Social Question

elbanditoroso's avatar

Do Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, and Warren Buffet care about who is the richest?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33701points) July 27th, 2017

An article in today’s paper noted that Jeff Bezos (Amazon) is now the richest person in the world, surpassing Bill Gates.

Do you think that the three of them care? Do they call each other and boast?

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11 Answers

jca's avatar

I doubt they care. Perhaps they find the whole thing amusing.

Darth_Algar's avatar

Considering that it basically changes by the day I doubt they care overmuch.

funkdaddy's avatar

Warren Buffet and Bill Gates are giving most of it away, and seem most worried with how to have the biggest impact with that money. So I seriously doubt they care if anyone else takes the crown.

Bezos does some crazy stuff with his loot, so again, I don’t think he’s worrying about anything other than impact.

zenvelo's avatar

No, it fluctuates too much with the daily move in the stock market. Tomorrow AMZN could be down $5 while MSFT is up $2, and Gates is back on top.

Gates and Buffet are both giving most of their money away when they die.

kritiper's avatar

No. When a person makes that much, competition isn’t a issue.

johnpowell's avatar

I would give a fuck.

Who here hasn’t thought they gave the best answer and yet some shit answer had more lurve and you wanted to kill yourself. It is human nature.

Say Fluther posted a list of the people with the most points.. And you were only a few behind the #1 position. Would you not post more to increase your odds of taking the lead to get some personal satisfaction?

Forbes posts a list. I am pretty sure they pay attention.

ZEPHYRA's avatar

Who cares? They all go six feet under when the time comes.

kritiper's avatar

It’s like two guys who have exactly the same new, expensive car, but one car has slightly less wear on the tires.

Pachy's avatar

Here’s the thing: I don’t care.

How much any of them are worth means less than nothing to me.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I don’t know them personally, but I’m pretty sure Warren Buffet and Bill Gates don’t care. Don’t know about Jeff Bezos.
I tell you who would care and that’s Trump.

rockfan's avatar

My dad was in the same graduating class as Jeff Bezos and knew him as an acquaintance in an English writing course. He’s mentioned numerous times that Bezos came off as extremely insecure, so I’m pretty sure he cares.

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