Social Question

Jeruba's avatar

How many pairs of identical twins do you know?

Asked by Jeruba (56195points) August 6th, 2017

This means counting only when you know both twins.

If you are a twin, do you and your twin move in the same social circle? or do most of your friends not even know that you’re a twin?

Does having twins in your family mean that you know many more twins yourself than you think the average person does?


Tags as I wrote them: twins, identical, multiple births, friends.

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44 Answers

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Grammar school/Junior High we had three sets of twins that I can remember.
Our family used a set of twins that were babysitters; Julie and Judy.
In High School four set of twins, dated one sister of the sister twins.
Worked with twin brothers at an engineering company, one always wore a bow-tie (it was the 1970’s)

snowberry's avatar

I have identical twins.

I’ve known more sets than I can count. And of course it also means i automatically search out other parents of multiples. As a new parent of twins, I was overwhelmed for years, so I try to encourage other parents of multiples whenever possible. My twins are almost 30 now.

Coloma's avatar

Zero. I knew a pair of twins in H.S. about a million years ago now. Males, identical and I actually had a date with one, not my type. haha

Darth_Algar's avatar

Only one pair. Cousins of mine. Only way to tell them apart is one has a scar across her brow.

ragingloli's avatar

None. Few, if any, survived the witch purge.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

None. I can’t recall any since high school, except for maybe kids I saw at a party, like a summer work picnic or something.

stanleybmanly's avatar

When I was in my early teens 2 identical brothers appeared in our neighborhood and became fixtures on the local basketball courts and baseball diamonds. But it was during the Summer following my first year in college that I “dated” identical twin sisters. At least that is what I told those who asked. The truth is that the 2 of them were probably the most brilliant people I had thus far encountered in my young life, and I was too silly to understand that I should be appropriately terrified. The fact is that the relationship was not as much about me dating them, as it was the 2 of them deciding to undertake an experiment in choosing and training an “exotic” pet. In fact they had this habit of referring to me as exotic while they gazed at me through steely eyes in identical pretty faces betraying only a hint of mirth from the corners of their mouths. I suppose the analogy would be twin eagles glaring at an “exotic” hamster, the hamster being exotic in lacking the instincts to be suitably terrified.

snowberry's avatar

^^Hahaha, he he he! I’m sending this to my twins! Their idea of getting in trouble was fooling the teachers in college! Now one works in Japan, and her sis just took her a bunch of identical outfits so they can continue with their favorite hobby while they’re both on vacation!

rebbel's avatar

Two boys, Ton and Ben, were my childhood friends.
Don’t see them no longer.
Two girls, that i didn’t know personally, who lived in the same street as my granny.
Erica and Karinka, or something like that (can’t remember exactly), were their names.
And another two boys, Brent and Reinier, who were brothers of my then (80’s) sister-in-law.

Ah, and I am a twin myself.
As in Gemini.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

I knew a pair in Sweden. The woman was my wife’s best friend and a manager of a large bank. Her brother was a lawyer with the Foreign Ministry. Both were in their thirties, driven and successful, very tight in their relationship with each other, but unmarried and it was doubtful that they had ever had any close, intimate relationships with the opposite sex. I attribute this to their father, an aristocrat, an anachronism that expected a lot out of them as he was a great believer in the inherited rights of the ruling class, emotionally distant, a very cold, disappointed person who probably should never have had kids.

snowberry's avatar

@Espiritus_Corvus was this brother-sister pair identical? Just wondering.

YARNLADY's avatar

I knew two girls in elementary school in the 1950’s, two boys lived across the street from us in the 1980’s, and two teen boys belonged to the same club I did in the 1990’s. None since then. They are practically the only people I remember from those days.

marinelife's avatar

I am an aunt to identical twin nephews. Their personalities are quite distinct, but they are very close. Growing up they had the same friends, but now as adults they have their own interests and only some friends in common. They are very close and share an apartment.

It has not made me more likely to encounter twins than the average person.

tedibear's avatar

I knew one set of identical twins in high school. Never could tell them apart.

I also knew one set of identical triplets. With the triplets, you had to know which one had the chipped tooth and which one parted his hair on the left to know which one you were speaking to.

Interesting that you ask this question on this weekend. It’s the annual Twins Days celebration in Twinsburg, Ohio this weekend. I live about 20 miles from there.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

@snowberry They said that they were identical twins. However, I didn’t have the resources or
the opportunity to scientifically verify this.

CWOTUS's avatar

I have identical twin cousins, C & L.

Aside from the fact that I couldn’t tell them apart until they were nearly 40 – and even then I still made mistakes (partly because I seldom saw them until then) – and some other of the usual twins’ stuff: finishing each other’s sentences and being able to empathize quite easily with each other, C married C.L. and L. married L.C.

They didn’t go looking for those particular initials in their mates; that’s just how things have wound up.

Jeruba's avatar

Boy and girl twins can only be fraternal. Identical twins come from the same egg and have to be the same sex.

PullMyFinger's avatar

In New York I worked with identical twin brothers, both of them engineers.

One day, one of them was out because his wife was giving birth to their first child, a boy. The other brother happened to be in my office when he took a phone call from the brand-new father, who was still at the hospital.

I tried not to eavesdrop, but couldn’t help hearing the ‘new-uncle’ brother ask…..

“So…...does he look like……...??”

zenvelo's avatar


I went to junior high with Pierre and Yvon. They often dressed alike, not because oftener mom but because they would find themselves choosing the same shirts and pants in the morning.

And I dated Bernadette, even though Adrienne was the one who told her cousin (who told me) that she was interested in me. Adrienne and Bernadette found themselves often making similar decisions without consulting each other.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

My younger sisters are identical twins, I have known quite a few, I would say ten pairs or so. I do think there is something in the water where I grew up.

Mimishu1995's avatar

Two. One was two pupils in my primary school. I didn’t really care for them. The other is in my class right now. Two boys whose only things to tell them apart are their clothes. Both are two devils, but one is more low-key than the other and only cares about getting home as soon as possible. His brother enjoys himself causing mischief more.

Mariah's avatar

I knew one pair in high school, boys, and a pair in college, girls. I was friends with the girls. They were wonderful, both mech eng majors, lived together, best friends. They had a hilarious laugh, would come to comedy shows and almost steal the show cackling in the front row together. Aw…I miss them.

I met the first when she came to me for tutoring. I helped her out with some homework problems and at the end of the hour she said she could finish up on her own. Ran into her the next day and asked how the rest of her homework had gone. She gave me a blank look for a moment then said “you must have met my sister!” That’s when I learned they were twins. Hahahah.

Pinguidchance's avatar

I don’t know, they all look the same to me.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

I knew a pair in Sweden. The woman was my wife’s best friend and a manager of a large bank. Her brother

They were fraternal twins, not identical.

Unless one of your acquaintances was trans.

snowberry's avatar

^^ Reminds me of a dear friend I used to have. She was African-American and I’m white. We used to tell people we were identical. Then one of us would point at the other and say, “She favors Mom!” ;D

dappled_leaves's avatar

One pair. I got to know one of them because we were in the same grad program; her sister was in another program in the same province in a related field, so we crossed paths occasionally.

anniereborn's avatar

I know one set of identical female twins they are ten years old and cute as can be. I know them from being in theater with them.

JLeslie's avatar

In my childhood I knew 3 sets.

Two sets were the children of someone my mom and dad were briefly friends with, and I did really “know” them very well.

One set lived in my neighborhood, and went to my school, but were never in my class, so I’m thinking maybe they were a little younger than me. I wasn’t close friends with them, but sometimes when we were all playing outside they were playing with us.

In adulthood, I worked for years with two different women who had an identical twin, I knew their twins only in the sense that they would drop by the workplace sometimes. I also worked with a man who had an identical twin, but I never met his twin. His twin lived in a different state, but I know they were close, his whole family was very close.

A friend of mine has twin girls, and for years we thought they might be identical. They looked incredibly alike, but now in their late teens it seems more likely they are fraternal. I only see them every few years. They looked so alike as young girls that I’d say they grew up like they were identical. People mistook and mistake them for each other. Their mom dressed each one in certain colors when they were very young to tell them apart. One always in pink or yellow, the other in another color.

I’ve known many more sets of fraternal twins. My experience is that in both cases, fraternal and identical, the siblings are extremely close. I’ve never known twins who have big rifts between them, but I’m guessing that does happen.

My paternal grandparents had twins between my father and his sister. They died shortly after being born; within a few days or weeks they died, I don’t remember exactly. I used to wonder if maybe I would have twins. I have no idea if the babies were fraternal or identical.

AshlynM's avatar

None so far.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

This is odd to see that not many know more than a few identical twins.

tedibear's avatar

Just remembered – I know a set of twin brothers. I started as friends with one brother in college and am now friends with both. Even as they have aged, I can’t tell them apart.

jca's avatar

I know of three. One I went to elementary school with. One I knew around 30 years ago when I worked locally. At present, my daughter is friends with these twins from her elementary school.

All 3 sets are females.

Stinley's avatar

Loads. Twins in my other daughter’s class in her old school. Twins that my sister was friendly with. My professor at university. Twins at my daughters school.

I met a friend of a friend who was a person with restricted growth. A few weeks later he was in my library and i expressed surprise as I thought he worked with my friend, not was a student. “You must have met my brother’ they both were of very short stature.

I also know a woman who had triplets. Two were identical and the third was fraternal.

Darth_Algar's avatar

@ARE_you_kidding_me “This is odd to see that not many know more than a few identical twins.”

I don’t think it’s odd considering that monozygotic twins are relatively rare.

NomoreY_A's avatar

Never knew any twins,

rockfan's avatar

I’m an identical twin and I was friends with 2 sets of twins in highschool, and 1 set of fraternal twins in college.

Most of my friends know I’m a twin, but they’ve only met him once or twice. Same with his friends

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar


Why do you say that, Jay? Were you there? Did you know them?

“There can be monozygotic boy/girl twins if the sex gene of the embryo has an extra x chromosome (the fertilized egg would be an xxy) then when the egg splits, one can have xx (girl) genes and one can have xy (boy) genes.”

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

@Espiritus_Corvus I did not know opposite-sex identical twins could happen, thanks.

A little Googling says it’s exceedingly rare, though.

Pachy's avatar

One set, the daughters of one of my oldest friends. They look exactly alike but their personalties are quite unalike.

cookieman's avatar

Hmm, let’s see…
Linda & Lisa in grade school.
Brendan & Brian in high school.
Jackie & Rita now.
And my daughter had two sets in her class last year.

So that’s five sets of twins.

Pinguidchance's avatar

Monozygotic twinning occurs in birthing at a rate of about 3 in every 1000 deliveries worldwide.

AshLeigh's avatar

Two. My grandfather is an identical twin, and two girls I grew up with.

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