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elbanditoroso's avatar

Is the White House a cluster*%& or not? Does this set a new record?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33656points) July 31st, 2017

Scaramucci out after ten days! link

Why would anyone work there?

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61 Answers

Tropical_Willie's avatar

I’m waiting for Kelly to go in flames by the middle of September maybe sooner.

ragingloli's avatar

This… This is just amazing. It is like 9/11. The logical part of your brain tells you that it is horrible, but you just can not stop laughing.

elbanditoroso's avatar

@ragingloli – I keep telling myself that we should be thankful in the US that Trump is utterly incompetent.

If he had an ounce of brains, he might be dangerous.

Dutchess_III's avatar

OMG. The insanity of this reign!

janbb's avatar

Couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy.

ragingloli's avatar

He was out so fast, all you saw was a little silhouetto of a man.

chyna's avatar

@ raginloli. Lol! Love it!

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Should I ask this as a separate question: Do Trump’s supporters recognize the chaos in our federal government is a direct result of electing an imbecile?

ragingloli's avatar

You know the answer is ‘no’.

zenvelo's avatar

I noticed the other day that Pence is in Eastern Europe, but no explanation why. I bet he just wanted to get away from the shit show.

Zaku's avatar

The firing is the good part. The alternative was having the nutjob still running amok… but in an administration that is mostly corporate profiteers and their tools, mixed with so many other flavors of awful, I’m not sure if that’s better or worse.

Lightlyseared's avatar

Could have been worse. Imagine how boring things would have been with Hilary in charge.

chyna's avatar

What was the reason given?

Love_my_doggie's avatar

“Why would anyone work there?”

I know your question is rhetorical, but it’s worth a discussion. Certainly, one must need a good dose of insanity to work for this administration.

Just consider Jeff Sessions. I’m certainly no fan of the man and want him to leave; this is someone who was too racist to be a federal judge, but good enough to be Attorney General. Putting all that aside, however, he was a solid Trump supporter early and throughout the campaign, and a person whom Trump liked, respected, and admired. Sessions gave up his Senate seat for the A.G. job; just 6 months later, Trump is insulting him and making stupid faces when he hears Sessions’ name.

If Trump can treat his #1 Fan and most loyal backer in such a manner, imagine the possibilities for other people.

@Hawaii_Jake “Do Trump’s supporters recognize the chaos in our federal government is a direct result of electing an imbecile?” Nope. They’re stubbornly clinging to delusions and still finding joy in having “given it” to urban liberals..

stanleybmanly's avatar

Scaramucci’s exit will get all the press today, but it’s a minor sideshow except that is the result of the truly astonishing fact of Kelly’s appointment as Chief of Staff. There are 2 miracles here that cannot be overemphasized. The first is that Trump actually chose Kelly, and the second being that Kelly took the job. I am truly dumfounded that Trump would select Kelly, a brilliant man of absolute integrity and NO political ambitions! I would sooner expect the cat on the ledge outside my window to begin lecturing me on the significance of the second law of thermodynamics. And Kelly’s willingness to work for Trump can only be explained as a supreme act of patriotism. My hat’s off to him. And I don’t know WHAT to think of Trump.

rebbel's avatar

Has it been ten days already?
How time flies…..

Pachy's avatar

I predicted yesterday Scary-mucci would be gone soon. Turns out it was sooner than soon.

Buh-bye, Mooch, and good ruddance to a real louse. Boy, that president Trump sure can fill a swamp.

Love_my_doggie's avatar

^^^ I thought it might be months, perhaps even weeks. I certainly hadn’t predicted mere days!

flutherother's avatar

Trump in the White House is saying “your fired” more often than he did on the Apprentice.

Darth_Algar's avatar

“I hire the best people.”

ragingloli's avatar


Hawaii_Jake's avatar

We need to give Trump a chance. ~

rebbel's avatar

@Hawaii_Jake You won the Internet today, Sir!

LostInParadise's avatar

By getting rid of so many people so fast, Trump is tacitly saying that he messed up. How can his supporters defend such behavior?

If I recall correctly, Sean Spicer quit because of Scaramucci. Maybe Spicer should have hung on a little longer. Is there someone in the administration you don’t get along with? Just wait a few days.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

We need to give Trump a chance. ~ I know you said this in jest, but a chance for what??
With the cops in your country shooting anyone, without a second glance, and dimwit dementia orange haired half wit running things , I would feel far safer visiting a middle eastern country than setting foot in the states.

Love_my_doggie's avatar

@LostInParadise “Sean Spicer quit because of Scaramucci.”

According to what I’ve read, Spicer quit because of his dislike for The Mooch, but also because of how the White House had treated him. He’d been serving as the acting Director of Communications for many months; under any thinking that even resembles reason, the job should have gone to him, not to some erratic hedge-fund manager.

Dutchess_III's avatar

People have been saying “Give Trump a chance” from the moment he was elected. We HAVE given him a chance. We had no choice but to give him a “chance.” He’s had his chance. He’s a F*&K up.

Darth_Algar's avatar

“Here at The Donald we have more employee turn-over than McDonald’s.”

rebbel's avatar

Has the ~ lost its meaning?
Clearly @Hawaii_Jake was being sarcastic.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@rebbel No, the tilde /~/ still signals sarcasm. I think it was taken that way, but the discussion quickly evolved.

rebbel's avatar

I see, @Hawaii_Jake, thanks!

Dutchess_III's avatar

I knew he was being sarcastic. The comment was directed to those who say it seriously.

rebbel's avatar

@Dutchess_III Then we have that cleared up :-)
I really considered the possibility that my beloved tilde had had a change of meaning.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Yep. It’s a dumpster fire… Still won’t change any Trump supporter’s minds. Still won’t make an anti-Trumper support him.

The SNAFU States of America…

filmfann's avatar

John Kelly is actually showing good management skills. Maybe all this nonsense will stabilize.

elbanditoroso's avatar

@filmfann – the test for Kelly is whether he can get Trump to stop Twittering. If he can’t do that, nothing really has changed.

Pachy's avatar

Hah! Good luck with that.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

I predict there will be some order in the chaos for 7 days, and then the circus will return. It will be a different kind of circus, but it will be a circus nonetheless.

imrainmaker's avatar

Poor guy..his wife has already filed for divorce and major reason is his working for Trump!!

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

I will do the fandango in celebration. He appeared to be a perfectly horrible little man.

NomoreY_A's avatar

This clown was born about two millennia too late. Trump would have been good party company for the more unstable and useless Roman Emperors. Fun and crazy guys like Nero, Caligula, or Commodus. Except that they were probably better at diplomacy and statesmanship.

Jeruba's avatar

Cartoonists and columnists are barely keeping up.

Cynical thought: one way (possibly the only way) to make Trump look good is to look worse than he is—not an easy feat. I wonder how much Scaramucci got paid for it.

NomoreY_A's avatar

@Jeruba Great point. But give Scaramucci a break, The Three Stooges ain’t never around when you need ‘em.

chyna's avatar

News accounts say he wasn’t even supposed to start his job until August 15. They said the paper work had not even been completed.

Scaramucci was just a 10 day blip on the radar. He won’t even merit a footnote in the history books. At least I hope.

Pachy's avatar

@Jeruba, on the contrary, I think at least one reason Scary-mucci got fired was because he was getting too much publicity and overshadowing Trump.

elbanditoroso's avatar

@chyna – a perfect question for the next edition of Trivial Pursuit…

Anthony Scaramucci was:

a. a circus clown who was trampled by an orange-haired elephant

b. a presidential adviser who served for 10 days before being fired

c. a man who loved politics more than his wife

d. All of the above

Pachy's avatar

e. A pretty boy and fellow New Yorker with whom Trump is was in love.

Pachy's avatar

@elbanditoroso, might we call it Trumpvial Pursuit? :-)

jca's avatar

@filmfann: Kelly may be showing good management skills, but he is managed by a total idiot, so I am giving him six months, max.

elbanditoroso's avatar

@jca – less. Trump won’t be able to help himself and will say something that Kelly won’t be able to abide.

janbb's avatar

For those who say Trump should tweeting, I think let him continue. It shows him for who he really is.

janbb's avatar

Edit: “stop tweeting”

MrGrimm888's avatar

^Yup. It shows. The empty can rattles the most. Let the dummy blither on…

Dutchess_III's avatar

But he is only making a fool out of himself to people who already know he’s a fool.

stanleybmanly's avatar

and for those who don’t know or somehow (drives me fkn crazy) can’t see it?

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@stanleybmanly “those who don’t know or somehow (drives me fkn crazy) can’t see it?” They don’t want to see or are delusional TOO!

Dutchess_III's avatar

That idea is so beyond my kin, to deny what is right in front of your eyes. It’s almost like a religion. It makes NO sense, but people will die for it.

stanleybmanly's avatar

They drive me crazy. When they speak of his defects as equivalent to a stutter, a lisp or some annoying habit like humming in church.

Pachy's avatar

To use one if his favorite words,
Trump is a fake in every aspect of his sworn presidential duties and responsibilities. He’s even a fake Republican. He deserves to be booted.

Pachy's avatar

I can think of nothing that might upset this paper-thin skinned egomaniac more than being laughed at (though not for his misguided jokes about increasing police brutality).

So let’s start staging Trump Laugh-Ins around the country to hector this laughable excuse for a president.

Pachy's avatar

Just read that Trump calls the White House “a dump.”

Anybody want to help me pack him up and move him out!?

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