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Hawaii_Jake's avatar

What's your one, brilliant idea?

Asked by Hawaii_Jake (37819points) July 31st, 2017

This is it. You’ve got 60 seconds to sell it. You’ve got a superb idea that will win, and you’ve got an appointment to talk to Elon Musk who may finance it.

What is your idea, and how do you pitch it to Mr. Musk?

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18 Answers

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

A timer in a washer and dryer that estimates time needed for wash and dry. Also an smart app for washer driers estimated cycle time.

zenvelo's avatar

@RedDeerGuy1 They already have those, moisture reading sensors that turn off the dryer when done.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@zenvelo That’s is linked to a smartphone app? Or a display timer?

josie's avatar

A bicycle helmet that looks just like your favorite ball cap.
A portrait camera that allows you to see yourself in a monitor exactly as the camera sees you.
A special section of wide seats on airplanes for obese passengers.

PullMyFinger's avatar

An ‘Evil – Laughing Satan’ doorbell, which will scare away the Jehovah’s Witnesses….

PullMyFinger's avatar

A Jack Nicholson “You can’t handle the truth !!” talking doll.

PullMyFinger's avatar

An instruction manual on how to win at ‘Rock / Paper / Scissors’....Every. Single. Time.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Okay, I have been working this over in my mind for weeks, for the best results I can think of.
Because of stiffness, reduce mobility, reduced range of motion, getting my back clean is more difficult and the situation continues to worsen. Bath brushes have bristles so soft, I might as well just let lather slide down my back. Besides that, range of motion is only helped a little by a long handle. It doesn’t fix the problem of angle.
SO, I picture loofa pads, attached to a cloth in a strip about five inches wide by about two feet long, with each end of the cloth extending an additional foot, which would allow me to hold it in front of me, saw it back and forth. The loofa would be good scrubbing action, and would puff out so that body contour would be no problem.

JLeslie's avatar

If I’m going to tell you you have to sign a waiver.

Kardamom's avatar

Undergarments made of fabric that keeps your body cool in hot weather.

johnpowell's avatar

I lived in my sister’s basement for a few years and during the summer it was hot as hell upstairs but in the basement it was totally fine.

Then I moved into a shed in my mom’s backyard and the summer was brutal. We are talking about so hot that I would buy blocks of ice and put them in a bucket and sit with my feet in that all day.

I always had the idea of digging a hole and running like a 12 inch pipe in a circle that went as far down as I could dig and a good commercial grade fan that would pull air in push it way down into the ground and then dump it into my shack. The idea being that the air would cool while underground.

And a thing today with my fishtank is why I even remembered this idea. I was a bit concerned that my fish were on the bottom of the tank so much. It just started a few days ago. I noticed it after I did a 20% water change. So I thought maybe I fucked the water or something. But I think I sourced the real problem.

Sooo. I checked and the tank was up to 84º.. Yikes. So I ran the hoses for the air pumps through blocks of ice and the temp dropped pretty fast ind my fishies were back to normal. I got the temp in the tank down about 6º in a few hours.

I have water bottles in the freezer now. In the morning I will drop one in the tank to keep the tank cool.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

On call driver training. Like a taxi with a class four drivers licence. Could help those who don’t have access to a car.

Coloma's avatar

Suicide boxes in cities that double as instant crematoriums. Fill out a card with your personal information, or not, as said boxes would have DNA and fingerprint scanners to identify the anonymous users.
Step in, take a seat, latch the door, push a button and poof you’re toast. Your cremains are then neatly deposited in a vessel for easy disposal or return to family. No fuss, no muss, and saves friends and family the trauma of finding your remains.

Handsome cash reward to be paid to surviving family members or community resource programs for any psycho shooters contemplating a murder/suicide mission that choose to forego their evil plans and surrender their weapons in an attached drop box.

Mimishu1995's avatar

A large box with comfortable space and desk for work. The catch here is that it will alter your perception of time once you step inside. The “time” inside the box will go faster than the actual time. It makes you produce more in a shorter time. The box can be used for longer sleep time, if you are that self-indulgent ~

Coloma's avatar

^ and infused with extra Oxygen. :-)

Sneki2's avatar

@Mimishu1995 I live in such a box Mimi. Perception of time is completely the opposite.

Esedess's avatar

@Patty_Melt A small rough towel would do what you’re describing. Here’s another idea. How about a back sized loofa pad that you stick to the wall in the shower. Just lean against it and move.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

A q-tip that can safely be used for the inner ear, safely. Would keep people from ear damage.

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