Shall we place bets on how long General Kelly will last as Chief of Staff?
Asked by
janbb (
August 1st, 2017
As asked but would like a time frame estimate rather than just a yest or no! (Only the snarky people should answer.)
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14 Answers
I’m going out on a limb and saying 3 months. I really think it will be sooner because the trump family will NOT want to have to go through him first to get anything they want done.
I have an unripe avocado in my kitchen. I’m guessing the clock on that will be about the same.
@canidmajor Should he not buy an green bananas while in the White House?
Was he not being replaced by Joe Hagin, one and a half hour ago?
He might last a tad longer, since even Drumpf should be aware of the religious status of the military among the colonial peasantry, and thusly be less likely to outright fire him.
3 days after Trump fires Sessions. Kelly will quit.
I will bet he lasts longer than Trump will last as Prez.
He’ll be out in March, 2018, due to President Pence wanting to choose his own chief of staff.
Maybe a few days longer than his boss?
It won’t be the first time that a naive madman with an overblown ego creates a powerful entity that he thinks he can control, only to have it turn on him and ultimately bring him down.
How long until the torches-and-pitchforks mob arrives at the gate? I’ll take a guess at two months.
One of my favorite tests of the mood of the culture: whose faces appear on the Halloween masks in the costume aisle at Target? and what expressions are they wearing? Smiles, snarls, leers? Right about now I’m wondering how fast the manufacturers are ditching and remaking their orders.
@Jeruba Can you imagine if a Scaramucci showed up at your door?
@janbb, <shudder> I’ll just have to be ready with a Kelly hammer.
Or a cannon yet to be named…and ready to be fired.
When we talk bets here, I go to Vegas and see if there are odds on it. I asked if they had a line on John Kelley’s longevity in the W.H. and there isn’t any yet. LOL. Give them a few more days.
I did, however, find something that surprised me. Bovada, the big Vegas odds maker, has a line on the Trump presidency. The latest line is: “Will Donald Trump complete a full term as POTUS? Yes: -105, No: -130.
Those very close odds. But the line is against Trump completing a full term as president.
That means, if you placed a $105 bet on Trump to remain in the White House, you’ll only earn back $100. If it’s the other way around (10/13), and you wager $130, you’d take home $100.
Back in early February, Trump’s odds of lasting through his full first term were much higher, when the answer to the same “Will Donald Trump complete a full term as POTUS?” question produced Bovada’s odds of Yes: -275 (4/11) and No: +180 (9/5).
On March 3rd, the odds were even.
Bettors are becoming more confident that Trump will not finish his full term.
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