Can you make up a fact that sounds 100% believable?
Asked by
Sneki2 (
July 21st, 2017
Stuff like “in the original Winnie the Pooh books, Piglet was a female” or “studies show that eating a pomengranate once or twice a week lowers the risk of breast cancer” or something like that.
Lets get creative!
The more believable it sounds, the better.
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74 Answers
NASA can easily achieve manned landings on Uranus, but no astronaut is willing to say that he visited there….
In the original Snow white story, Snow white was 7 years old.
The wicked witch of the west had a sister on the east red brick road.
There are currently 1.4 million wind turbines on the planet.
If you hold a candle in a darkened room and stare into a mirror at your reflection a demon will eventually appear over your shoulder.
The human voice has been gaining strength over the last 50 years or so and according to the American National Standards Institute we speak about 22% louder than our grandparents.
Based on New York Times and CNN polls, Bernie Sanders is second in the “least liked politician in the U.S” poll and 67% percent say it’s because of his “far left socialist views”. Trump is the number one least liked. Hillary Clinton is the third.
Stephanie Courtney, who plays ‘Flo’ in those Progressive Insurance commercials, was the gold medalist in the Modern Pentathalon during the 1996 Summer Olympics in Atlanta.
Her father, Steve Courtney, played the drums on The Surfaris’ hit ‘Wipeout’......
A recent study conducted by Yale University showed that 12 out of 20 people are followed by a ghost. 66% of the ghosts has special feeling toward their human hosts and want to coexist with them. Among the ghosts, 6 out of 10 cannot neutralize their energy to coexist with their human hosts. This study is expected to be the first step to provide an explanation for why depression is a worldwide phenomenon despite its obvious disadvantage to the human evolution, as well as giving scientists a glimpse to the human’s behavior after death and the relationship of the living and the dead.
The 1.4 million wind turbines @flutherother referred to have caused enough drag on the rotation of the earth to eliminate the need for a Leap Day in years divisible by 25.
Trump is the best, honest,down to earth President the usa has ever had.
If you freeze cherries and then thaw them if you eat the pit there is a chance that it will sprout in your digestive tract causing a bowel obstruction.
Authorities have found proof that the supposed moon landings in the 1960’s were fake, prompting President Trump to pour money into a “real” space program to prove the USA is better than Russia.
Sean Spicer and Melissa McCarthy were spotted having dinner together at an Olive Garden in Miami Fl.
David Spade has been dating Jillian Grace since 2013. In 2015 on one of Chelsea Handler’s shows he was a guest. She did some digging before the show and discovered that Jillian Grace is David Spades first cousin.
He did not care and they are still together.
Don Knotts, who played the nervous and inept Deputy Barney Fife on the old Andy Griffith Show back in the early 60s was in fact a thrice-decorated war hero in 1950 – 51 during the Korean conflict.
Captain Knotts was awarded two Medals of Honor and a Silver Star after throwing himself on several live hand grenades while simultaneously killing a total of 112 North Korean regulars and saving the lives of over 250 American soldiers.
Miraculously (and ironically), Captain Knotts always traditionally began each patrol with just one bullet in his shirt pocket, achieving the majority of his kills with his bare hands…..
The upcoming eclipse will reduce solar electric power generation in North America on August 21, 2017 by 4.7%.
Coincidentally, it will also reduce air conditioning loads by 4.7%.
The net effect will be zero,
Asteroids 1986 FG2 and 2002 ED6 will collide above the Great Lakes on 13 June 2034 at 9.00am GMT. The collision will be seen as a bright flash in the sky. NASA has urged people not to panic saying the probability of damage on the ground is ‘minimal’.
The White House garden created by Michelle Obama has been removed to make room for a Jacuzzi.
Global Warming is a hoax created by media and supported by scientific community. It doesn’t exist in reality!!
@imrainmaker That is too obvious, try again.
thanks for the answers, folks. Keep it up
A human male becomes less intelligent, when he has an erect penis. The blood that fills it, comes from the brain. Robbing the brain of, it’s normal levels of O2.
When the erection has subsided, then normal thinking can return, as the blood flow has returned to normal…..
Many are perhaps familiar, in name at least, with Descartes’ great work, “The Cartesian Well” A series of twelve epic poems set in ancient Greece, Italy, and Rhodes (Malta) where the fabled well was located. The ancient Cartesian monastery developed the Cartesian coordinate system used in astronomy and physics.
Once required reading in many universities, and frequently referenced in literature and philosophy, Descartes’ masterpiece The Cartesian Well appears to have been lost to the annals of time; it appears no known copies of this work has survived to the information / Internet age. Very little today is known about it.
In case anyone wonders: Most people BELIEVE they’ve heard of THE CARTESIAN Well because it rhymes with artesian well.—the way we get water from aquifers. No such literature exists.
Descartes did NOT write poetry but did develop the Cartesian Coordinate system. It has absolutely nothing to do with Greece, Italy, or Malta
I just did a research and couldn’t figure out what you were talking about. Thanks for clarifying.
@YARNLADY they would probably make a good couple :)
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The World Council of Churches and its member churches (denominations)—including the United Methodist Church and the Presbyterian Church USA, (PC-USA) IS OWNED BY Al Rajhi—one of the wealthiest Arab leaders in the Islamic world, who purchased the five main ailing denominations in June, 1984
The Southern Baptist convention, as a corporate body, is owned by Artur Rasizade , a communist and the current Prime Minister of The Republic of Azerbaijan (another Islamic nation). They do not own the actual buildings but are officially in control of denominational assets, polity, government and protocal.
If you were to line up all the parasites in the average human body end-to-end, such as tapeworms, they would stretch about seven miles. All humans have them. Not generally disclosed because people have a “thing” about parasites and worms. Fortunately, most are benign. Only when something gets off balance do problems occur.
Most wood glue and white glue is made from euthanized dogs, not horses.
The planet Venus was more Earthlike before its core stopped spinning about 400—700 years ago. It was probably a very cold planet, around -40 degrees, as the clouds deflected sunlight back into space.
Donald Trump has a little known but highly respected younger brother by the name of Ronald. Ronald Trump is a quiet modest man and something of a diplomat who, perhaps uniquely, has been praised by both Mahmoud Abbas and Benjamin Netanyahu for his insights into Middle Eastern politics.
My favorite lie:
I have an old grandfather clock that has a pendulum. It has been swinging back and forth so long the shadow of the pendulum end has carved a groove on the back of the clock.
Country singer Garth Brooks was one of the original five members of the band KISS—and a usual stand-in for lead guitar Ace Frehley and rhythm guitarist Paul Stanley.
(I knew someone who actually believes Garth Brooks was one of the original four of KISS and had another last name while with KISS, and of course, the make-up. Changed his last name as a new identity/image to be a country singer)
100% guaranteed way for women to drastically increase their bust size naturally: Induced lactation. You don’t have to be pregnant. You just have to have them sucked on (or use a pump) 20 minutes, four times a day, for a month.
Now for the weirdest part. It’s actually true. But who believes facts now-a-days anyway.
Hey! If it’s actually true, you’re out.
I need false facts. Make something up.
Is it? Or did I just say that to make it more believable?
A supernatural being may be the reason that the universe exists.
Trump is planning to have his likeness carved into Mount Rushmore alongside George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln. It is understood the substantial costs in creating the 60 foot high sculpture will be covered by the Trump Foundation and written off as a tax deductible. Discussions with the US National Park Service are continuing.
Pi has been calculated to over 1 million digits by dividing the circumference of a circle by the diameter.
Mathematicians have recently discovered an odd fact about pi. All digits after the two quadrillionth digit are zeroes. According to professor Leon McCaskill of Stanford University this result is most unexpected. “We fully expected the random pattern of digit distribution to continue indefinitely. This result is astounding though not perhaps to the lay person. We are looking for a reason for this finding which has huge implications for mathematics.
Scientists at Stanford University have determined that Einstein’s Theory of Relativity is only provable in January and May.
During all other months, E=MC Hammer
If you sneeze too hard without closing your eyes, your eyeballs may pop out of your sockets—although, admittedly, it is so rare that it has only been documented once (and with much controversy and disagreement surrounding the incident in ophthalmologist circles to this day).
Still, it has been more reliably documented that if you don’t close your eyelids, you may cause micro tears in the optic nerve: Without the eyelid closed to counteract the pressure of the sneeze, the eyeball pulls forward, overstretching the optic nerve. Over time this can lead to vision problems. Thankfully, we instinctively close our eyes during a sneeze, and it is very difficult to override this reflex—evolution at work!
Jellyfish were the first organisms in existence, after simple microorganisms, and have remained as they were when they first appeared.
It is impossible to fart while sneezing
Actually, its impossible not to fart while sneezing.
It’s burping, and sneezing. That’ll turn you inside out.
(This answer involves Kanzi, a real-life language-reared male bonobo with advanced communication skills and converses using a portable “keyboard” of arbitrary symbols that Kanzi associates with words)—
Kanzi the Bonobo has revealed that Bonobos and Chimpanzees DO periodically contemplate whether or not there is a Supreme being or ‘God” figure. But most, including Kanzi, have dismissed the matter as irrelevant to their happiness or well being, and therefore irrelevant to their species.
…...and Kanzi never crashed…..
Using the latest brain imaging techniques scientists can identify the precise neural networks involved in very specific tasks such as tying your shoe laces.
Kanzi the Bonobo has been seen checking Google to see if he is related to anyone in the Zip code 20500.
The three Brontë sisters, Charlotte, Emily and Anne (none of whom survived to the age of 40) where known as the three bells after their first pseudonymously published joint work:
Poems, by Currer, Ellis and Acton Bell
So fond were they of gambolling that the first automated poker machines used three bells to signify a jackpot.
In algebraic boolean mathematics (ab surd ), a transcendental number is a real or complex number that is not algebraic—that is, it is not a root of a nonzero polynomial equation with integer (or, equivalently, rational) coefficients. The best-known transcendental numbers are π and e.
To date, attempts at finding a solution to the expression e^(i*π) +1 have lead to nothing.
There are more grains of sand on every beach in the world than there are stars in the sky.
Recent research has shown that an enzyme found only in cheesecake has weight loss properties. Researchers recommend eating one, extra large slice just before bed for maximum benefit.
@Pinguidchance I think that is true!
@Coloma : ” I think that’s true”.
Can you make up a fact that sounds 100% believable?
The reverse of what I typed is putatively true.
The dome of the Capitol building in Washington, D.C. is made of Cast Iron
These days computers are so powerful that complex calculations such as 4 ^ (1.5) that ate up a lot of aficionado time being solved by hand can now be calculated in the wink of an eye.
@Yellowdog I have seen both the inner wood-copper dome and the outer iron dome with my own eyes.
The world is running out of new music. It is estimated that the supply of new tunes will start to become exhausted in a mere ten to fifteen years. Not everyone will notice as old tunes can be played in different ways with different tempos and different instruments etc but true originality in music will be a thing of the past.
Actually, its made of an inner wood-copper dome and an outer cast iron dome and a great echo-chamber.
I have some photos of the space between I took when I was a kid on a tour back when they let you in that area. I’ll see if I can find one
I knew this to be true—was really into Cast Iron Victorian storefronts on the Saint Louis waterfront—all of ours in Memphis are gone now. But I would like to see the photos—my 8th grade Washington trip was 1978 and they had recently stopped allowing that part of the tour of the Capitol building..
We had a state rep escort us on one of the “insider tours” sometime in the late 80’s
With all the dramaturgy and distress in the world today it’s timely to reflect on the passing of a consummate entertainer which almost went unnoticed last week.
Larry La Prise, the man who wrote “The Hokey Pokey”, died peacefully at age 93. The most traumatic part for his family was getting him into the coffin.
They put his left leg in, and then the trouble started…
The Hokey Pokey (La Prise-Macac-Baker) by Ray Anthony & his Orchestra, vocal by Jo Ann Greer & the Skyliners
^ Haha…and yes, now that you mention it, the reverse of your above sharing is true. I knew that rang a bell. More stars in the universe than all the grains of sand from all the beaches of the world.
Here’s a fact that seems unbelievable but is actually true.
Every time you urinate a small amount of urine is excreted into your saliva.
“Here’s a fact that seems unbelievable but is actually true.
Every time you urinate a small amount of urine is excreted into your saliva”.
There’s a bridge we could buy while we sing a wee song from the top:
The bladder bone’s connected to the urethra bone.
The urethra bone’s connected to the spit bone.
The skeleton dance.
If you take an old Windows MIllenium Edition install disk and put it in the microwave for a few seconds, a series of small red bumps will appear around the circumference of the bottom side. This is a binary code, which, when translated reads: “One OS to rule them all. One OS to find them. One OS the bring them all and in the darkness bind them.”
Schizophrenia has been disproven.
It turns out, the voices are real.
Time travel never becomes a reality, but some college students in the year 2233 discover they can communicate across time strands, by depositing their voices directly in someone’s ear.
They do so as a prank for six years, until they are caught, punnished, and the truth is told into the ears of seven hundred psychiatrists. To prove it was the truth, and not a hoax, the psychiatrists were told when the Cubs would win the world series again.
144 of them placed bets, became quite wealthy, and now none of the docs who were contacted are willing to release news of the truth.
The ones who placed bets don’t want to be exposed as cheats, and those who did not bet want to continue collecting money from patients who have been convinced the voices are not real.
^ besides the part about time travelling, it’s quite believable. GA.
Regarding the band Air Supply—Graham Russell and Russell Hitchcock— who comprise the soft-rock (mostly ;80s) band Air Supply—were secretly gay lovers. Their intense loving lyrics resulted from singing love songs to each other—as they really seem to be doing in many of their songs.
They never ‘came out of the closet’ because their base audience would oppose this.
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