How can I improve my relationship with my long time crush?
Asked by
stevedores (
July 20th, 2017
from iPhone
I’m in eleventh grade. I’ve known this girl since first grade (let’s call her Elizabeth), but I had a crush on her since 8th grade. In 8th grade, I liked someone else (let’s call her Allison) and I started talking a lot with this girl. My crush on “Allison” ended in heartbreak and “Elizabeth was there for me since I started liking “Allison” and even tried to help me out. By the end of 8th grade, I had a crush on “Elizabeth”. When 9th grade started, I still had a crush on them, but didn’t have them in any classes, so we rarely talked. When tenth grade began, I realized that in 8th grade, they liked me, but I was too dumb to realize it. The signs were all there, and they even said that they loved me multiple times (after commenting them or supporting them on a matter). Then, in tenth grade, they were completely ignoring me, barely talking to me ever. This made me very sad. The worst part about it is when I tried to talk to them on Snapchat and they read my messages and didn’t respond almost every time. Towards the end of tenth grade, I was talking to them one night and it was the best feeling I’ve ever had, but then it went back to not talking once again. Now, going into eleventh grade next year, I rarely talk to them once again. I miss them and would do anything to be with them, or at least have our previous relationship back, and hate myself for not doing anything about the fact that they almost definitely liked me in 8th grade. What can I do about this?
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5 Answers
Pick one. Walk up to her and start talking to her in person. Pick the one that you actually like. No social media.
Despite “popular” ideas about polyamory (that’s a joke in my opinion, invented by guys who want to sleep with multiple women with no commitment) you need to decide who you truly have feelings for and then go forth.
No female wants you if you can’t pick one that you truly have feelings for. No one wants to be the result of a coin flip.
If you can’t choose one, then move along
Thanks for the response. The only problem with talking to them in real life is that I don’t see them often. The only time I really see them is if they’re walking in the hallway, which isn’t a good time to talk because they’re usually with friends. I’ll have to hope that I have a class or two with them when school starts. Loving the suggestion though.
First of all, BE A GOOD FRIEND. If she wants to take it to the next level, she’ll let you know. If you push it you may only succeed in pushing her away. So be patient! Be cool!
Honesty is always the best policy, but some things are better left unsaid. So always be honest, but know when to bite your tongue!
She may need a reason to see you as more than a friend, so BE A GOOD FRIEND first and foremost. Let time take it’s course.
Pass her a note in the hall while she’s with her friends. Ask her if she wants to meet you at Starbucks after school. Give her your phone number or email.
If you don’t ever see her, or make a plan to see her, your whole situation is dead in the water.
Thank you kritiper and Kardamom! I will use both of those suggestions.
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