Social Question

SQUEEKY2's avatar

I am wondering ,if we are supposed to look a person in their eyes when we meet them then how in details?

Asked by SQUEEKY2 (23588points) August 6th, 2017

We instantly know if they have miss matched socks, their fly is down, or a button is out of place.
And just about everyone has to comment on it, some politely, others a bit snarky, why do we do this if we are supposed to look the person in their eyes?

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13 Answers

rebbel's avatar

Because we don’t do staring matches if we talk/meet with people.
We look them in the eyes, for a second, then we look at their shoes, then at the door, then the eyes again, etc.
It gets a bit weird if you keep staring, I feel.

chyna's avatar

But @rebbel wears sunglasses so we can’t look into his eyes.

rebbel's avatar

And I don’t wear socks, a shirt, nor pants, at the moment….

marinelife's avatar

I’d like to look into your eyes, @rebbel!

PullMyFinger's avatar

I don’t like where any of this is going…..


zenvelo's avatar

All three of those things are glaringly out of place to an observer, so that approaching someone from more than six feet (before you can look them in the eye) you can tell just looking at the whole person.

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

And it depends on a person’s cultural background. In some Aboriginal communities, it would be considered very rude to maintain direct eye contact.

And I don’t think anyone maintains permanent eye contact. That’s not how interactions really work. You do look around and take in other cues about the person. How they’re standing, their other body language cues, what they’re wearing, where they are and their surroundings. I can’t imagine talking to someone and never averting my eyes from their eyes. It would be very odd and disconcerting to both of us I think.

Soubresaut's avatar

For whatever reason, this question has me wondering why, even though I do make eye contact at some point with virtually everyone I talk to, I can’t recall the color of most people’s eyes… Not unless I’ve known them for a long time, or it’s been specifically pointed out.

I can remember in most people’s faces in detail, their facial expressions, and hair, and general style of clothing. I remember how they carry themselves. I remember how their eyes made me feel… but eye color is usually the last (visual) thing I notice about anyone.

Is that odd?

chyna's avatar

@Soubresaut I can usually tell you someone’s eye color, but not remember their name. So maybe that makes me odd.

snowberry's avatar

My mother told me that when my father and she got engaged, someone asked him what color eyes she had. Dad said, “I don’t know. Theyre blue, I guess!”

Her eyes were hazel.

Sneki2's avatar

I don’t remember other people’s eye colour either.
But then again, I rarely look people on the eye. That is a bit uncomfortable.

jca's avatar

I look people in the eye when I talk to them but that doesn’t mean I don’t also observe other things about them (like their clothing). To comment on the OP’s details, I’d never, ever say that I noticed their socks don’t match or something like that, unless I know them really well and am comfortable saying something like that.

ucme's avatar

peripheral vision

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