General Question

janbb's avatar

Is this pink eye?

Asked by janbb (63362points) July 29th, 2017

I have a tender spot on my lower lid inside and it’s quite red. Is this likely to be pink eye or just a pimple or something? I had the impression that pinkeye was more in the inner corner of the eye.

I will do warm compresses and see my doctor on Monday; just want some opinions in the meantime.

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11 Answers

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

It sounds like a sty.

janbb's avatar

@Hawaii_Jake Oh – I bet you’re right!

Warm compresses, I think then. Right?

zenvelo's avatar

Yep, a compress as hot as you can stand.

Conjunctivitis involves the whole eye, not just the inside of the eyelid. And you’d have crusty detritus in the corner of your eye where stuff moves and dries out.

janbb's avatar

Good. I’m coming to Cali next weekend and don’t want to have anything contagious!

stanleybmanly's avatar

Yes. Stay away plague laden penguin.

JLeslie's avatar

Pink eye you will barely be able to open your eye in the morning. The lids will be practically stuck shut from the infection.

It sounds like a sty most likely. You’ll know in the AM.

It could be even something else of course, those aren’t the only two options.

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

I agree with @Hawaii_Jake, sounds like a sty. As @JLeslie says, if it’s pink eye you’d be pain and your eye would be red and sore and I’d expect there to be some discharge.

JLeslie's avatar

I wouldn’t call it pain, but some discomfort for sure.

janbb's avatar

Well, there is discomfort because it’s tender around that area but I do think it’s a sty from reading.

JLeslie's avatar

I’m pretty sure we used a salt water compress when I had a stye as a child. I haven’t had one in ages so my memory is fuzzy. Warm not hot.

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