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Pandora's avatar

Do you think Trump may be mentally stuck on the Apprentice?

Asked by Pandora (32451points) July 28th, 2017

Okay, so new development. Prebius is out and Kelly has been moved up in his place. Trump believes all this in fighting and back stabbing actually makes people work harder. I’ve only watched a partial of one apprentice years ago, but I found the whole premise ridiculous.

How can anyone perform to their best ability when they feel no real loyalty coming from the boss and you know he’s ready to help put a knife in your back? Along with everyone else you work with. You create a situation where 10 people who have different ideas can’t come to an agreement because they don’t want to be burned for someone else’s idea.

Its every one for themselves and no one really looking out for the Nation. So the White House becomes as dysfunctional as Congress and the Senate.

But back to my point. It seems he hires people to fire them soon after. Everyone is on the chopping block at all times. Except the executives of this Apprentice show. Jared, Ivanka and Trump.

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9 Answers

filmfann's avatar

Trump has insisted that the White House is running like a well oiled machine.
With the addition of the Mooch, and the ouster of Preibus, it more closely resembles The Sopranos.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

I think that was the way Trump was brought up by his father, always in conflict.

HE is trying to believe his own spin, but keeps throw out the troops in the WH because he knows it is only Spin.

ragingloli's avatar

Yes. The Kindergarten edition.
The Orangutan makes W. look like a genius.

Pandora's avatar

@Tropical_Willie I think Prebius is the only one with any idea of how the White House is suppose to run. He basically just has a bunch of newbies with no clue about what needs to be done.
That’s why I think it’s more like the Apprentice. All of them are Apprentices but with no real professional guidance now.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@Pandora If Kelly knows what he is doing he will only last ‘til Labor Day.

Zaku's avatar

I think he’s mentally stuck in a psychic barbed wire entanglement, and I’m amazed that he got elected, got into office, and hasn’t been tossed out yet, and that some people still actually support him. Amazed and horrified that our society is so broken that the circus continues.

Pandora's avatar

I’m convinced the reason he won is because of right wing those red states. I lived in the south for about 2 decades and there are some things that were true then and continue to be true now. The red states see democrats as the sons and daughters of Lucifer. They don’t trust media from beyond their state borders. And any left ideas in media quickly die among bible thumper land. Your, sick, hurt, poor, robbed or injured. Pray to God. He will fix it if you are righteous. If you die, it was Gods plan. So accept it all and don’t fight anything, except abortion. You eat what you are fed and the media in the south, is Republican views just about all the time.

Yellowdog's avatar

Prebius will be staying on during the transition, and I got NO indication that there is any hostility between Trump and Prebius.

There have been more leaks than days that Trump has been in office.

Donald J. Trump is in the business of getting done what needs to be done—in this case, in order to clean up the security leaks and run the White House. The General is a better choice due to his military background and way of running a tight ship.

Many of us, myself certainly included, have been told the painful truth that we were not fit for the job. We may be good at what we’re good at, and be a good people person, but not good at what the boss needs to get the task done.

Other presidents have gotten to chose who does what—Trump is doing the same. He has business experience but no political experience, and many enemies in our own land and internationally and Trump needs to put people where they need to be I can assure you, he’s quite good at it.

flutherother's avatar

It seems the only people safe from the Trump axe are close relatives and billionaire friends. He is draining the swamp all right and replacing it with a bigger and better swamp.

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