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elbanditoroso's avatar

Death of someone whose voice you will recognize - Natasha and Rocky from the Bullwinkle cartoon. Can we wish her good bye...

Asked by elbanditoroso (33700points) July 27th, 2017


I watched Rocky and Bullwinkle when I was a kid; I never paid attention to the voices. What did I know?

June Foray, the voice of Natasha Fatale and Rocky the Flying Squirrel – no longer with us…

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9 Answers

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

To bad that she never got to kill moose and squirrel. She should have used a gun and not a bomb. Goodbye Natasha . June Foray.

janbb's avatar

I loved the show and was aware as an adult of her as the voice.

Coloma's avatar

I remember her voice in R&BW too, man, she must be about 107.

Just looked, I was close, she was 99. Yikes, way too old. LOL

filmfann's avatar

She was a voice actor god. Rocky, Natasha, Cindy Loo Who, the grandmother in the Tweetybird cartoons. As an adult, I watched some of her work as a princess with a New York accent on Fractured Fairy Tales, and laughed my fool head off. I had seen it a hundred times before, and never realized they were making a jewish princess joke.

janbb's avatar

@filmfann There was so much subtle humor in that show.

kritiper's avatar

A bit of my childhood is gone. Rest in peace. And thanks ever so much.

cookieman's avatar

I imagine she’s having a nice chat with Mel Blanc right about now.

Strauss's avatar

^^Probably in character(s)! R.I.P.

Smashley's avatar

Last of the golden age, she was. I’d been checking in on her health every few months for about a decade. She was 99 but still with it till the end, by all accounts. Who else could boast they were known working and well known nationwide across 9 decades?

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