What are the Democrats proposing to fix the problems with ACA?
Asked by
JLeslie (
July 31st, 2017
from iPhone
Everyone wants to know what the Republicans would replace Obamacare with, but I want to know what Democrats are saying who agree it needs to be tweaked and improved upon. I know a lot of us Democrats want straight socialized healthcare, but I’m just talking about improving on ACA as it is now, which has been suggested by many.
I’m going through getting insurance right now, and it has been stressful. My husband has said more than once let’s just not pay for insurance at all, except the penalty of course.
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6 Answers
Not necessarily a Democrat’s stated position, but here is an articel from the NY Times on how to repair it
ACA would work and work well if it had not had years of being sabotaged. States refused to expand Medicaid programs to help the poor, and years of litigation have made insurance companies jittery.
I was at a town hall meeting with a local Congressman. He gave several ideas that are proposed by Democrats as fixes. I can’t remember all of them but one would be a government funded stop-loss program, I assume something like re-insurance, to encourage more companies to go or stay on the exchanges.
I don’t understand health care enough to totally know what these things means, but here are some excerpts from a WaPo article that I guess is quoting from a speech Schumer made mid-July, after one of the bumps in the Republican repeal effort. I thought I’d put them here for discussion, since I’m sure others can get into more depth on these things and on others.
”. . . he insisted that any bipartisan deal cannot include tax cuts for wealthier Americans or cuts to the Medicaid program and must be conducted through ‘regular order,’ which includes public committee hearings and the introduction of amendments.”
“He cited three ‘easy’ fixes to quickly stabilize the insurance markets.
“First, Schumer believes there’s bipartisan support to ensure that the Trump administration will continue making the Affordable Care Act’s cost-sharing reduction payments, which help lower the costs of co-pays and deductibles for lower-income Americans.
“Second, he called on the Senate to take up a proposal from Democratic Sens. Tim Kaine (Va.) and Thomas R. Carper (Del.) that would create a permanent reinsurance program for the individual health insurance market. The plan would help offset larger-than-expected insurance claims for companies participating in state and federal health insurance marketplaces.
“Finally, Schumer cited a bill by Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-Mo.) that would enable people living in predominantly rural counties that lack health insurers to buy insurance from the health insurance exchange in D.C., where most lawmakers and their staff members buy coverage.”
He also says that: “The three proposals . . . ‘don’t get to the overall structure of health care, but they would stabilize it and prevent premiums from going up further and coverage from decreasing.’” (I’m taking him to mean that these are just three preliminary ideas to get the ball rolling in a more elaborate process with hearings/amendments/debate, not a complete plan of action.)
Huh. I bet the Republicans come up with some magic.
“I know! Let’s tell the states they have to expand medicare!”
@Soubresaut Yes, those were along the lines of what my Democratic Congressman was saying.
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