General Question

elbanditoroso's avatar

Which keeps beverages cold longer? Crushed ice or cube ice?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33700points) July 23rd, 2017

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11 Answers

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Cube ice. Has less surface area.

Jeruba's avatar

Do you mean in the beverage or around the beverage, as in a cooler?

YARNLADY's avatar

Crushed ice works better in a container that holds beverages, but inside the beverage itself, the cube keeps it cold longer.

MrGrimm888's avatar

I vote cubed.. .

stanleybmanly's avatar

the cubes will last longer. Crushed will cool faster.

zenvelo's avatar

The larger the cube, the longer it resists melting

gondwanalon's avatar

Dose the crashed ice have the same temperature as the cubed ice? If so then the cubed ice would last longer.

Kardamom's avatar

In my non-scientific research with both cubed ice and crushed ice (our fridge makes both) I have found that the crushed ice melts faster and then the whole drink warms up faster, than the cubed ice, which seems to take longer to melt, so the whole drink stays colder longer. This is starting with liquid that is already cold (water,tea or lemonade).

ragingloli's avatar

In a properly insulated container, it makes no difference.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I vote cubed. And the more you have the longer it takes them all to melt. I always get extra ice in my drinks. Three ice cubes melt a lot faster than 12.

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