What are some sounds that drive you up the wall?
Noises that make you want to go on a murderous V-Tech style rampage.
Like children being audible, dogs barking, birds chirping, fingers snapping, necks cracking, people laughing and snickering, loudly eating, whistling, talking, people mowing their lawns, etc.
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18 Answers
Loud eating and the sound of a broom on concrete.
Scratching fingers on a chalk board… used to give me the heebie jeebies in my school days.
Whining children (especially in Walmart).
People clearing their throats.
Leaf blowers.
Motorcycles roaring down the street late at night when you’re trying to sleep.
Loud thumping gangsta rap coming from the next car when you’re idling at an intersection.
People squeeking their rubber soled shoes on the floor (by not picking up their feet when they walk). I was in a Taco Bell yesterday, my bad luck and timing, right when the local high school let out. It was like a squeeking hell. Practically very kid in athletic shoes decided to purposely squeek their shoes on the floor. It was so awful that one of the kids actually screamed at one of the offenders to knock it off. Oy!
Why do little kids have to screech loudly 10 octaves high (enough to break glass)? On airplane its enough to disassemble my DNA. Earplugs are of little help.
(Crying babies don’t bother me at all)
Change jingling in a pocket.
Non-stop barking dogs, especially shrill little yappy dogs.
Pounding rap and other non-music with hardcore bass, love it when the car next to you seems to think the whole street wants to listen to your noise.
Smacky mouth gum chewers.
Car alarms.
Oh, dear, a lot.
Water dripping or trickling. Never give me one of those little “Zen” waterfall things. They’re workplace torture devices.
Snapping chewing gum.
Sniffling and snurking.
A loud, low, cycling motor, such as an idling truck or a compressor.
Leaf blowers.
Barking dogs.
Music coming from next door, down the street, across the next block—especially with a persistent heavy bass.
Car boomboxes.
Neighbors’ TVs, especially with laugh tracks.
TVs in unavoidable places, such as office and hospital waiting rooms.
Phones that twinkle.
Any loud voice.
A persistent beep or whine.
I’m afraid there are many more. For instance, I have a neighbor who always speaks at announcement volume, and I know way, way too much about her personal life. And my son plays music with a strong, too-fast bass line that makes my pulse race unpleasantly.
I wouldn’t prefer to be deaf, but sometimes I think of it. I wish we could close our ears the way we close our eyes.
Sound of a breaking lair of chocolate from a Magnum ice cream bar.
The ‘glockglockglock’ sound from wine being poured in a glass.
Both nauseating and disgusting, to me.
Music from next door
A spoon scraping a pot
A mosquito’s whine.
Loud eating noises.
The noise of people shuffling their feet when they walk – pick your feet up!
Yes @flutherother, the mozzie’s whine is horrible.
Hari Krishna chanting music.
V8 engines at 6 in the morning.
Oh and the country people out here that fire up their chainsaws and weed whackers and mowers as soon as the roosters crow. LOL
Yeah, we all have those thoughtless buffoon neighbors who crank-up their lawn mowers on Saturday at 7:00 a.m.
Never mind that this is a day which working people wait all week for to sleep late and enjoy…..
”It’s a free country, gull-durnit…..and 7:00 a.m. is the coolest part of the day !!”
“USA !!....USA !!.....USA !!!”
Dripping water when it’s quiet and a door that has not been closed properly in an area that is draughty.
My daughter hates the sound of ticking clocks. And she really despises my chiming clock. I, on the other hand, love the sound of clocks ticking.
Just having neighbors who do their everyday things drives me to frightening levels of hatred for folks I don’t know. Feel sorry for me if you will, but I cannot help it, and anyways I don’t give a shit what the fuck yall think. People walking, talking, playing music, coming in and out, starting their cars to leave or even worse, coming back! I have lost so much sleep in my life due to loud neighbors who drag furniture around, keep dropping things, have their fucking lowlife drug dealers come in at all hours of the night, get the police over because they lost their goddamn KEYS…blaaaah…
I am a ghost. No one hears me. I play video games with my headphones on, I try and respect the people around me, but that is rarely given back to me. I would buy a house if I could. Out in a fucking swamp where no one wants to go. The mosquitoes and frogs would lull me to sleep. And maybe something would eat me. But I would die in peace! It might smell bad, but I’m willing to live with that shit.
I have fixed my problem, at least for a while.
I recently moved on a second floor building where under me are offices. I don’t hear them as I am at work when they’re here. This suits me just quite fucking fine. Plus they’re office people, hardly the loudest lot.
I sleep at night now. I am not plagued with sleep paralysis or stress induced white nights. I never asked for much, hence my deep resentment of anyone too close to me who would ruin my existence with theirs.
German people talking, loud, aggressive & makes my toes curl.
The music the Sofitel hotel plays over its television menu. Ugh. It’s so irritating. My husband has independently commented on it too.
The sound my husband has chosen as his alarm tone on his new phone. I just awoke to it and it is going to be changed.
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