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RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Has anything that you used to love become a chore for you?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25106points) July 30th, 2017

Keeping track of popular culture is exhausting me now that I am 40. So I gave up most of it. I watch business news on PBS and Designated Survivor and Genius on National Geographic channel. Most else I let go. I have even given up on Star Trek and Star Wars. So what about you? What favorite pastimes have you given up on? Is what I am doing “putting away childish things”? Or am I depressed?

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26 Answers

Mimishu1995's avatar

Nothing comes to mind. I just stopped doing things I liked in the past because of various reasons, the most common of which is lack of time. I just don’t do them anymore but I would like to start again if I have time. I don’t force myself to do anything.

Bonus: keeping track of popular culture has always been a chore to me. At high school I forced myself to do that because I needed acceptance. I don’t anymore. I just treat it as another piece of news coming and going.

imrainmaker's avatar

As we grow up our preferences / priorities change. It’s hard to say as I think there will be many such things which will fall in this category.

Sneki2's avatar

You’re not depressed (fuck’s sake, when will people stop self-diagnosing whenever even the smallest issue arrives?)

You just got older and changed your interests. It happens to everyone.

rockfan's avatar

Debating religion with fundamentalists.

rockfan's avatar


A loss of interest in hobbies or activities is a sign of depression…

JLeslie's avatar

Almost everything has become a chore now that I do so much more work that feels like homework. Maybe I have undiagnosed ADD. Lol. I used to be very interested in infectious disease discoveries, medicine in general, and politics, but now I don’t spend much time on any of those things.

My job now requires I be focused on words and numbers, and that’s enough mind focus for me for the most part. I still watch a couple political shows for a few hours a week, but nothing like I used to. I don’t care about reading up on much of anything, although I do still enjoy a good history show or museum. I like when the museum has a docent tour, rather than having to read on my own. Truth is I’ve never liked to read, so I’ve always preferred watching and listening more than reading anyway. Reading quickly begins to feel like homework to me as I said above.

Still, somehow, I seem to have a reasonable bit of knowledge in several topics. I guess ours good I’m fairly extroverted. I live hearing people tell me their own history, and sharing the knowledge they know. I go to lectures on many topics, and I really enjoy that. It saddens me that classes actually seem to be less of a thing now. More and more computer based infuriation. It’s good and bad.

janbb's avatar

Riding a bike – it makes me nervous now with all the traffic around.

Sneki2's avatar

@rockfan It doesn’t mean one is de facto depressed just because s/he lost interest in something. One symptom is not an evidence of an illness.
Quit immediately slapping the illness label whenever something unusual happens.

ragingloli's avatar

Destroying fundies on the internet.
@Sneki2 You remind me of this picture:

Coloma's avatar

Sure, a lot of things. I’m at the phase of life now where almost everything is a been there, done that thing and, for example, while I will always love animals I have zero interest in having a lot of pets anymore and doing the work required to maintain them. 2 cats are just purrfect and while I work as a pet and house sitter I get the best of both worlds, I can still enjoy animals, care for them to a degree but…I am also handsomely paid for my efforts. haha

flutherother's avatar

A million years ago or so I kept a close eye on the singles charts. Now I have no interest whatsoever.

rebbel's avatar

@Coloma Did you not also had a swan?
Or two?
Or am I remembering things that were not there?

Kardamom's avatar

Trying to cook every day. It’s so hot here, year round, that sometimes it’s simply too exhausting, or just too hot to turn on the stove or oven. Sometimes I really want to cook, but I just cant.

Coloma's avatar

@rebbel Yes, my one old guy passed away last year at age 20 something and “Marwyn” is the 19 year old. He lives with my friends and her geese now about one mile from me. Just saw him yesterday. :-)

@Kardamom Ugh.. am SO cranky and burned out on this goddamn heat. I just went to the store and I am living on fruit, salad, tuna sandwiches, french bread, salami and spinach dip the next 4 days. I’ve been craving a baked potato but no way, and the microwave version sucks. haha

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

In my twenties, I was a party animal of the first water. For the past forty years, I’ve had no interest in partying at all, or being around people who indulge in mind altering substances. I don’t even like being in a room with more than five or six people.

I don’t find cities or the people in them as fascinating as I once did.

As a nurse, I was intensely interested in medicine, medical updates, pharmacology, new study trials, medical history, traditional medicine of other cultures past and present, field expedient medicine, etc.—all things medical. Not so much anymore.

I used to love political arguments on the net. Pointing out the fallacies of a neocon, and being extra cruel about it, made my day. Those days are long gone. I couldn’t care less what strangers think anymore.

rebbel's avatar

@Coloma Awwww, that is sad….

Ah, geese.
I was close :-)

Kardamom's avatar

@Coloma I’ve been wanting to bake some banana bread or gingerbread or brownies, but I don’t dare turn on the oven. Luckily, I have found some delicious cold salads in the deli sections of several of our grocery stores. That gives me inspiration. I don’t even want to use the stove, but if it ever cools off, I shall make some of these pasta salads, and do some baking.

I sleep with a wet wash cloth around my neck : (

Coloma's avatar

@rebbel Yes, always sad to lose a pet but he had a great life, and, I had him cremated and have little silver locket with a bit of him close to my heart. :-)

Coloma's avatar

@Kardamom Oh, you reminded me of a pasta salad I have been wanting to make. Put your wet washcloth in the frizzer…then when it’s frozen run a little cold water over it to flex it up and wring it out. Feels great!

ragingloli's avatar

You mean overcooked.

Coloma's avatar

@Esedess Haha, me too…that’s why I don’t date. I am very happy with the relationship I have with myself. The woman in the mirror and I get along great. LOL

Esedess's avatar

@Coloma Yea… But girls are so soft! lol

Coloma's avatar

@Esedess ...and men are so hard. LOL

WhyNow's avatar

Are you saying @RedDeerGuy1 you don’t watch Keeping Up With the Kardashians?

You USED to be my hero. No wonder you’re depressed!

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@WhyNow I prefer watching keeping up with the cardasians.

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