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US woman engaged to pakistani/pathan man - beware?
Id like some advice if you don’t mind…
I’m engaged to a pakistani(pashtun) man, 30yrs old, never married (not a virgin but only had sex once when young), no kids, living in Dubai for last 5 or 6 yrs, finishing up his masters degree in accounting.
I am 35, one 13y/o boy, never married, working on bachelors in cognitive science, living in Caifornia.
In looking for marriage requirements I’ve come across a lot of warning articles against Americans marrying foreign men. They say the men will change after marriage, or will leave them to get married back home.
I did date a divorced Muslim (saudi) a couple years ago here on scholarship, his family wouldn’t let us get married (I met sister & brother who were supportive) and pressured him to get engaged with a girl he grew up with instead. He gave in but supposedly broke up with her, but ended up moving back to his country anyway & I never heard from him again, so I assume he lied to me and probably married her when they got engaged…so I am kind of weary, even though this feels different & my fiancee is much more “good” than ex was. (Ex gambled, smoked weed, drank, clubbed, slept with women, missed prayer regularly, etc).
Fiancees mother is dying to meet me, wants to skype (I won’t without him cuz I’m too shy), he wants to take me to pakistan when I visit dubai (he is paying for ticket, hotel, everything) if I can extend my trip a little, he’d prefer to marry in pakistan and live in Dubai but i want to finish school here and have 5–6 more years (to reach educational goals) & frankly want my wedding my way instead of surrounded by strangers, so he agreed to come here and get married instead, and possibly move back to dubai after…but either way for us take yrly visits to his parents or have them visit us, which I love the idea of & am really excited to meet them too.
He also wants no physical relationship (beyond kissing/holding hands/hugging) until we’re married, especially by his religion, even though obviously it’s SO HARD for us! & We have a lot of plans for our careers and family, for our Iives together ahead. He wants to start our family asap.
I guess my question is…should I worry about what these articles say or about everything changing once we’re married? I’m not worried from his current actions, not even from my previous experience because that one could have easily lied to me or used me for green card & he didnt, the only reason I ask is because of the articles.
Thank you!

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