison in a couple of years.
^^^ There’s an excellent, multi-part documentary about O.J. Simpson, floating around somewhere online and On Demand. I watched the limited series several years ago.
I’ll never forget how appalled I was, seeing an interview with one of the jurors from O.J.‘s murder trial. She, an African-America woman, said that she’d acquitted O.J. because Nicole Simpson could have escaped her abusive marriage, but hadn’t left, and thus had deserved her brutal slaying.
Putting aside the utter absurdity of this argument… Nicole Simpson had, indeed, left her husband and marriage. She was killed in the front yard of her own house!
If this one juror had considered her ridiculous opinion, there could have been a hung jury, mistrial, and re-trial. Instead, O.J. was acquitted.
The documentary presents O.J. Simpson as the quintessential sociopath, all charm and smiles while harboring an ugly, violent past.
Only if the real killers are hiding in casinos and strip clubs.
I am not done with this.
What is it about this asshole that anybody finds worthy of redemption?
He was a running back for USC and the Bills.
Based on that he got a couple of movie roles.
He lived a decadent life, beat up his wife a few times then probably killed her and another guy he didn’t know.
He beat the rap because – shit I don’t even know the because.
Then he went on a golf rampage until he got in trouble again with the law.
Now he is out, and people are interested.
The fucker should be shunned on a good day and I decline to say what should happen on a bad day.
I know that this is not the original question.
But I simply do not understand why this fucker gets one second of attention or one word of print other than his obituary.
Somebody on Facebook said that Trump will make OJ the new Attorney General.
Maybe. If he thinks they are in Florida.
It’s unlikely.
@josie Here are some facts to consider:
* OJ Simpson was tried for the double murder of Nicole and Ron. The result was an acquittal, meaning he went free. Enough jurors were not convinced by the evidence provided that he was found guilty, or perhaps for other reasons.
* There is a documentary on YouTube about the murder case that provides newer evidence that it wasn’t OJ. I’ll see if I can locate it.
* The reason OJ has been in jail for the past nine years is due to his involvement in a robbery in order to regain ownership of many of his NFL memorabilia. In this case, there was enough evidence to prove his guilt. The minimum sentence was nine years before the possibility of parole. The max was 33 years.
*OJ spent his youth living a rough life that many of us can’t even imagine. It then launched into the limelight with his football and acting careers. These factors, amongst others, can easily lead us, the cozy armchair jurors, to believe that he is guilty of the murders. The bottom line is that it requires proof of guilt in order to win a prosecution.
@Love_my_doggie One of the jurors even admitted that the not guilty verdict was payback for Rodney King (though another juror denied that).
Jurors can be wrong. Innocent men are found guilty, guilty men are acquitted. It doesn’t happen with alarming frequency, but it does happen.
He would be wise to move away, and just stay out of the public eye… Not make any contact with the press, ever…
“Sometimes the guilty go free.”
Like George Zimmerman, or triggerhappy cops.
Of course he won’t. He didn’t when he was acquitted of the murders, even when he was facing civil suits (which he lost). So why would he start now? I suspect that he knows who killed Nicole and Ron…whether it was him or someone else.
@josie let me help you with that. He beat the rap because his defense turned the entire thing into a race issue. It continually amazes me how we ignore the actual crime to try focusing on race issues.
^^^ Agreed.
I didn’t watch any of the trial, way back during 1995. Vicious, double homicide simply wasn’t my idea of entertainment, and I had no interest in seeing or following the news.
But, I did learn about the trial in recent years, thanks to a well-done documentary and some retrospective journalism. It’s amazing how the defense team moved the focus by effectively putting Mark Fuhrman on trial for racism. I guess kudos go to the defense for doing a brilliant job, and shame on the prosecution for letting that happen.
OJ IS the real murderer.
@josie As someone who grew up watching OJ play, and then his commercials and movies, I honestly thought he was the affable, nice guy that he presented himself to be. My first inkling was when I tuned in to the low speed “chase.” My first reaction was “No way. Not OJ! No way.”
I honestly couldn’t believe it.
I watched the trial with dawning horror, and finally had to accept it was him. And from everything I’ve learned since then, I’ve developed a deep, sickening, disgust for him. The way he beat on Nichole. The police came, time after time, after time and always gave him a slap on the wrist because he was The Juice.
There are people out there who don’t want to open their eyes. They want the OJ they thought they knew back.
If you guys are talking about the documentary I’m thinking of, I believe it’s called “The People vs. OJ Simpson.” Cuba Gooding is OJ, John Travolta is Kardashian, his attorney. It is a very good documentary. It’s on Netflix under the documentaries.
I wonder if he’ll make a big show of it this time, considering how long people have been attacking him for promising to search for the real killer and then totally not. Heck, he could host a reality show on the subject if he wanted. In these days of factual relativism, he could totally find an audience that supports him.
@Dutchess_III Travolta is Shapiro, one of the lawyers who got him off. David Scwimmer is Kardashian, another lawyer who likely had much less to do with the acquittal, but whom everybody prefers to talk about because of who his kids are now.
Also, it’s historical fiction, or dramatic nonfiction, or what have you, but it’s certainly not a documentary.
Of course not, more than likely he will whore himself to whomever will pay him the most money for interviews or a book deal. You now he will find the spotlight again as that is what narcissistic sociopaths do, anything for notoriety. Maybe he can go live with F. Lee Bailey in his crummy apartment and they can commiserate over what victims they are. LOL
Right @Smashley. I got it wrong.
I thought I saw it under Documentaries. I could be wrong about that too.
@Coloma I’d predict the same “whore” factor, but 100% of any traceable income would be ued to pay the Brown/Goldman civil award. He has no incentive to earn a single penny. But, his NFL pension can’t be touched, and his benefits accrued throughout his incarceration. The guy’s financially set, although the judgment from the civil case will never get paid.
@Dutchess_III You’re thinking of a made-for-TV dramatization, with actors playing all the key characters. I watched about 10 minutes of the program and was utterly bored by it. The documentary, “O.J.: Made in America,” is by ESPN and very different – not a retelling of the trial, but an investigative piece about Simpson and his life.
@Dutchess_III well, I won’t declare that I know how Netflix categorizes things, but they are doing a disservice to the genre if that miniseries is filed under docs.
I already conceded @Smashley. Is that not enough?
@Love_my_doggie I’ll look for it. The OJ thing was one of the first things we watched when we finally got Netflix.
We can cry about how he got away with murder (he probably did), we can blame it on race, we can fault the black jurors, we can blame it on celebrity, we can vilify his defense lawyers for doing what defense lawyers are suppose to do, but…..
One of the prosecution’s key witnesses was caught lying on the stand. It doesn’t matter what the lie was about, the fact is he was caught lying. That undermines the credibility of the witness and weakens the prosecution’s case. This same witness also all but admitted to planting evidence. That alone should be enough to cast the reasonable doubt on any case and ought to result in acquittal.
No. It’s a cold case to everyone except the victims’ families.
@Dutchess_III All I was saying is maybe you are right and they did file it as such. No prob:)
During the Simpson trial, Simpon’s lawyer Alan Dershowitz claimed that Simpson’s abusive treatment of his wife was of no significance, since only 1/1000 of wife abusers ever murder their wives. This should strike you as fallacious reasoning. He got things backward. What we want to know is that given that the wife was murdered, what was the probability that the murderer was her abusive husband. If you are familiar with Bayesian logic, you might find this link of interest. Based solely on general statistics about murder rates by husbands and Dershowitz’s statistic, it comes up with a 97% probability of guilt based solely on the wife abuse evidence. Of course, it is questionable if the jury could have followed the math.
This is a much simpler way of presenting the math.
No. But maybe he’ll write another book about how he would have done it, if if it were him.
Then he’ll run for president, and win.
All he needs to do to find the killer is to look in the mirror. It was a gross miscarriage of justice when he was pronounced not guilty. It is an example of black racism running wild.
No, it was a case of the prosecution failing to prove the charges beyond a reasonable doubt. Kinda happens when you rely on a lead witness who is caught lying under oath and all but admits to planting evidence. Or when you get all star-struck and start becoming more concerned with using the case to propel yourself to minor celebrity status. Or when you have the accused try on evidence that would not possibly fit him in those conditions.
Simply put, the prosecution failed to prove its case and the system worked exactly as intended.
The prosecution was incompetent. and the defense played the race card to a mainly black jury. They were more concerned about alleged racism than the savage murder of two white people by a black man. The system was not intended to released savage killers. Anyone who believes that is savage himself. This wasa gross miscarriage of justice.
No, the system was intended that the prosecution prove a person’s guilt beyond all reasonable doubt. The prosecution failed in this case. The system worked as designed no matter how much you want to blame blacks for it.
You speak of idealistic goals and ignore the harsh reality of a brutal killer evading justice. You need to come down to earth. Ideals can be unrealistic. Prosecution lawyers can lack competence, and then justice is gone, as in this sad case. If the jury had less blacks, the verdict would probably have been guilty, and that is the correct one.
“Prosecution lawyers can lack competence”
As they did in this case. Again, the system worked as designed. And frankly, your insistence that less blacks on the jury would have resulted in a guilty verdict is baseless speculation and reveals your racial prejudice.
Fact: the lead detective in the investigation, Mark Furhman, was caught lying to the court. He also invoked his 5th Amendment right against self-incrimination when question as to the possibility of planting evidence. That’s an admission in all but name. A lying police officer who all but admits to planting/tampering with evidence – there’s your reasonable doubt right there.
And that’s how our system works. And that’s why it’s taking SO long to get Trump impeached. You have to have a damn good reason AND you have to prove it.
That is a tiny point when two savage murders are at issue. Accusing people of racism is so trite. It have been overdone long ago. The jury was mostly black racists. Anyone who claims justice was served when a savage killer is released is beyond hope. Any system that was designed to allow killers to escape justice needs much work. I can hardly believe what this Star Wars fan says. How can anyone be so out of touch with reality and so uncivilized? There is no reason to impeach Trump.
>>“Accusing people of racism is so trite.”
>> calls black jurors racists, because they did not convict based on a corrupt prosecution.
Yep, definitely Russian troll. Throws Trump into any given conversation no matter how irrelevant.
Yes, the jurors are obviously racist to be much more concerned about some alleged racism against blacks than brutal murder of white people. What type of people uphold brutal killers? None I want to know. I hate Russia who invaded my homeland. It is libelous to call me Russian. I flad anyone who tells such insulting lies. You show me your personality in this, and I shudder to see such humans exist.
That’s it, go ahead, flag me. Go cry to the hall monitor, you PC snowflake.
Never once did he reveal what his alleged “homeland” is, or what city he is allegedly from.
^She. Just has a lot to learn. Name calling will probably not help…
The “Star Wars” fan’s photo looks hateful and like a Muslim. If I met such a person on the street, I would probably break his hateful jaws. He looks insane with hate and rage, so he would probably attack me anYou all have much more to learn than I do. You make silly false accusations, e.g. I am Russian, I line PC, I say “Ya”, etc. I am laughing at such monumental foolishness. d force me to beat him. I hate PC and you are the snowflakes. You make so amny silly false accusations against me, copying what CNN does to Trump. I told where I was born on Facebook, Yahoo Answers and Experience Project. I will not tell it here, since this site has the worst harassment I have ever experienced. If I did tell, the Lunatic Left Lying Gang would tell lies about it. I
That photo is of Mikhail Tal – a Latvian chess player and former world champion who was Jewish, not Muslim.
But by all means, keep boasting about physically assaulting people just because you assume they look like a certain ethnicity or religion while calling everyone else hateful.
I said you would probably assault me, and I would need to defend myself by beating you. Learn to read! “Star Wars” is juvenile. More false accusations. You called me a Russian troll. I hope you do that in person. I hate Russia who invaded my homeland and made me a refugee. It is a highly insulting lie that some of you have repeated many times. I flag such false accusations. Jews and Muslims have similar appearance. They are Semitic Caucasians. I modelled in France, so I could post some fine photos of myself, but my camera is in another nation.
“I modelled in France, so I could post some fine photos of myself, but my camera is in another nation.”
Uh-huh. Sure.
Yes, I own a digital camera, but I forgot it in Italy. I forget some other items. Is it so unusual to forget some things. If I practice, I suppose I could use the camera on the computer. I must practice with it. I have some photos but I cannot scan them on this lptop I am using.
I have had photos of myself on Yahoo Answers, Answerbag and Experience Project, but I could not on Fluther or Answermug. I have not posted any on Facebook or Twitter. My very good friend in Italy has my camera. If we have a chance to visit, she can bring it.
So grab one from YA or Answerbag, load it into Photobucket or where ever, then you can share it here, like this
You cannot legitimately be this clueless.
I modeled in France and had pictorials in French magazines. I was in a few movies there briefly. I do not have the equipment now that I used to put photos on some websites. Since I am a model, I am considered beautiful and have a fine figure at 1.78 meters or 5’-10” in height with 107–61-99 cm, or 42”-24”-39” bust-waist-hips. I left Yahoo Answers because of trolls, but Fluther is even worse. Answerbag terminated and reopened, so it does not have my old account. Experience Project closed. I have to learn to use the camera on my laptop. I have not taken any satisfactory photos with it.
Girls Of The “B” Movies
Taxi dancers
This is about as far off of the rails, as I have ever seen a thread go…
OJ would be happy.
It’s in social. Every thread in social goes off the rails.
I did not mention being in magazines in England, Australia and the USA. “People” and “Playboy” had some photos of me, but I have several pages in French magazines.
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