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RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Why can't I improve my grade 12 diploma exam grades without running out early due to anxiety attacks?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25149points) August 1st, 2017

I have the bare minimum to graduate from high school but I seem to have peeked around 65% average. I’ve taken several diploma exams over and over and they don’t improve. Should I give up and spend my money on food instead? Hard work doesn’t seem to pay off. Should I decide to let go of my high school grades then what are some back up long term goals? I have the grades to take liberal arts and philosophy classes. I like writing essays. I would like to take physics and chemistry grade 12 . They cost around $500 each. What professions can one with just high school succeed in. Or maybe a liberal arts degree. My best advice to my self is to find a tutor or mooc . I’m thinking about bringing a crystal into the diploma exams .

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15 Answers

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Sorry for being scattered. I can’t focus on one problem at a time. I would like to have fun back in learning. I feel tremendous amount of pressure to succeed.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Remember that it’s just temporary. Remember that others around you are probably in similar situations. Everyone is paying, and trying to get their life in a better direction. Most are sacrificing something in order to better themselves. You’re all like birds in the same flock. Nobody wants anything to do with you. They’re all trying to focus on their own work.

If light is a trigger, maybe you could wear some tinted glasses, or a hat where you pull the brim down almost to your eyes. Then you can kind of hide. It is a common strategy amongst introverts, or people who don’t like crowds.

Anyway. I would like to offer my support. You’re a big guy, with nothing to fear. And we all know you’re smart. You can do it brother. If that’s what you want.

If you don’t chase your dreams, they just get farther away.…....

Darth_Algar's avatar

Maybe you’re just average academically. That’s fine. Perhaps formalized schooling just isn’t your thing. Some people just aren’t well suited to our conveyor-belt educational system. I know, I’m one of those people. I’m a bright, capable, intelligent person who understands much (and understand enough to recognize the limits of my knowledge) and has no problems absorbing new ideas and information (I say none of this to boast), but I was a piss-poor student. Most of what I’ve learned in life learned outside of a classroom. Perhaps you’re the same way. Education and learning need not come from a classroom.

PullMyFinger's avatar

Babe Ruth. Home runs. Strike-outs.


Dutchess_III's avatar

Well, what exactly is you feel anxious about?

Esedess's avatar

I don’t have a degree and I’ve been doing mechanical engineering for about 8 years now.

Generally speaking, you can achieve a position requiring a degree if you have all the relevant experience in place. That said, I was a machinist for about 7.5 years, and an engineering technician for 2 years after that, before I got this job. So 9.5 hard years of experience vs 4 hard years of school sitting next to pretty girls. lol~ Your call.

My advice now would be to go to business school. Learn how to start a business. Besides the fact that you’ll almost certainly get fed up with working for other people at some point, owning a business doesn’t require a degree, and that is where the real money is anyway. Knowing how to start a business opens you to any industry. You like art? Open a studio space to rent to artists. Open a local gallery. Buy artsy shit from over-seas and bring it back for sale in your town. You like writing. Open a publishing company. You like horses? Open a stable that gives lessons. Etc. etc… You get the point…

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Update: am signed up in grade 10 English summer school class. July 3rd to be july 25th

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Update: I dropped out and got a full refund. I found out that I score better on online exams when I have a pop and sunglasses.

Dutchess_III's avatar

If I may ask, how’d you do?

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@Dutchess_III With out sunglasses 50%. With sunglasses 70%.

Dutchess_III's avatar


RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@Dutchess_III Yes sunglasses. I can read online better with sunglasses. I did a free online test from Athabasca university English assessment. Turns out that my eyes are less sore from wearing them. I also have a 36watt super bright $220 lamp from Amazon that is being sent to me. So that I can read at night.

Dutchess_III's avatar

If wearing sunglasses helps, go for it! I’m glad you passed.

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