General Question

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Do you need a drivers licence to be a city councillor?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25172points) July 21st, 2017

Just wondering.

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11 Answers

zenvelo's avatar

Nope, not unless the City requires all the Council members to also be chauffeurs.

imrainmaker's avatar

You’ll need to get elected for sure..!! Check the minimum requirements for this election in your city.

stanleybmanly's avatar

which city where?

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Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

It depends on the city. I imagine that you will have to come up with some sort of official ID to prove you are who you say you are just in case they want to tar and feather you later. A state photo ID card should suffice, or a birth cert with a Social Security card—two seminal IDs that are required to get all others. A passport. It depends on the laws are concerning what they consider proof of identification in your city, county and state.

I had a friend, back in the seventies, that ran for city council. He was a campus radical who wanted some big changes made in the city that the university was in and, although popular among the younger voters, he was an anathema to the established power. So, the city lawyer dug up some old law that said a person running for elected office in that particular county must own land.

LOL. So my buddy bought a cemetery plot which qualified him to run, but he lost the popular vote anyway. But it was great publicity and really freaked out the council. The upside was that the publicity revealed a law that could be challenge as unconstitutional, and it was, and it was removed.

YARNLADY's avatar

Every city has it’s own regulations. You have to find out what is required in the city you are interested in. (in which you are interested, for the grammar police)

johnpowell's avatar

Are you thinking of running for the position? If yes and you are asking this question please reconsider.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@johnpowell Ok I reconsidered. Its not hurting anyone, it sounds like fun. Maybe I could wait 4 years and run later.

zenvelo's avatar

@RedDeerGuy1 why wait four years? It would be a good reason for you to get out of your apartment and be part of society!

JLeslie's avatar

I can’t imagine a driver’s license is a requirement.

PullMyFinger's avatar

If your city council has some kind of predudice toward walkers, or bike-riders, they don’t deserve your coucilmanship anyway, in my opinion….

(Now I’ll be wound-up for the rest of the day, I KNOW it…)

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