Social Question

snowberry's avatar

Who cares to play TJBM game, The Jelly Below Me, #81?

Asked by snowberry (28024points) August 7th, 2017

The game rules are:
Respond to the question/statement from the poster above.
Ex: I might make the statement:
“The Jelly below me is a cheese addict.”
The response might be:
“False! Cheese killed my family!”
“True! I live on cheese.”
Then they might state:
“The Jelly below me likes sleeping.”
There are no right or wrong answers, so be as creative as your heart desires.
Happily, this is becoming the Never Ending TJBM Game. Tradition now suggests that a Jelly re-start the question when we reach about 500 responses. Hopefully almost all the Jellies will join in.

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524 Answers

rebbel's avatar

The Jelly Below Me has never heard of this game before, and has read all 80 previous installments of TJBM to get the hang of it.

NomoreY_A's avatar

Not so, been playing for nigh on to 80 year, and got the hang about to the end of the last one. TJBM will suggest that we go to 1050 responses before we mosey on.

Sneki2's avatar

That’s a lot, but whatever floats your boat.

TJBM doesn’t bathe every day.

Love_my_doggie's avatar

On a lazy day, with no physical exertion, I just might pass on my shower.

TJBM has a crazy neighbor.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

I have, but the nearest one to me now is out of sight and about 2 miles down the road. It’s a woman with a large roadside fruit stand at the crossroads who buys my mangos. A nice lady.

TJBM has a crazy neighbor.

ZEPHYRA's avatar

True. Two actually…one on either side. They are raving lunatics.

TJBM is suffering from severe lower back pain just as I am now.

Coloma's avatar

No, just a sinus headache and general malaise today. Blah.

TJBM has the blahs.

NomoreY_A's avatar

Naw, I’m good. Any day off work is a zippedy doo dah day to me. It’s true, it’s actual, everything is satisfactual. TJBM is having great evening.

cookieman's avatar

So far so good, but there’s always room for it to go downhill.

TJBM likes a good peanut butter and bacon sandwich.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Oh yea ! Been doing it since I was 7 years old. ( My uncle taught me all I know about peanut butter sandwiches) Sliced cheddar, salami, raspberry jam and peanut butter on Rye bread.

TJBM remembers a recipe one of their relatives taught them and will give us the recipe.

Mimishu1995's avatar

Get an egg, crack it, put it on the pan. Congratulations, you just made yourself omelet ~
TJBM will thank @snowberry for making part 80 while I was asleep.

Coloma's avatar

Thank You @snowberry!

TJBM can do a cartwheel.

Mimishu1995's avatar

No, but that word reminds me of my first days in my current center. I was grading some tasks for the kids and the word was there in the task. No one knew it was the first time I saw that word. Yeah, a teacher who didn’t know a word her pupils considered another item they had learned.
TJBM isn’t afraid to show their weakness to their friends.

Pinguidchance's avatar

Oh dear, dear, dear @snowberry you of all people.

The mod team should have pushed this to editing because:

And I quote,

“Your question doesn’t meet Fluther standards. This is a Q&A site, not a quiz or trivia site.

If you’re not clear on how to rephrase your question, just ask the moderators.”

cookieman's avatar

TJBM has no forking clue who this yahoo above me is?

snowberry's avatar

@Pinguidchance LOL what?

@cookieman Not really, but we’ll roll with it. I think pinguidchance is a reincarnation of another longtime jelly.

TJBM thinks they know who pinguid used to be (and maybe still is). Hehehe!

Pinguidchance's avatar

No I don’t. That’s scurrilous slander, I’ve never been here before, nobody has seen me here before and you can’t prove it’s me.

TJBM likes games.

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

But it can be disproved. Let’s make a game of it!

TJBM lives for tango.

snowberry's avatar

No offense meant @Pinguidchance.

I wouldn’t know a tango from a fox trot.

TJBM has been…what?

Patty_Melt's avatar

Wondering where the hell that Siberian tiger has been.
Real, where the hell have you been?
TJBM wants a double scoop.

snowberry's avatar

Sounds yummy.

TJBM has a new hairstyle.

Mimishu1995's avatar

@Pinguidchance this is an old Fluther tradition. People are just keeping it alive.
And my hair still stay the same.
TJBM changes their hair regularly.

Coloma's avatar

Not really. I had bangs for years now no bangs a little shorter than long, but still shoulder length or a little longer,

TJBM has seen the documentary ” Twinsters” about Korean twins that were separated at birth and raised in France and the U.S. and accidentally found each other on the internet in 2013 when they were 25 years old. Great story.

Patty_Melt's avatar

No, but I saw twins from China reunited on tv. They are just little girls.
The mother of one wanted baby pictures of her daughter, so she checked online to see if the orphanage had anything posted. She found pics, but they had two identical looking babies. Some searching, and she found the sister. The two girls Skyped sometimes, then finally got reunited on GMA, or some morning news program.

TJBM is a twin.

snowberry's avatar

Nope, but I have identical twins. What a riot! They had separate bedrooms, but slept on top of each other in a single bed, like puppies do.

TJBM will bring me breakfast in bed tomorrow morning. Goodnight!

Patty_Melt's avatar


TJBM will tell us what they want with their pancakes.

snowberry's avatar

Real maple syrup please.

TJBM will bring something else yummy for breakfast. Tell us!

Mimishu1995's avatar

For those who wants to try something different
TJBM has another thing to bring to the table.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Fruit crépes, some cherry, some kiwi, some apple, some apricot.
TJBM will add to the menu.

ZEPHYRA's avatar

Sure, just tell me what.
TJBM is worn out due to tough house chores.

longgone's avatar

Nope. Traveling through the UK, far away from home.

TJBM takes care to use the queen’s English.

Coloma's avatar

Pip pip cheerio!

TJBM has errands to run.

Mimishu1995's avatar

I have done my waking errands of the day. Now the only errand left is going to bed.
TJBM has something to get me to sleep better.

snowberry's avatar

Here’s a lullaby.

TJBM will offer more soothing sounds for sound sleep. Sssss….

Coloma's avatar

Probably don’t want to count this sheep to soothe you to sleep. LOL

TJBM counts sheep to fall asleep.

NomoreY_A's avatar

Not me, tried that a few times, but the bastard sheep just keep coming, stay awake all night trying to account for them. How many freaking sheep are there in the world, anyway? TJBM is an insomniac.

snowberry's avatar

I have a friend whose husband is a cop, AND he’s an abusive psychopath (at least that’s what it looks like to me). She’s terrified, and she just got back from taking her kid to make a statement to CPS. I end up talking to her or texting her into the wee hours encouraging her and helping her. Lately it’s been hard to sleep at night.

TJBM isn’t about to let a little lack of sleep ruin their day!

AshLeigh's avatar

If I let lack of sleep ruin my day, every day would be ruined.
TJBM is crazy.

snowberry's avatar

I hope not. Too many people depend on me!

TJBM is a swimmer and swims every day.

NomoreY_A's avatar

Only now and then, when we take the grand kids to the pool. I like to be in there with the 3 year old, so she doesn’t get to carried away. TJBM is tied of swimming and summer.

Coloma's avatar

Yes, with the hot weather and the solar panels on the pool it has been too wrm to be really refreshing. It is better now that it is a mere 92. haha

TJBM has gotten angry at something or someone recently.

Love_my_doggie's avatar

This Jelly seems to be living in a state of continual and frequent anger, so, probably yes.

TJBM can’t remember the difference between “continual” and “continuous” and reviews the definitions before using either word. (Well, yeah, that’s me.)

NomoreY_A's avatar

Think continual is doing something the same way over and over, as in Trump and his continual tweets. Continuous is something that never seems to end, as in the U.S. and our continuous wars, which never solve anything. Just speculating here, Noah Webster ain’‘t never around when I need him. TJBM will tell me is I is or is I not right.

cookieman's avatar

You is.

TJBM adores Looney Tunes cartoons (the classic ones).

NomoreY_A's avatar

What’s up. doc? Bdee bdee bdee, that’s allll, folks! I tink I saw a pussy cat! Naw, never really cared for ‘em : ) TJBM remembers Woody Woodpecker.

Love_my_doggie's avatar

“Ha-ha-ha-HA-ha, ha-ha-ha-HA-ha…”

In the same spirt, TJBM remembers Mighty Mouse.

NomoreY_A's avatar

I do remember seeing Mighty Mouse save the day. How ‘bout Heckle and Jeckle? TJBM has seen Who Framed Roger Rabbit which featured all of the above, and then some.

Sneki2's avatar

I watched, and love, all of those.

TJBM has a favourite Disney film.

NomoreY_A's avatar

I do, but probably not what you have in mind. I like his old live action films, my favorite was the Scarecrow of Romney Marsh, about a smuggler in 18th England. Cool show. TJBM will tell us of their favorite Disney film – old, recent, live action, animated, whatever.

Mimishu1995's avatar

The old Mickey Mouse cartoons. They were my childhood. They kept me laugh all day. I had some cartoon CDs and they kept me occupied. I especially liked the Donald Duck and Chip and Dave cartoons. They were like Tom and Jerry but with more sympathetic characters.
TJBM will tell us about a favorite weird movie.

Strauss's avatar

My favorite is Fantasia.

TJBM knows that many “children’s” animation have several layers of meaning.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Yeah! And I appreciate it.

TJBM knows if they take off from here for 4 days they’ll get left in the dust on Fluther questions.

cookieman's avatar

I wish (as that would indicate a briskness in activity not seen ‘round this here lagoon in a Coon’s age).

TJBM knows a Coon or two.

Coloma's avatar

Yes, beady eyes, bushy tails and bandit masks, They are everywhere.

TJBM knows a Squirrel ot two.

AshLeigh's avatar

I know one.
TJBM is a squirrel.

snowberry's avatar

I’ve been called worse. Ha!

TJBM has too many squirrels in their neighborhood. We did for a while. They were a little too tame. They’d just about steal a sandwich out of your hand! Then a pair of hawks moved in and raised a family, and a year later we had a pair of barred owls raise another family. Now the squirrel population is back on track. Whew!

Coloma's avatar

The Gray tree squirrels are around but the real squirrel problem here are the CA. Ground squirrels. PITA. They burrow up into barns, chicken coops and they are immune to the venom of rattlesnakes so they don’t have many natural enemies.

TJBM has seen these guys.

Mimishu1995's avatar

I have never seen a real squirrel in my life. Is he some kind of pet?
TJBM knows whether squirrels can be pets.

snowberry's avatar

@Mimishu1995 squirrels are wild animals. They’re common in areas that have a lot of nut trees. They’re rather pretty with long bushy tails, and many people think they are cute. Apparently some people keep them as pets, but you can’t buy one in a pet store. I think of them as “tree rats”. Here’s a video of squirrels and raccoons.

TJBM will tell Mimi more about squirrels.

Patty_Melt's avatar

The house I lived in when I started Fluther was right on the edge of a woods. We had squirrels, deer, turkeys, owls, hawks, coons, and oppossums running through the back yard all the time. Whenever I had table scraps I would put them out at night and they’d be gone by morning. I also put out corn for the deer and squirrels. The squirrels planted some of the corn in the frozen ground, and it started growing in the spring. Squirrels tend to be skittish, but occasionally, some get curious. I noticed a small reddish one seemed curious about my house, and me. I saw that it would eat sitting on a branch which gave it a view of my tv through the window. I began talking to it, and throwing food out the window for it. It would grab the food, then scramble up to that branch to eat. Eventually, I was able to coax it to my windowsill to take food. It was quit timid, but when I talked, it would nibble and listen. Soon, others noticed how well my little squirrel was eating, and they fought to be fed from the windowsill also.
When squirrels talk, they use a small but loud barking sound, or yips or squeaks, but they also use their tails to accent what they say. It is kind of how Italians always use their hands while talking. I would do that with my hair sometimes. If I saw the hawks flying near, I would imitate their panic bark, and hold my hair in a ponytail and twirl it in warning. They would all scatter and take cover. I saw a hawk grab one one day. I threw my crutch out the window and the bird was so startled, it grabbed my little friend. I went outside fast as I could.
She had a nasty slash across her hip, but she wouldn’t let me near her. Her eyes looked odd, and she was surely in shock. I talked to her in a soothing voice. She just clutched the tree trunk in panic. I could see her soft little chest pulsing hard and rapid from her heartbeat. I stood guard over her, talking, until finally she seemed to get a grip on her situation.
Eyeing me all the way, she came down to the ground, then crept quickly toward the trees and brush.
It was at least a month before I saw her again. Her wound had healed, and she had a big scar, but she seemed to move around fine.
She never allowed me near enough to touch her, but when she came back, she watched me a lot, studying me. Later, she had a litter. She would bring them to my yard to sniff out snacks.
She made it clear I wasn’t her friend, but she seemed to accept me as a security guard.
Squirrels can be very entertaining, and they are cute, but they stay wild, and don’t make good pets.
TJBM has seen a bossy raccoon.

snowberry's avatar

No, but maybe you could tell us about it or show a video.

TJBM likes coffee.

Mimishu1995's avatar

@Patty_Melt @snowberry Thanks for the info. Squirrels don’t sound as nice as rats. Guess they haven’t been tamed for so long yet. Still they’re cute from afar :)
TJBM is addicted to something.

snowberry's avatar

@Mimishu1995 If I have a choice between squirrels and rats, I’ll choose squirrels every time. They’ll eat all the same stuff that rats do, but generally with less destruction. If a rat gets in your house it will chew through everything and anything, bring its buddies, and drive you crazy. Squirrels sometimes get into houses, but they haven’t adapted to living with people as well. And they’re cuter.

Not really addicted to anything.

TJBM likes gardening.

Patty_Melt's avatar

I do, but I can’t anymore.
I suck with indoor plants.
TJBM has a candle in the window.

Strauss's avatar

No, but I wrote a song about that.

TJBM has lived their life like a candle in the wind.

Patty_Melt's avatar

I would like to hear your song.

TJBM is a force of nature.

Coloma's avatar

Sure, aren’t we all?

TJBM has one foot in the grave and the other on a banana peel. LOL

Love_my_doggie's avatar

Hey! This Jelly has one foot at her health club and the other on very firm ground!!!

TJBM is crazy about Dennis Eckersley but not very fond of David Price.

snowberry's avatar

Who and who?

TJBM isn’t into drama.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Oh hail no! Deserved drama is horrifying enough. Forget the made up, freak out and act stupid stuff!

TJBM well tell us a bit about the worst drama queen / king they know.

Mimishu1995's avatar

A friend in high school if I use “friend” in the broadest sense. I have never met any bigger drama queen than her since. She had a tendency to make simple things complicated by her mood swing. We becoming friends was her idea in the first place. She noticed that I was unpopular. She deduced that it was because of my weird behavior so she offered to “help me change”. What she ended up doing was creating more drama and wretching me up even more. She used her temper tantrum to get me to do what she wanted. She could ask me to do all sort of things but I could never ask her to do anything because she would always find an excuse. I felt like I had to walk on an eggshells of drama and if I cracked a tiny hole the drama would spill out and drown me. The worst thing was that she never owned her shit, everything was someone else’s fault. Whenever I questioned her behavior, she would always find a way to justify herself and put the blame on me or someone else. I ended up having to apologize for things I had never done.
The only good thing I can say about her is that she was really skillful with words, but she used her ability the wrong way.
TJBM doesn’t like rants.

snowberry's avatar

Is there any use, ever for rants?

TJBM drinks a lot of water.

cookieman's avatar

I do. About 100 ounces a day.

TJBM drinks no soda.

Dutchess_III's avatar

False. I drink Diet coke. About 1 can a day.

TJBM thinks rants often have a purpose.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Actually, I do. I think sometimes a rant can feel cleansing, like a good cry.
@snowberry, bossy raccoons

TJBM has worn a wig, and if you are not female, explain.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I…well my Mom had a wig and a fall when I was a kid in the 60s. I imagine I tried them on bit I don’t remember.

TJBM has “TJBM ” programmed into their dictionary so they don’t misspell it.

Strauss's avatar

On my phone, I must have typed it so much that it comes up in the auto-prompt.

TJBM likes mac ‘n’ cheese.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Mmmmmm, yes. I usually meat it up; chicken, or tuna, or sausage chunks, cubes of ham, are my favorites.
TJBM is an omnivore.

cookieman's avatar

Yes. In fact, you could say I’m omnivoracious.

TJBM has a long torso.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Average. I’m not lithe or stocky.

TJBM will tell us what 3 objects they own that they value most.

Strauss's avatar

My three most valuable (to me) objects are musical instruments.

The first is my 12-string guitar. It’s not a real expensive model, but I’ve had it for about 15 years, since my then 2½ year old daughter stepped on the neck of my old 12-string and snapped the head off the neck. Many a time that old guitar meant the difference between having a meal or going hungry for a day.

My 1956 Hohner 120-bass accordion, which looks something like this. It belonged to my brother, and it was the instrument I used when I was taught how to play some 60 years ago. After my brother passed in 2000, and my SIL thought I should have the accordion.

The third is also a musical instrument, also a Hohner accordion, but it’s a button model rather than a piano accordion. The one I own is much older than the one pictured, probably somewhere in the 1920’s-1930’s. It belonged to my father, and he gave it to me before he passed.

TJBM has several items they value more than their financial worth.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Oh, yes. The boat, for one. It means a whole lifestyle that has no pricetag on it. And I now cannot replace the boat if it was ever lost.

My dogs, which aren’t objects to me, but they have a value much beyond the price of replacing pure bred collies responsibly bred for work from the Yorkshire strain. Very expensive dogs.

And that is all I can think of. I painfully downsized years ago to go sailing and got rid of most of my valuables: first editions that would rot in humidity, wines that won’t keep outside of controlled temperatures, and cherished family heirlooms that I returned to my family.

I still have a few silver and gold coins minted at interesting times in US and world history, that are to me worth much more than market value. One is a 1921 US Peace Dollar, close to mint condition, that I have embedded in my mast at eye-level. It was minted at a time when the world was in shock at what they’d done, the madness of WWI and it represented a noble aspiration toward world peace. And it is very pretty.

TJBM will tell us what 3 people they value the most in their lives.

Strauss's avatar

I would have to make it 5. My wife, my 3 kids and my grandson.

TJBM will tell us the three most important events in their life, so far.

Coloma's avatar

I don’t really look at my life events in terms of importance, they just are , well, life events. haha

TJBM needs a vacation.

Dutchess_III's avatar

No. Getting a job would be a vacation for me!

TJBM will tell us their biggest pet peeve.

Mimishu1995's avatar

People who refuse to listen. Nothing can be changed or solved if you don’t listen!
TJBM has another pet peeve.

Coloma's avatar

I have a few but one of the big ones is unsolicited advice when you are simply sharing something with someone. Insulting to ones intelligence in many instances and ties in with your refusing to just listen complaint @Mimishu1995 .

TJBM is out of everything and doesn’t want to go shopping haha

Dutchess_III's avatar

I send hubs with a list.

TJBM loves seeing dogs in stores.

Coloma's avatar

I don’t mind service dogs and the larger breeds of dogs like in a Petco but am not a fan of the small breeds stuffed into doggy baby blankets in shopping carts, no.

TJBM is not a fan of small yappy dogs.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I hate small, yappy dogs with a passion. I’ve known a handful who were not yappy and they were quite delightful.

TJBM does not understand why so many people get small yappy dogs when they are universally hated.

Love_my_doggie's avatar

Well, “hate” is a rather strong word. But, I’ve never understood the appeal of tiny, yappy dogs or why anybody would want to live with one.

TJBM gets manicures and pedicures regularly.

Dutchess_III's avatar

laughing so hard!! nope!

TJBM enjoys seeing dogs in public buildings.

NomoreY_A's avatar

I’m with the people above, who have no problem with Public Service dogs. But I can’t stand Chihuahuas, for instance, biting me and yapping at my heels. Keep you damn mutt at home. TJBM will give me an Amen on that.

Dutchess_III's avatar

AMEN! My son happens to have a Chihuahua / daushund mix. It only barks when people come to the door. And he’s never nipped. He’s tol’able. Plus he really, really loves me. I mean, he’s like glue on me. When we leave he jumps in the car for us to take him home! I can’t hate him, even if I wanted to.

TJBM will tell me their favorite kind of dog.

Coloma's avatar

I’m partial to the large hound breeds like Bloodhounds and Coonhounds and Foxhounds and also like Shepherds a lot and Border Collies. Least favorite dogs are Pit Bulls & Chihuahuas. I think Pit Bulls are ugly, ugly, ugly, and can be dangerous. I do not get all the Pit Bull love at all.

TJBM thinks I am satan for not liking Pit Bulls. LOL

Dutchess_III's avatar

I am 100% with you on Pit Bulls. And Chows, Huskies and others.

TJBM thinks we’re satin for not liking Pit Bulls.

Coloma's avatar

Haha…nope, but if someone wants to call me the spawn of the devil for thinking most Pit Bulls are ugly and dangerous, well, go right ahead. LOL I was also bitten in the face as a kid by a huge Doberman named ” Apache”, scariest fucking dog, zero facial expression, like a dog facelift, just tight skin and beady almond eyes and then the lunge without warning. I will never forget that dogs face. haha

TJBM knows what I mean about some dog breeds having no facial expressions to read.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Yes I do. And they are the scariest. No thank you And now I know why you’re not a dog fan! I thought that was odd for you.

TJBM isn’t afraid of many animals.

Coloma's avatar

Yep, that’s the look of the devil there in that photo. haha
Actually I have had 2 dogs I loved but yeah, haven’t been interested in having a dog the last number of years and do not like a lot of dogs, it’s true. I like your dogs though. :-)

TJBM has had a polydactyl cat.

Love_my_doggie's avatar

No, but I have a three-legged cat!

TJBM loves summertime and hates when it ends.

Dutchess_III's avatar

True. But fall and winter have their moments.

TJBM likes my dogs too!

Pinguidchance's avatar

Love them and everything about foot fetishism, cockney rhyming slang, two dogs and dogs that are barking mad.

TJBM has experienced some other world, supernatural things that are hard to explain as mere co-incidence.

Sneki2's avatar

A few, but not much to talk about.

TJBM has had “Oooh, I never thought about it that way” moment.

Mimishu1995's avatar

Too many to count. That’s part of my life now, always expecting something new.
TJBM is open to change.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Yes, but I am more open to paper dollars. snort

TJBM is a smartass.

Strauss's avatar

Better than a dumbass!

TJBM has their wits about them.

Love_my_doggie's avatar

That would be halfwit, dimwit, and nitwit.

Sometime this summer, TJBM has ridden, or will ride, a roller coaster.

snowberry's avatar

No plans. I’m not a fan of roller coasters.

TJBM has grey hair.

Coloma's avatar

A few but being blonde they really don’t show up much. I quit coloring my hair 2 years ago after coloring it one shade lighter forever and now I am a medium golden blonde with a touch of gray. Not bad at all, and I am enjoying not having to be a slave to hair coloring.

TJBM prefers natural over highly enhanced.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Yep. It’s a whole lot easier on my life!

TJBM is ready to go camping again.

Coloma's avatar

Hell no. Unless I have a deluxe motor home and a real mattress and a shower.

TJBM has seen a Mountain Lion or Bear when camping.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Here @Coloma. This used to be ours. You can have it. If the new owners will give it to you.

I haven’t seen a mountain lion or a bear while camping. But I think I’ve gotten glimpses of a cougar here and there in the country while driving.

TJBM wishes they had a pet cougar.

Coloma's avatar

In fantasy yes, in reality, no.

TJBM is amazed at this video. Out here kitties are Coyote brunch. Watch it all, the cat is just relentless and the Coyote is freaking adorable!

Dutchess_III's avatar

It’s cute.

TJBM would not want a coyote for a pet.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

No. As pets, Wild dogs don’t interest me in the least.

TJBM will tell us what red flags they watch out for in daily life.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Gosh. None, really. But that’s a good question.

TJBM will tell us what red flags they watch out for in daily life.

Coloma's avatar

Not on daily red flag alert but know ‘em when I see ‘em.

TJBM has company coming tonight.

Dutchess_III's avatar


TJBM wants cheese cake NOW and it’s all Zephra’s fault.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Nah. Too sweet and creamy for this heat.

TJBM wants steak and red wine tonight.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I got the KC strip! But it’s for camping.

TJBM doesn’t eat much meat.

NomoreY_A's avatar

If that’s true, then what we have here is a case of mistaken identity. I never met a meat I didn’t like. TJBM says a meal without meat ain’t properly a meal.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I disagree.

TJBM had sore muscles.

NomoreY_A's avatar

Then we can agree to disagree, and I won’t go on a political rant in here. Lol. My muscles haven’t been sore since I quit working out and jogging, your guess how long ago that was,

NomoreY_A's avatar

Ouch… and I forgot to add TJBM. Sooo… TJBM will kick no more , forever.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Wrong again! I like kicking you!

TJBM loves camping.

AshLeigh's avatar

I love it until it’s time for me to sleep on the ground. Then I want my bed.
TJBM has an air mattress for camping.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Lol! We graduated from an air mattress a long time ago!

TJBM thinks campfire bacon is da bomb!

NomoreY_A's avatar

As my old pappy used to say, best bacon you can eat, can’t beat it with a stick. TJBM wants to be out where the bobcats are prowlin’, and the coyotes are howlin’ .

Coloma's avatar

I already am. They ar everywhere around here.

TJBM is waiting on a friend to come out of the restroom.

NomoreY_A's avatar

Actually waiting on my grand daughter to come out of the shower. Only 8, and already takes 3 hours to prepare for bed. TJBM has to get to sleep, as do I. Got to get to work on time.

Sneki2's avatar

The day is just about to start here.

TJBM likes mice.

NomoreY_A's avatar

Nasty varmits, glad my cat earns her keep as a mouser. TJBM is saying good night and sweet dreams. Or cool nightmares.

Sneki2's avatar

Good night and sweet dreams. Or cool nightmares.

TJBM never dreams anything.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I dream things. Some good some bad. Don’t remember them like I used to.

TJBM hates football with a passion.

NomoreY_A's avatar

Blasphemy! Seize this wench, take her forth and return her unto her hubby, never to be lost site of again! I love me some pro football. College football, not so much, since the demise of the old Southwest Conference. TJBM will be watching the Dallas pre season game tomorrow night.

Mimishu1995's avatar

What is that anyway?
TJBM doesn’t use TV anymore.

Patty_Melt's avatar

I’m using mine right now. I am hunting sheep with a bow in Alaska, on my xbox.
Mimi, the Dallas Cowboys are a professional football team on Dallas, Texas, USA. The regular pro season is about to start.
TJBM would like to have a big slab of still warm chocolate cake with caramel icing all over it.

Sneki2's avatar

That sounds tasty, but it must be full of calories.

TJBM will tell us why was Annie hit by a smooth criminal.

Coloma's avatar

I have no idea, who’s Annie?

TJBM has a hangover this morning.

cookieman's avatar

Nope. Don’t drink, so not really possible.

TJBM doesn’t understand crazy kids these days.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Every time I’m about to tear my hair out, I meet people like Mimi, Snecki and Sgt.Queen. Suddenly the sun comes from behind the clouds, birds sing once again, flowers bloom and all is right with the world.

TJBM what current event they are watching closely.

Coloma's avatar

Nothing I am watching closely but the NK scene and the big wildfire in Montana. My neighbors son lives there and his home is threatened as of last night. Not sure of the status today.

TJBM needs a massage.

snowberry's avatar

@Espiritus_Corvus A couple of nights ago I met a young man (age 15 or so). I have never been so impressed with a youngster as I have this one. When I first met him he seemed mature for his age. Then I noticed he was interacting really nicely with the other guys on the football team. When he introduced himself to me, he seemed as at ease and comfortable with me as with his friends (I’m 62). It’s going to be fun watch this young man. I think he’s got real potential.

As for the massage, naw, I’m good. There ate too many other places to spend my money.

TJBM would love some ice cream right now.

Mimishu1995's avatar

TJBM will give me ice cream.

Mimishu1995's avatar

@Espiritus_Corvus actually one of your kids doesn’t identify with the crazy kids. Does it make any difference?

snowberry's avatar

Mimi, @Espiritus_Corvus meant you weren’t with the crazy kids crowd, and he’s really impressed with you.

Sneki2's avatar

Sure [gives ice cream]

TJBM has a favourite ice cream flavour.

Strauss's avatar

Home made frozen vanilla bean custard

TJBM likes to make ice cream.

Coloma's avatar

I haven’t made ice cream for years..BUT…I used to make an amazing fresh peach ice cream. OMG…memories, memories.

TJBM know that @Mimishu1995 wants a pet rat.

Strauss's avatar

I know that, but I’m not sure how to get this to her.

TJBM will share some ideas.

Coloma's avatar

I’m sure they are already there but she’d want one of their domestic cousins not a wild ratty.

TJBM was woken up by something in the middle of the night last night. I had to get up at 2a.m. and clean up cat barf, oh joy! LOL

cookieman's avatar

Just to use the bathroom. Then I was too hot to fall back to sleep until the fan cooled me down.

TJBM is anxiously awaiting Autumn.

Coloma's avatar

Oh, you have no idea. It’s been the hottest summer in years here, still a month of low to mid-90’s on the horizon. Tomorrow is actually going to be in the 80’s, like a freaking spring day before it ramps back up to the 90’s. We had no spring at all, 5 months of rain and then boom…right into the heat.

TJBM is tired of summer too.

Mimishu1995's avatar

Not one bit. In the past I would even be devastated when summer is going away too, because, you know, summer break :D I have always liked summer. It gets irritably hot sometimes, but I still like it. I like that my family use the air conditioner and stay together in one place. Some moment of intimacy, at least for me. Summer also associates with various great memories too.
TJBM will tell us about a favorite season.

Patty_Melt's avatar

I love autumn and spring, but that is when my allergies nearly kill me. Autumn is wonderful, because temps cool, leaves brag their colors, and critters get very busy making ready for winter.
I guess my love for autumn is like my love of elderly persons. It is that time when the world relaxes a bit, but also celebrates the bounty that summer was.
I also love spring, that deep breath nature takes, then BOOM! Life takes a plunge and gets frantic about bursting with blossoms, and babies, and green.
TJBM likes old timey stories from elders.

Mimishu1995's avatar

That’s something that set me apart from the kids. I can listen to elders talking about old time and sympathize with them, while the kids yawn and go find other kids to make small talk.
TJBM doesn’t feel their age.

snowberry's avatar


It’s hot where TJBM lives.

Coloma's avatar

Pshaw! ;-p

TJBM has already worked up a sweat this morning. Just swept the entire patio, cleaned BBQ, windexed tables, wiped down railings, man…nothing like dripping sweat before 9 a.m. LOL

Patty_Melt's avatar

My body has too little strength to handle its own weght. Getting out of bed is a struggle which involves bracing my cane against the wall to push off, and a sturdy nightstand to support me as I right myself. I am sweating before I take my first step each day.
TJBM stands without giving it a thought, and can dash across a room to avert disaster.

Coloma's avatar

No extreme dashing these days but yes, I can get up without support, but…I do have a hard time getting out of my bed sometimes. it is memory foam and then my giant cat sleeps right next to me, so, takes some wiggling and push off to sit up, maneuver around the cat and launch from the depths of the foam. LOL

TJBM is craving a certain food.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

I can’t stress this enough: Steak. A big, juicy Porterhouse steak. I am jonesin’ like a madman for one.

TJBM will tell us about the most unusual place they’ve ever been.

snowberry's avatar

Hmmm, I’ve been to many unusual places. And there’s unusual culturally or unusual geographically. If you’ve grown up in that culture or area, it doesn’t seem unusual at all. But this time I’ll talk about growing up in Utah. I got to know some polygamists, some fairly well. My daughter’s graduating class had 12 kids all with the same last name from the same family.

TJBM Has a secret admirer.

Coloma's avatar

Yes. He is tall, gray, handsome and has 4 hooves. LOL

TJBM will help me cook @Espiritus_Corvus an amazing steak dinner.
How ‘bout mashed red potatoes, grilled peppers, onions and mushrooms , asparagus and a delicious Porterhouse cooked to you custom specs.?

Strauss's avatar

I’ll do the special sauce!

TJBM has a special sauce they think should be legendary.

Think special brownies!

Coloma's avatar

Betty Colomas special brownies

I’m partial to a nice rub myself.

TJBM has made their own tortillas.

Patty_Melt's avatar

No. Too cheap and easy to buy a bag of ‘em.
TJBM is cheap and easy.

Strauss's avatar

No, but I can be inexpensive and effortless.

TJBM knows the difference.

Coloma's avatar

I think so. It’s all in the attitude, cheap vs. inexpensive, east vs. effortless.

TJBM thinks these guys are pretty terrific.

NomoreY_A's avatar

Agreed, I’m glad they moved to the country rather than turning her into bacon. Pretty cool critter to have for a pet. Hate to have to clean up her poop though. Ugggg…. TJBM will provide us with more groove YouTube videos.

NomoreY_A's avatar Check out that creepy video. TJBM can’t do better than that!

Sneki2's avatar

Of course I can. I won’t, though.

TJBM will.

Coloma's avatar

No, not awake yet, I am only able to stare right now. LOL

TJBM is not awake yet.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Thinking about it. Not sure.

TJBM has had all the coffee they want for the day.

Mimishu1995's avatar

Sadly I didn’t have a chance for coffee today. My brother had it all :(
TJBM will make me a cup of coffee oops, am I heading for my bedtime?

Dutchess_III's avatar

I’ll heat up what’s left of mine. You can have it in the morning.

TJBM thinks it feels too much like September now, in the middle of August.

Coloma's avatar

Not at all. Today is the first day in weeks and weeks that it cooler, around 83 today and tomorrow with lovely cool morning before ramping up again. I can’t wait for temps in the 70’s and maybe even a little early rain to settle the dust.

TJBM has taken a kid to see the new Nut Job 2 flick. Taking my little pal Sydney here in an hour.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Never heard of it. Planned to see Emojis with my daughter, but health caused a delay. Next week, after I rest up from seeing the state fair.
TJBM shops with coupons.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

No coupons here, that I know of.

TJBM will tell us about the biggest over-reaction by an individual they’ve ever witnessed.

NomoreY_A's avatar

One evening many years ago, I stopped by a bar for a beer to cool off after a long and crappy day. I sat at a table near the stage, and was watching the band practicing, There were two men and a woman at a table next to me, so I couldn’t help over hearing part of the conversation. One of the guys told her, you really are looking hot, I just plain out want to f___ you. Must have been the other guys girl friend, because he jumped up from his chair, grabbed the other guys shirt, yanked him off his seat, and knocked him down, in the process of which the guy fell into my table, and knocked it and my two beers over and spilled them. I jumped up, told them to take their F___ing shit outside, and that one or both of them owed me two beers, and nobody was fing leaving until I get them. LOL. I must have looked or sounded pretty mad and dangerous, ‘cuz they calmed down, ordered me an entire pitcher of beer, then the one guy and girl left, and the other guy apologized and shook my hand. Look fellas, if you have to defend your womans honor, I’m down with that. But leave me and my brews out of it, please. TJBM will tell us a similar tale of woe.

NomoreY_A's avatar

The above episode reminds me of an old tune, something about: I was riding thru a cow town, when my old horse went lame, so I figured I’d go sit in, on a friendly little poker game. Some feller started cheatin’, guns began to flame, well I aint sure just what happened but somehow I got the blame. I got dust on my saddle, blood on my boots, a couple of empty saddle bags except fer two old suits. I’m tired and I’m thirsty, and hungry as can be, but last night I saw a poster and they’re still after me. TJBM will tell me to cease and desist with hogging the game.

Coloma's avatar

No, no tales of woe but a funny little video for all of us oldies but goodies.

TJBM is an oldie but a goodie.

NomoreY_A's avatar

LOL @Coloma Good one girl. And sooo true. Sad but true, I suppose. TJBM will not pick on Boomers.

Coloma's avatar

I will not, I love us Boomers, we set the stage for just about everything right?

TJBM will not pick on Millennials.

NomoreY_A's avatar

Naw, that I won’t do. I’ve brought two of them into the world, and their off spring have given me 6 grand children. Assuming anyone born after about 1980 is a Millennial. (What happened to Gen X?) Damn, I do feel old now, but TJBM is feeling young and sprightly.

Coloma's avatar

Depends on the day. Today I feel good, allergies good today, they really drag my wagon down. Iwas just out doing yard stuff but some days I feel my age, thank god for glucosamine, keeps the joints lubed and after very active life I need all the lube I can get. LOL

TJBM likes to get massages when they can.

NomoreY_A's avatar

Depends on what you mean by massage. I do like it when my wife rubs ny back and shoulders now and then, as long as she doesn’t go to squeezing any blackheads she can find. Damn that shit smarts. Goes from, awwww…. to, owwwwww goddmmit! I’ll do you like that next time you want your feet rubbed! LOL

NomoreY_A's avatar

Forgot TJBM again – TJBM will not forget to add TJBM

Strauss's avatar

^^Don’t feel bad. It’s happened to me plenty of times.
Just be glad you remembered before @Dutchess_III nudges, pinches or worse!

TJBM has forgotten the TJBM part of TJBM.

snowberry's avatar

Yes I have, but not this time.

TJBM has an aversion to….?

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Loudness. The older I get, the more I get irritated by anything loud. Loud people, loud music, loud cities, etc. I like it nice and quiet.

TJBM likes it nice and quiet.

Coloma's avatar

Yes I do, very much so. Listening to the riding mower and tree trimmer guys ramping up the decibels here right now. haha

TJBM had a nice day.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Yes I did. And I finished it off by making a friend and I a couple of very nice pizzas—something you can’t get on this side of the island.

TJBM will tell us what the first question they would ask of someone who has traveled 200 years into the future.

NomoreY_A's avatar

You called? Lemme tell ya what I’m gonna do. I’m gonna take those pizzas off your hands, absolutely free! That’s correct, you heard me right. I’m gonna eat all that pizza, so’s you and your friend don’t get fat. I know, what a guy, huh? TJBM will tell us and interesting story about their day today.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Nothing to tell here. Had a chocolate sundae for dinner, but I don’t know if that’s interesting.

TJBM will tell us of the most interesting thing that has happened in the last month.

NomoreY_A's avatar

My life is pretty mundane and domesticated. Most interesting thing for me was when I was driving to work early on Sat. morning, still dark, and I saw some of the meteor shower. They were coming down like crazy in south west sky. TJBM also saw the meteor shower. @EspritusCorvus – sorry, I forgot to awnser your question. But, if I met someone who claimed to have visited 200 years into the future, I’d probably tell them to put the crack pipe down.

Coloma's avatar

Ooh…did I miss the Perseid meteor showers…well shit, looks like it was Sat. the 12th. Crap, I always like to watch on those nights if conditions are good. Back in 2007 an old flame and I drove up Hwy 50 here in the Sierras to a great mountain lookout and caught some amazing action. One meteor that flew over the highway on the way up was the most spectacular I have ever seen. We stayed up in the mountains until 5 a.m. and then drove the hour back to my house.

TJBM lives near the mountains.

NomoreY_A's avatar

Nope, but I do live in the Texas Hill Country, if that counts. TJBM will sit on the porch in the cool of this evening, and enjoy a hot cup of coffee.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

It is raining and there is thunder nearby, it just dropped below 82* F. No cup of coffee tonight.

TJBM is waiting for a cool fall.

Coloma's avatar

Very much so. TJBM has Wild Boars in their zone.

cookieman's avatar

Hey now! Let’s not discuss my zone in public.

TJBM has eaten Wild Boar.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Yes at a wild animal and beer matching seven course dinner.

TJBM has Red Wolves and bears in their area. We do, there is one or two bear strike auto accidents a year.

Coloma's avatar

The rare bear in the fall, no wolves but lots of Coyotes, Cougars and Bobcats and Rattlesnakes of 2 varieties. Pacific Rattler and Western Diamondback.

TJBM lives in Rattlesnake land too.

NomoreY_A's avatar

Rattlers, copperheads, cotton mouths, a few coral snakes as well. TJBM will not make mention of snakes.

Mimishu1995's avatar

Ok. No snake please. Ooops!
TJBM has a slip in the tongue.

NomoreY_A's avatar

No, but my doctor told me recently that my coat has a tongue on it. Didn’t even ask why I was wearing a coat in 100 degree weather. Oh well, he’s a medical doc, not a psychiatrist. TJBM has seen a humongous wave. At sea, lake, river, or shore.

Coloma's avatar

Yep, I saw it, right before it slammed me into the bottom of the sea and dislocated my shoulder. I have the pin in my left shoulder to prove it, and, a missing chunk of collarbone they sawed off to screw it back in place never to become unhinged again. Actually the wave started it and then a horse wreck finished it off. LOL

TJBM has hardware in their body.

Sneki2's avatar

No, I don’t.

TJBM prefers red grapes over white.

Coloma's avatar

Yes, especially if they are in a good red wine. haha

TJBM loves chocolate!

NomoreY_A's avatar

Can’t beat it with a stick, Must have inherited a sweet tooth from my granddad. TJBM likes that chocolate, as well.

Coloma's avatar

Just had some, so that’s my answer. haha

TJBM has shot a bow and arrow.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Yes, and I am pretty good. I really shine with blow darts though.
TJBM blows.~

Dutchess_III's avatar


TJBM me hits.

NomoreY_A's avatar

Nope, not since I was a kid, haven’t even been in a good fight since my bar hopping wild and wooly single days. TJBM hits, kicks, AND bites. Fearsome!

Strauss's avatar

Only when provoked or stimulated…

TJBM does something only when provoked or stimulated.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Yes. Cuss.

TJBM does things even when they aren’t provoked.

Strauss's avatar

Yes. Sing!

TJBM loves music

Coloma's avatar

Sure, who doesn’t? Well..I guess there must be someone, somewhere who doesn’t. haha

TJBM is fighting with garden netting. (*&%)$#@!!

snowberry's avatar

I did that two years ago. Ugh! They say it works but I never got it to.

TJBM isn’t as…...,, they used to be. (What is it?)

Coloma's avatar

Energetic.—Kicking some serious garden ass here today. haha—

TJBM is kicking some kind of ass today.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Not at all. I had an exciting day planned, but my daughter woke up sick, so we had to scrap it and hope for tomorrow.
TJBM has sculpted.

Strauss's avatar

Years ago when I took a sculpture class in college.

TJBM has modelled.

Coloma's avatar

No but I have sculpted. haha

TJBM is taking break from a project right now.

Mimishu1995's avatar

I’m in the process of preparing for a project. It looks like I’m taking a break, but I’m just gathering necessary things.
TJBM knows that another jelly just got to the mansion.

Sneki2's avatar

No idea. I’ll look it up now.

TJBM is often misinformed about things.

snowberry's avatar

Truly, it all depends on what things! For example, I’m absolutely terrible at reading minds, in spite of the fact that some people think I can!

TJBM will tell us of a time when they either actually could read minds, or of a time when they were expected to, and couldn’t.

Coloma's avatar

Not much on mind reading but I can spot a liar a mile away.

TJBM has good instincts.

Mimishu1995's avatar

I think so. But my instincts have a long history of being hidden and buried deep down. I had countless of people tell me that I was wrong about them and I immediately believed. I realized very recently in life that it was just because I saw things I wasn’t supposed to see, and they felt threatened by that. I’m in the process of learning to let my instincts run freely.
TJBM’s sometimes goes down the gutter.

Coloma's avatar

Oh, I’ve had a couple trips to the gutter of life events yes, but, I always manage to pick myself up again, Phoenix rising. haha

TJBM is strong and resilient in the face of adversity.

NomoreY_A's avatar

I don’t know about strong and resilient, but I do try to keep a positive outlook on life. I believe things usually work out for the best, no point sinking into funk and depression over things I can’t control. As my old pappy used to say, be a part of the solution, not the problem. TJBM has a positive, can do attitude.

Coloma's avatar

Mostly, I always can do but I don’t always want to do. I’ve been in a phase of not wanting to do the last few years. LOL

TJBM makes mud pies when given mud.

NomoreY_A's avatar

Not moi, learned my lesson when I was a little tyke, playing in some ones faucet down the street. The guy came out of his house and yelled, turn that water off and get on home! I didn’t stop running till I got to my house, thought the man was hot on my heels. LOL No mud pies for this guy. TJBM says, from where the sun now stands, I play in the mud no more, forever!

Coloma's avatar

True, right now I only play in dehydrated mud, it’s called dust. LOL

TJBM must rise from their chair and and go brush their hair.

NomoreY_A's avatar

Actually I should go sit in a barber chair and get a hair cut. Or maybe I’ll get them all cut. TJBM is eagerly anticipating the coming eclipse.

Sneki2's avatar

The only thing I anticipate is October. That is when my fate will be sealed.

TJBM will explain why are Democrats and Republicans represented with an ass and an elephant, respectively. (or is it the other way around?)

Coloma's avatar

Because Jackasses are stubborn and make a lot of noise and Elephants just bulldoze over everything else. LOL

TJBM knows thw real answer to @Sneki2‘s question. What happens in Oct. Sneki?

NomoreY_A's avatar

I second that question, what happens in Oct.? My inquiring mind wants to know, yo! TJBM will tell us what happens in October. Other than Halloween.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Oh, camping!!

TJBM will tell us their favorite month.

Mimishu1995's avatar

I think Sneki just meant it’s the day of her exams, or exam results :P

Coloma's avatar

I like Oct. and Nov. Cool, breezy, leaves falling, maybe a little rain to settle the dust.

TJBM has acorns falling on their head right now.

NomoreY_A's avatar

Acorns keep fallin’ on my head, but just like the guy whose feet are too big for his bed, cryin’s not for meee… TJBM will continue with this fall weather vein.

Sneki2's avatar

Lord: it is time. The summer was immense. 
Lay your shadow on the sundials 
and let loose the wind in the fields.

Bid the last fruits to be full; 
give them another two more southerly days, 
press them to ripeness, and chase 
the last sweetness into the heavy wine.

Whoever has no house now will not build one 
Whoever is alone now will remain so for a long 
will stay up, read, write long letters, 
and wander the avenues, up and down, 
restlessly, while the leaves are blowing.

by Rainer Maria Rilke

TJBM will share another poem. It can be about anything.

NomoreY_A's avatar

There was a man from Nanutcket, whose d… never mind, inappropriate for mixed company. Only poem I know, though. TJBM will change the topic to something other than poems.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Man! No food, no poetry, how much more will you narrow the topics?
Can we talk pancake dancing?
TJBM has something special in the frizzer.

Coloma's avatar

I do! I have home made, green chili and beef burritos and a chicken tamale from our hispanic helpers wife. Having them tonight!

TJBM has access to authentic mexican food.

NomoreY_A's avatar

@Patty_Melt Oh, go ahead with the poetry, at least poems don’t make me drool on my keyboard. Here’s one: While the painters strive in vain, the $hithouse poet strikes again. TJBM will open discussion to all topics.

Coloma's avatar

But do you have access to authentic mexican food? LOL

TJBM will answer the question.

NomoreY_A's avatar

Well not any more. But before I retired, I was good friends with a Latina who would fix me up authentic Mexican food and bring to me for lunch sometimes. Had to keep it on the QT though, because male / female friendships can be dicey sometimes, and I didn’t want my wife or others getting the wrong idea. It was damn good grub though, homemade. I never considered Taco Smell to be authentic, ya know? TJBM will not lecture me for taking advantage of a free lunch. Nothing sexual or amorous in nature, just gastromic. MM mm good!

Coloma's avatar

Not at all. Hell, I’ve long joked I’d get in a car with a stranger if they flashed a cheescake at me. LOL

TJBM is enjoying a low key day compared to yesterday.

NomoreY_A's avatar

Low key as I am about to take a cat nap before I head off to work, but then into the inferno. Dammit I am tired of summer. TJBM will say, later gater.

Coloma's avatar

Later Gator.

TJBM thinks Alligators are very cool animals.

snowberry's avatar

They’re only as cool as their surroundings!

TJBM knows of a tasty low calorie dessert made without artificial sweeteners.

Coloma's avatar

Yes. Sliced fresh strawberries covered in vanilla yogurt. One of my favorites!

TJBM knows of tasty, super fattening dessert made with real sugar.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Banana Foster
TJBM liked rum fruit drinks.

Coloma's avatar

No. I had my first and last experience with Rum at age 17, never again.

TJBM does not like hard alcohol.

Sneki2's avatar

No, I don’t. Or should I say yes, I don’t? Huh.

TJBM is sleepy.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Yes. I have been napping on and off today. Me meds get bossy sometimes.
TJBM can hardly wait.

Mimishu1995's avatar

For what?
TJBM will tell me what to wait for.

snowberry's avatar

Waaaait, Waaaait! Wait, what are we waiting for anyway? I dunno!

TJBM has relatives who live nearby.

Coloma's avatar

No. daughter is only about 45 minutes away which is great.

TJBM is sore from doing a lot of yardwork.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Nope. I’m sore about not being able to do yardwork.
TJBM likes to play with acorns, like little dolls.

Coloma's avatar

No, I hate the damn things. They are zinging around like crazy here. Falling on your head, pinging off the roof, slipping on them and once, one flew through my car window and hit me in the eye. Luckily I was wearing sunglasses or it could have really hurt. haha

TJBM has been ht by a flying acorn.

Patty_Melt's avatar

You should nah mess wit Mcsquizzy’s turf
TJBM likes Mcsquizzy’s pluck.

Dutchess_III's avatar

That squirrel has a bad attitude!

TJBM has been hit by a meteor.

NomoreY_A's avatar

Close, but no banana. When we had our place in the country (finally sold out, property taxes were exorbitant in that county) I was closing the front door to lock up one night, when I noticed a flash in my peripheral vision, then looked up to see a huge green lite shooting through the eastern sky. It flamed out and disappeared. Figured it was a meteor burning up on entering the atmosphere. But that thing was close. Seemed like it anyway. TJBM has seen something similar.

Coloma's avatar

Yes, same thing, about 20 years ago I saw a green flash on the horizon that streaked across the sky. Freaked me out, wasn’t sure what it was until I got the news reports. Flashback tothe 70’s maybe? LOL

TJBM was a wild child back in the day.

NomoreY_A's avatar

I fear I was. I often tell my wife, that meeting her was the best thing that ever happened to me, because I learned responsibility from taking care of her and my kids, and realized some things in life take priority over my own dumb ass. I partied too much, drank too much, smoked a little hoochie now and again, and lost a lot of good girlfriends because of my wicked, wicked ways. Enough of me. TJBM was a wild child as well, Think there was a lot of that going around with us Boomers.

Strauss's avatar

Yes, yes, yes! Boomer, hippie, peacenik and musician.

TJBM will share something about their younger days.

Patty_Melt's avatar

I was a tough little chick. I mostly didn’t think of myself like that, I thought I was a bit of a wannabe. When it came down to it though, I could make the known badass women back down.
I was partying one night with friends at the lake. Somebody set up a friend of mine, suggesting we all go skinny dipping. When she and some guy I didn’t know were well out into the water their clothes were stolen and locked in ms Badasses car. I was unaware, making out a bit of a way off, until I heard my friend screaming. I told the wench to get their clothes back, but she refused. I went to the parking lot, picked up a sizeable chunk of broken cement baracade, and stood poised near her windshield. I told her if she didn’t unlock the car, I would use my key.
She unlocked the car.
TJBM swims nekkid.

NomoreY_A's avatar

Job well done, @Patty_Melt You stuck up for your friend, no shame in that. No, I’m too old to swim nekkid. Las time I tried that with a girlfriend, it came within an ace of getting me in a major jam. Lets just say that nature took it’s course, and when she came up pregnant, it took a hassle and a bunch of tests to clear me. Luckily, I wasn’t the daddy after all. I can say I loved her, but at that point in my life I just wasn’t ready for responsibility. Skinny dipping in a remote spot is a bad idea. TJBM will tell us of a wild night on the beach.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well not many beaches around here. One night in my Jr year I went to a party at a man made lake. It actually had a beach. My Bf didnt want to go and I thought it was odd.
Later they night I was standing around talking to some of our mutual friends when one of them just stepped up and kissed me. It was totally unexpected. I backed up in surprise and that was that.
The next morning my Bf called and broke up with me because I had kissed Carlos. I kept protesting that HE kissed ME but it didn’t make any difference.
I’m sure now it was a set up because almost immediately he had another girlfriend. We had been together for over a year.
I cried forever.

TJBM has had something really unfair happen to them

NomoreY_A's avatar

I would give you a great answer, but that is just too sad a tale, @Dutchess_III A great answer on that might be insulting, like I condone what those a holes did too you. Unfair, let me think… all I can recall, is when me and my sis were kids, and she left the transformer to my Lionel electric train on while we were out on a family outing. When we got home, my dad discovered that the transformer burned out, and my train wouldn’t work anymore. I hit my sis, and ripped the heads off of 2 of her Barbie dolls. I got spanked, she came out smelling like a rose. A foul injustice, says I. TJBM has a similar tale of woe, and justice miscarried.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I honestly didn’t get over him till I met someone new in college. About 4 years ago a girl came across my path on Facebook. My heart just froze and dropped like a stone. She was the girl he had dumped me for. She was a year behind me 8n school. I told myself I was being stupid and sent her a friend request….and found that I really, really liked her! I even went to Wichita to visit her. We had a blast! But she died of cancer last year. It was so damn sad.

NomoreY_A's avatar

Damn, you’re bumming me out today. I need a brief hiatus…as does TJBM

Dutchess_III's avatar

I need them to turn my electricity back on!

TJBM finds themselves in stupid, unnecessary situations sometimes.

Sneki2's avatar

Sure, who doesn’t?

TJBM is very self-aware.

Coloma's avatar

Mostly yes, but I still have to catch myself now and then and make a conscious effort to get in touch with what’s showing up.

TJBM is running to and fro today -About to run to again then fro back here. LOL—

NomoreY_A's avatar

Yup. Wife sent me to the store to get a loaf of bread, and I stopped at a different store to get candy for the 3 grand children who we are keeping today. Plumb forgot my cigars, so had to make yet another fro. Good news is, I only work a half shift tonight. Is it midnight yet? TJBM is relaxing at home. with no running hither, thither, and yon.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

It’s been a very busy day, a lot of running around. Home, showered, ate, and relaxing with a cup of coffee now.

TJBM will tell us if they like the morning or evening better.

AshLeigh's avatar

Evening. I like to sleep through the entire morning.
TJBM is an early riser.

Strauss's avatar

I have been for the past 30 years, but not by choice. I prefer to stay up until 4 or 5 a.m., then have a couple 3–4 hour naps throughout the day.

TJBM likes naps.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I do but I hate taking them. I rarely fall asleep because I feel guilty.

TJBM likes bedtimes.

Coloma's avatar

Yes, I am not a napper unless I am sick so when I am tired I look forward to bedtime.

TJBM has had Satsuma Plums. Amazing, deep, red flesh, dusky gray, red/purple skins. I was lucky to be gifted a big bag of them, I’m in heaven. haha

Patty_Melt's avatar

You know, I can’t say I recall one way or t’other.
TJBM would rather be fishing right now.

Strauss's avatar

Yes. I’ve heard it said that fishing is like shopping…it doesn’t matter what you bring home, it’s the over-all experience.

TJBM knows what I mean.

Dutchess_III's avatar

No. Not really. There isn’t much to fish for around here. I don’t want to waste my time on catfish. But my grand daughter knows what you’re talking about!

TJBM would rather read than fish.

Coloma's avatar

Yes, but I will happily eat the Trout as long as I don’t have to clean them.

TJBM loves cheese stuffed Raviole.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Trout I would fish for. And salmon. Not catfish.

I have never had cheese stuffed Ravioli, but it sounds like something I’d like.

TJBM loves good fish on the grill.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Big time. Fresh fish, grilled to perfection, is a staple of my diet. Saltwater fish is free for the taking here if you know how to drop a line. I wish we had freshwater trout and other fine coldwater fish here. I favor mountain stream trout, with their insides scraped out (it only takes a few quick swipes with a sharp knife under running water), then pan fried whole in butter over an open fire. Woodsmoke and trout, mmmm. Then, if done to perfection, you can lift the whole skeleton out with a fork and eat many at a sitting without working yourself to death picking out the bones for one measly little fish.

We have a saltwater version that is called variously speckled trout, or truite gris, or truche de mar, but it is bigger, slightly tougher, stronger in flavor and nothing near the magnificent tasting stream trout variations found in cool mountain rivers. I would call truche de mar wishful-thinking-trout. It’s highly prized, but not the same at all.

TJBM prefers salt water fish to fresh water fish.

Mimishu1995's avatar

Of course! Salt water fish just have something in them that make them more delicious than fresh water fish. And because of that they are more expensive here.
TJBM knows why salt water fish is more delicious than fresh water fish.

snowberry's avatar


TJBM will tell us what’s so great or not so great about their favorite food.

Coloma's avatar

All my favorite foods are great, what’s not great are the places the calories want to stick to. LOL

TJBM is sleepy.

NomoreY_A's avatar

Yup, just got home and I’m about to hit the hay. TJBM is about to sack out, too.

Sneki2's avatar

I got up two hours ago. Eastern Block, blyat!

TJBM has special plans for the eclipse.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Nothing much. Probably a blood sacrifice, then get drunk on dandylion wine.
TJBM will get nekkid and dance around covered with body paint on tuesday to appease the gods.

Strauss's avatar

Only if TJAM is with me!

TJBM has something special planned to coincide with the eclipse.

Mimishu1995's avatar

I may help @Patty_Melt find a sacrifice, probably a random person in my “refuse protection” list, then join her ritual.
TJBM will come with me.

NomoreY_A's avatar

Not me, I don’t get mixed up in voodoo, hoodoo, nor hindoo rituals and sacrifices. TJBM plans to stay indoors till it’s over, them eclipses are spooky.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Oh no. I’m trying to convince Rick to drive the 3 hours to the north so we can see a full eclipse! he’s being passive aggressive about it, though. I saw the one in the late 70’s. They are kind of spooky, in a tornadoey kind of way…and the double shadows was awesome.

TJBM is scrambling to find eclipse glasses.

Coloma's avatar

Nah…not that interested truth be told. I’ll notice by the light at that time and then can look up pictures. haha

TJBM is not that interested in…..

Sneki2's avatar

Sexuality, gender issues, feminism, politics (to a degree), sports, everpopular hits like Star Wars, Game of Thrones, Friends, etc, video games (except the super old ones like Tetris and Mario, or some other ones no one ever mentions, like Neighbours from Hell), agriculture, cars, anything to do with kids and parenting, and probably tons of other things I can’t remember now.

TJBM is interested in something others around him/her do not really care about.

Coloma's avatar

Yes. Personality theory. I like to know what makes others tick and the best way to communicate with various types. Very insightful for self knowledge and to better understand others but most people aren’t interested in theory.

TJBM must go now.

Patty_Melt's avatar

But, I just got here. DAMN!
TJBM has been betrayed recently.

NomoreY_A's avatar

Not that I’m aware of, people seem to take a liking to my ignorant azz for some reason, then stick to me like super glue. Been that way since my school days. At times, I wish I could be “betrayed.” Gee, what a tragedy. (Eye roll). I like people, just don’t like having them up my butt all the time. TJBM is much in agreement with this.

Strauss's avatar

I agree! I don’t like people up
Your butt either…

TJBM agrees about TJAM.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Thoughts too deep for me.
Let’s dance!
TJBM likes Tootsie rolls, even if they are horrible, pastey, waxy garbage.

NomoreY_A's avatar

@Patty Melt – Thought you’d never ask, let’s get out there and do the Fandango! Tootsie Rolls are mighty fine, I don’t inquire too deeply into what they’re made of. TJBM will whistle us a tune!

Coloma's avatar

No but he will.

TJBM can name that tune.

snowberry's avatar

Always look on the bright side of life.

TJBM has another delightful animal video to help cheer up @Patty_Melt

Coloma's avatar

No, but I hope she does and soon!
Haha I love that video Mimi.

TJBM is eating a candy bar.

AshLeigh's avatar

I wish.
TJBM is enjoying a glass of wine.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Yes I am. Its a red varietal, California burgundy I see from the sloping shoulders, if you can go by that anymore—with a late night supper of curried goat and rice, ratatouille side (sounds awful to you guys, but they do amazing things with goat down here).. Fat Bastard on the label. Not bad at all. Got a case of it from a client. I hope they weren’t sending me a message. LOL.

TJBM often treats themselves to a late night supper.

Patty_Melt's avatar

I do. My medication forces me into strange sleep hours. At least I get sleep now.
Thanx for the good thoughts, guys. I am feeling better now.
I am going to sell my daughter to a band of gypsies. Anybody seen a gypsy?
TJBM will tell my fortune.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Hang on a sec. Let me plug in the crystal ball. Oh, yeah, there you are. Man, nice big house on the ocean. You’re sitting in the sunlight at a glass-top, wrought iron table on a balcony overhanging a rocky cliff with waves crashing two hundred feet below. You appear to be writing something…. oh, it’s a note to a literary agent… it says,

“Re: Next week’s film contract negotiations concerning my last book. I want you to push harder for a larger percentage of the film rights, an advertising budget increase and double the product consignments. These Hollywood suits need to be reminded that these films would never happen if it weren’t for my hard work. My film adaptations pay their exorbitant salaries. And they are skimping on the swag. My daughter isn’t interested in ladies Rolex watches, she’s into Movado now. Also, she’s got her eye on a Aston Martin Volante convertible. I’m sure they can find one laying around Burbank that they aren’t using. So, tell them to get with it, or we’ll re-open negotiations with MGM.”

LOL. Behind you are classic French doors leading to your home office. On a wall there is a dartboard on the face of which is a heavily damaged photo of J. K. Rowling.

TJBM will tell us what they see when they look into their crystal ball.

Coloma's avatar

I see a big red mug of coffee, the only future I am looking towards right now is another cup of the java before I launch into my day. Wait, something else is coming into vision, a little chili fest party this afternoon at a friends place and a steak, a New York steak, a gift from the friend. The gift of meat.

TJBM has been given the a gift of meat.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Oh gawd. One time Rick’s brother gave us deer meat that he’d killed and dressed himself. I’ve never seen anything so gross! Every time I handled it it was like Freddy Kruger had come though my kitchen and slaughtered every living thing in it.
I’ve given good steaks as gifts before.

TJBM has given good meat as gifts before.

Coloma's avatar

Yes. My friends give me steaks when they buy from the local organic, grass fed, free range butcher here in town.

TJBM is done with round one of their day.

snowberry's avatar

Yup. Starting in on a birthday party in a couple of hours.

Oops, TJBM has a car that’s so old they have a towing service on standby.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

I have the Blue Max. He is an early 1970’s Jeep CJ5, the son of the famous WWII workhorse and the precursor to the Wrangler. He was already here when I got here. I was told he was blue, but I’ve seen no evidence of it. The patches of surface bared between thick layers of mud show only brown primer where the top coat has been baked away by almost 50 years of harsh tropical sun and rain. Specific events of his long, laborious life can be read in the plethora of scrapes, dings and dents upon his metal skin and missing rear fender. His roof rotted away years ago and now there is only a scarred roll bar exhibiting only shreds of the foam padding that once protected it. His hood is bashed in from when a refrigerator was dropped on it. I just banged it out. He doesn’t mind.

Somebody bought him new, used seats they picked up in junk yard, but even they are now losing their stuffing. He is a well-built machine with a heart easily revived with the turn of a wrench or screwdriver. He doesn’t ask for much in return for loyal service; a spark plug change, a new battery every few years, an oil change now and then. He got a new starter motor last year. I got him some new, recapped tires last month to replace the old, cracked ones.

Early this morning, he hauled a trailer full of heavy galley appliances to the boat yard without complaint. On the steep climb back to this farm, his engine sang, satisfied that he can do the work better than the younger, fancier, air conditioned jeeps can. Those are the ones who cry for towing service every time they get a flat tire, instead of toughing it out on their rims until they get safely home. Pansies.

Every once in awhile he’ll put in for retirement, but I always coax him out of it. We have a lot in common and inspire each other. We’re both old and reluctant to give up the ghost. The world can’t beat us. Not when the Blue Max can still turns over with one twist of the key.

TJBM remembers that one, great car they once had.

Strauss's avatar

@Espiritus_Corvus sounds like “Blue Bill” should be memorialized in song!

I had a yellow 1964 Ford Galaxie 500. Lots of mammaries

TJBM has some memories to share.

Mimishu1995's avatar

Is there anything that will sparkle my memory?
TJBM will say a random thing to give me some hint.

Patty_Melt's avatar

What was some toy, or other thing you loved, but never told anyone how it made you feel?
TJBM will be Mimi, and her memory is sparked.

Mimishu1995's avatar

Yeah, I’m here. I think my memory is sparked now.

I liked all my small toys. All of them mattered a lot to me. Why? Because they all belonged to a fictional world called Moville, where everyone was an actor and had to make movies. I was the mighty God of the world and everyday they had to please me with a movie. Certain toys belonged to certain movies and they needed to be there for their parts. I just hated it when people lose my toys. It was like I needed my people for a sacrifice and they just ran away. People looked at me playing with my toys and only saw a girl fooling around speaking nonsense. They didn’t know that I wasn’t speaking at all. My toys did the speaking and they were engaging in a ritual. I was simply observing and controlling it.

TJBM has another story about their toys.

snowberry's avatar

When I was little, I had received a toy truck, horse, and corral set as a gift. My cousin was “playing doctor” with me and my new toys. Suddenly I noticed my horse had a broken leg. Broken, as in two pieces! When confronted, my cousin explained that we couldn’t keep playing doctor unless the horse had something wrong with it. She had to break its leg! I never let her play with my stuff again.

When I remember back, I always wonder what exactly was going through her head when she broke my toy.

TJBM remembers when a childhood friend broke a toy of theirs.

Coloma's avatar

No, but I remember one of my model horses breaking it’s leg. Always a bummer to lose one of the herd. haha

TJBM thinks Hamsters are ridiculous little animals.

Mimishu1995's avatar

Hahaha you poor thing :D
TJBM is worried for someone.

Coloma's avatar

Yes, myself. haha
I need a vacation, I am burned out lately.

TJBM needs a vacation.

snowberry's avatar

No, I’m done with vacation for now.

The Jelly Below Me has a big day planned.

Coloma's avatar

Sunday catch up here. Need to go get some groceries, tidy up my house, scoop the litter box, water my flowers etc. etc. etc. haha

TJBM has some catch up tasks to do today.

snowberry's avatar

It got too hot too early to clean out the car. I’ll do it later.

TJBM needs a new air conditioner.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

I’ve got central air and it is over ten years old.

@snowberry do you know something I don’t know ;>) !

TJBM lives in an area where central air is almost a necessity.

Coloma's avatar

Hell yes, operative word ” Hell” LOL

TJBM lives in a hot climate.

snowberry's avatar

Yes! But I am reminded that much of the world lives in this kind of heat without any air conditioning. I consider myself very fortunate.

TJBM is full of “vim and vigor”!

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

I am. I just spent the night in the hospital and today I feel like a calf after being locked in the barn all winter.

TJBM can give an example of a fact that is counter-intuitive.

NomoreY_A's avatar

I’ll have to take a rain check on that, ‘till I find out what counter intuitive is. Noah Webster ain’t ever around when you need him. TJBM will do what he done be done said.

Patty_Melt's avatar

TJBM has had a day when everything confused them.

snowberry's avatar

Yes, in the past.

TJBM is not really that great in the kitchen.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Not anymore. I usta was.
TJBM will tell an amusing story about when multitasking didn’t go as planned.

Coloma's avatar

Can’t think of one right now but..I will post an amusing video.

TJBM wants a Swing Wing.

snowberry's avatar


TJBM has had many pets. Tell us about them.

Mimishu1995's avatar

My first pet was a dog. He was the only pet I had much emotional bond with. He died after less than a year due to an unknown disease. Then I had two rabbits who were only interested in eating. Then several birds and a parrot the parrot apparently died of hot weather btw. We then settled down on fish. Now my parents are expert breeders and there are so many fish I don’t even know which is which.
TJBM has so many pets.

Sneki2's avatar

One dog, so far. I used to have a lot of pets through years.

TJBM gets formal or informal with people based on their age, gender, reputation, job, etc. and expects the same formality or informality from others.

Coloma's avatar

I prefer and expect no pretenses regardless of who I am interacting with.
Your title doesn’t define you, just be yourself.

TJBM is watching the eclipse.

Sneki2's avatar

Nope, there isn’t one here. Wish I saw it, they said on the news there’s going to be one in Europe in a few years.

TJBM will tell us the biggest culture shock they’re been through.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

I don’t think I’ve ever experienced what I consider real shock. I’ve never lived in countries with laws and customs so different that they would make me uncomfortable to adapt to, like living in a deep, isolated Arab village, or one in China.

Haiti was probably the closest I’ve come to that. There was a huge socioeconomic difference in culture and the remnants of the old central African slave culture is still a lot closer to the surface than in other places in the Caribbean. But they are fundamentally Christian and Euro in most of their customs and laws.

They are basically a French, mystical Catholic culture with an underlying ancient African twist deeply affected by their history as slaves. All but the slave African culture is recognizable to me and the differences were delightful to observe, in their folk art, music, their French creole language, folk medicine and rituals, their gentle demeanor, their philosophy toward life, their cultural history—the way the island’s various cultural influences over the past four hundred years molded who they are today, etc.

It’s a good question.

TJBM will tell us the biggest culture shock they’re been through.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Whoa. The sky just darkened noticeably. Wow. We’re getting a bit of the eclipse. I’m going outside. I didn’t expect this.

Sneki2's avatar

I’ve been in Vienna when I was in highschool.

At first, I was amazed by everything, The travel to the city was a blast. We went through Hungary and Budapest, then through Austria until we reached Vienna. It was wonderful, such beautiful nature an such marvelous cities.
Then I reached Vienna itself.
I was mindblown at how clean that city was. Not a single piece of paper to be seen, no graffiti and plastic bags flying around, everyone is dressed top-notch. Giant, beautiful buldings, both modern and old. Everything was just marvelous. Coming from a small village in Serbia, this was something I’ve never seen. It was the first time that I saw how Europe really looks like.
Unfortunately, I quickly realized how much I don’t fit in there. I wasn’t used to something so glamorous and elegant. It made me be more and more aware of my own place, and how unremarkable it is in comparison to “the world”. My insecure 17 year old me couldn’t easily accept this. Soon enough, I started feeling out of place, like a gorilla playing ballet. I felt every move of mine gave off how much of an uncultured peasant I am. This world was just too cultured and glamorous for someone like me.
Next year, we were supposed to go to Prague. I skipped. I probably shouldn’t have. Either way, my closeted, insecure, isolated self wasn’t ready to go into such a drastically different world back then. It scared me. If I had a chance, I’d probably go today.

TJBM will tell us the biggest cultural shock they’ve been through.

Coloma's avatar

@Espiritus_Corvus Eclipse peaked out here an hour ago at 10:30 a.m. PDT. 75% of total. Very cool, I wish the sun was blocked out by 75% every day in the summer. Noticeable temp drop.

I traveled in Asia back in 2010, but really, most people spoke english and in the big cities like Taipei Taiwan there wasn’t much culture shock. The outlying rural areas were very different though and in the Toroko mountains native people were still headhunters until a short, 100 years ago.

TJBM likes smoked gouda cheese.

NomoreY_A's avatar

Never touch the stuff. Ain’t smoking that illegal? TJBM says the much hyped eclipse was a fizzle. Anyway was for me. I didn’t notice squat.

Coloma's avatar

It was only going to be 75% here in CA. but it ws pretty cool. Got very darkish and eerie. I enjoyed the moment.

TJBM hates it when they hear something fall in the house but can’t figure out what it was. haha

NomoreY_A's avatar

I do indeed. Makes me think of Ghosties and goulies and long legged beasties, and things that go bump in the night. TJBM lives in, or has lived in, a haunted house.

Coloma's avatar

Not than I am aware of. haha

TJBM will bid me adieu , I must saddle up and hit the trail now.

NomoreY_A's avatar

Adieu – parting is such sweet sorrow. TJBM says according to the mouse on the wall, they too must mount up and hit the Oregon Trail.

Coloma's avatar

I have returned to my stable and am bedding down for the night now.

TJBM notices @Strauss has been crafting a reply for, oooh, about 5 hours now. LOL

Patty_Melt's avatar

Hey, Strauss, you okay?
Ten hours and counting.

Mimishu1995's avatar

@Strauss is being eaten up by the eclipse ~

Patty_Melt's avatar

I am worried.

Mimishu1995's avatar

What time is this in @Strauss‘s place? Does anyone know?

Patty_Melt's avatar

I don’t know where his place is, but he has been sitting there for at least twelve hours.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Perhaps he is having computer troubles again.

Mimishu1995's avatar

My guess is that he has fallen asleep. Well unless you know about his medical condition…

Strauss's avatar

TJBM knows a good IT specialist.

Mimishu1995's avatar

I know a couple of people here on this site :P
TJBM wonders what took @Strauss so long.

Coloma's avatar

Yes, do tell @Strauss ? LOL

TJBM will tell.

NomoreY_A's avatar

Don’t have a clue, but apparently he is ok. which is good news. Wondered about that myself last night, I was like, WTF? Is he making a post, or writing the Great American Novel? TJBM will have an answer to the Strauss Mystery.

Coloma's avatar

Maybe he had a little night cap of the greenbud and dozed off. haha

TJBM has had an injury recently. stupid, blockheaded sheep here head butted the back of my knee last night and caused it to buckle and I fell on my face, double hurt my knee back and front.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I did. I looked down the other day and my leg was bleeding like hell. There was a weird long scrape on it. It was like…perfect. I finally came to the conclusion I’d cut it smoothly and surgically while shaving.

TJBM knows how to shave without cutting themselves.

NomoreY_A's avatar

Time for some bar b que sheep, says I. (No injuries, just an old back problem flaring up now and then, from my young and dumb days when I thought I was a bull rider). TJBM likes mutton. Coloma will provide. No, I used to cut myself to shreds, that’s when I changed to an electric razor. TJBM uses and electric razor, as well.

Sneki2's avatar

Nope, the normal one. I rarely cut myself, though. I guess I’m a master. (either that or shaving legs is really easy)

TJBM is sometimes not sure whether s/he is a master at something or is that thing just really easy.

Coloma's avatar

Sometimes. I am helping my daughter brainstorm names for her new pet Skink. I love brainstorming.

TJBM likes branstorming ideas, names, etc.

NomoreY_A's avatar

I do to a degree. But if one of my kids had brought home a skunk, I’d have made them get the goat smelling critter out of my house, until it got de stinkified. TJBM has an unusual pet.

Coloma's avatar

I have a 19 year old goose that I raised from a week old gosling. pet love of my life.

TJBM has a pet love of their life.

Sneki2's avatar

No. But I’ll never forget my tomcat. I got him for my 18th birthday. He disappeared two years ago. A few days ago, I saw a kitten just like him, reminded me of my little furball. I still miss him. I really, really loved him.

My mother doesn’t like cats, so she never allows us to adopt one. But my dream is to adopt one as soon as I have my own place to live.

TJBM thinks dog and cat lovers have fundamentally different personalities.

Coloma's avatar

I have had both but haven’t had a dog for the last 20 years because they are so high maintenance. I prefer cats because they are clean, quiet and you can leave them for a few days without needing someone to sit with them. I think some dog people enjoy the adoration of a dog, the fawning all over you the way dogs do. I prefer a little more space so cats are a better fit for me though I have had 2 dogs in my life I loved. My cats are very loving and affectionate but not in your face needy like some dogs are.

TJBM thinks all animals have their pros and cons.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Definitely. I’ve observed what Sneki was asking about, but I don’t relate to it. Cats and dogs are like night and day, no doubt about it, but I enjoy both species enormously. I’ve had great cats and great dogs throughout my life—cats when I lived in smaller, urban environments and dogs when I had larger spaces. I have two of the best dogs I’ve ever known at the moment. These guys are dog geniuses and their ability to be trained and work are literally unbelievable to urbanites. And they enjoy their work. They go nuts if they don’t work.

The greatest cat I ever had, I had for eleven years. Just a grey tabby from the streets. Smart as hell and very independent, but he liked me and we were cool. I had him when my wife and I split and I moved to a townhouse. I took him sailing a few times and he adapted well. Then I sold the townhouse and moved onto the boat. We would sit quietly on the dock together and fish. He loved fresh, raw fish. Under sail, he was my early storm warning system. When we came to a new place, he would immediately jump ship and go adventuring for a few hours, then always return before dark. Just stretching his legs and checking out the local menu.

Just before we left Florida for the last time, I stopped at the tiny village of Chokoloskee, Florida. He’d been there before many times. As soon as we hit the old wooden dock, he jumped ship and disappeared into the Everglades. I waited eight days. Finally, I left my contact information with the owner of Smallwood’s general store at the foot of the dock and sailed for Key West. Broke my heart bigtime. I think of him often. A week later, I was headed to Mexico and points south, never to return. But if I ever got notice from Smallwood, I’d sail the 1.200 miles up there and get him without a second thought.

TJBM has had a great pet that they greatly miss.

Coloma's avatar

@Espiritus_Corvus Awww….sad story and yes, I like the herding breeds a lot. I had a Shepherd/Queensland heeler X that was the smartest dog ever. Her name was “Timbre.” She could learn anything in one rep. Amazingly smart.

I miss my old cat Gadwicke. Gad for short and Madman. He was a runty little orphan kitten born under an outbuilding on a Walnut ranch back in 1994. My friend found him and gave him to me. He was maybe 3 weeks old, a mess, had Coccidiosis, worms, fleas, a ratty and very sick kitten.
He transformed into the most beautiful purebred looking Himalayan cat.
Fluffy dark Sealpoint with amazing blue eyes. He was super bonded with me, rode around on my shoulder, went on walks with me and even jumped to me in the pool and rode around on a raft. He was fearless and flat out attacked several large dogs that wandered onto the property and was so in love with me the drool would pour from his mouth when I held him and pet him. LOL
He passed away from heart failure induced by a Thyroid condition, in my arms, at age 14 on Memorial Day weekend 2010. Miss him greatly.

TJBM has a favorite long gone pet.

Patty_Melt's avatar

I am relieved to see Strauss is okay, and the problem is only his computer.

Long gone pets. Man, I loved so many. When we lived on the farm there were all sorts of cats. Billy, Midnight, Popcorn were some of the names I remember. We inherited Ol’ Grey Tom when we moved tho Grandma’s farm. From the time he was a kitten he was self sufficient. He wasn’t feral, he would come around to visit, and was plenty lovable when he did, but he preferred living off the land. His name was Ol’ Grey Tom when he was a kitten. He was like that, an indepedent, old soul. He grew into a very large, healthy, muscled, impressive Tom. I loved him a lot. I respected his independence, and loved that he felt enough loyalty to stop by for visits.
But gawd, ponies, chickens, dogs, guinea pigs, baby alligator, I ‘ve had dozens of pets in my life so far. Chosing my favorite changes from day to day.
TJBM has had a pet which is illegal now.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

My dad was a bit eccentric and manic at times. When we first moved to Florida from California he was all about jungles, beaches, alligators, deep sea fishing, lake fishing, ski boats, sail boats, palm trees—over the first year that we lived there he brought ten palm trees he would pick up at some nursery on the way home from work and plant them helter skelter all over the yard. He was living some childhood dream and we kids loved being along for the ride. LOL. He was a young exec from depression-era inner city Baltimore who’d never had a fishing pole in his hand in his life, much less ever been water skiing or sailing, but his kids would. He would make sure of that.

One day he brought home a Rhesus monkey the guy at the nursery had captured in central Florida where they made all those Tarzan movies back in the ‘30s. The film companies imported them from somewhere and just let released them into the jungle after the wrap. So, there were all these wild monkeys in Florida back in the ‘60s that sane people just let be. This one had been wormed and all and had it’s shots. I know this because my mom closely inspected the paperwork before she let him take the cage out of the car. LOL. My old man just unloaded it on us with a big bunch of bananas and went back to work. It was really great, right up until about an hour later when my brother and I let it out of it’s cage to play with it and it shot out of the garage, into the yard, over the fence and off to monkeyland never to be seen again.

That weekend, my old man showed up with a bunch of 8×4 sheets of marine-grade plywood tied to the roof of the car and a bunch of tools. The three oldest boys were handed detailed schematics of little sunfish sailboats and told to get busy. LOL. And that’s how I got into sailing.

TJBM has another pet story

Patty_Melt's avatar

(Please don’t take hours this time.)

Patty_Melt's avatar

Uh oh. Strauss?

Coloma's avatar

Great story @Espiritus_Corvus I really enjoyed that. :-)

I was 10 and wanted this colorful little exotic painted finch I had my eye on in a local pet store. I had an old bird cage at home from a deceased Parakeet and decided to buy the finch and pretend I found it as I was pretty sure my mother would say no to another pet bird. The beautiful little Finch was put into a little cardboard container, like a chinese take out carton and I happily started my walk home. About halfway there I took the little bird out and pitched the container.

I arrived home and told my mother that I had found this little bird, it just flew up and landed n me ( likely story I know but hey, I was 10 haha ) and could I please keep it, I had the birdcage and everything. My mother took the little bird from me and tossed it into the air saying ” it is a wild bird and we can;t keep it.” I was devastated but had to buck up so as not to show my deceit. It was a heartbreaking moment and I felt extremely guilty because the poor thing probably wouldn’t survive in the wld.

TJBM will tell us a story of lying when they were a child.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

All TJBMs would like Strauss to tell his pet story when he gets back.

(Thanks, Cowgirl!)

Coloma's avatar

Of course, I love pet stories!

Waiting for you Strauss!

Patty_Melt's avatar

Strauss, we miss you. Please come back with your story. Oh, I do wish you weren’t having such computer problems!

Coloma's avatar

Well…Strauss would want us to carry on.

TJBM will carry on.

Mimishu1995's avatar

Waiting for Strauss…
TJBM knows what Strauss’s computer problem is.

NomoreY_A's avatar

Not a bit of it. I still think he’s writing a sequel to Moby Dick, or War and Peace. TJBM will finally solve the Strauss Mystery of 2017.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Gremlins, dirty, rotten, little punks.

NomoreY_A's avatar

I knew they got Strauss, I just knew it! TJBM got 10,000 feet of video tape of Gremlins abducting Strauss.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Nope not even a millimeter.

TJBM is waiting for @Strauss to get his pooter working again.

NomoreY_A's avatar

Actually, I’m waiting to read his novel. TJBM is about to go to bed. He/She will wait on the movie version of the Straussian Blockbuster.

snowberry's avatar

My daughter and I just returned from the insta care clinic. She got a shot, and now we need to go to bed.

Oops, TJBM is @Strauss.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@Strauss where the hell are ya?

Coloma's avatar

Nope, not Strauss but we can file a missing persons report in 10 more hours.

TJBM has filed a missing persons report.

Dutchess_III's avatar

No. Never. Called the cops on my kids a couple of times but never had to file a missing person report.

TJBM always knew where their kids were, mostly.

Patty_Melt's avatar

No. I have had to report my daughter as a runaway/missing teen, and filed a missing person report about someone else.
TJBM will flip a bird at the sun for hiding behind storm clouds during the eclipse.

NomoreY_A's avatar

No I will not offend the sun god of Rora Bora. He will return in fiery lava one day. TJBM will report Strauss to Scotland Yard.

Mimishu1995's avatar

No, I will report the eclipse for eating up Strauss.
TJBM appreciates their Fluther friends.

Sneki2's avatar

Yes, I do.

TJBM doesn’t like talking about his/her feelings.

Mimishu1995's avatar

Not with people I don’t trust. But then again I never reveal anything about myself to people I don’t trust. People only see a carefree, naive, superficial, agreeable person who have little thought and feeling. I have had a lot of bad experience with revealing my true feeling and getting it stepped all over, so I don’t trust random people with my feeling anymore.
Even my friends only know part of myself, and I’m quiet a positive person to them. I don’t want to drag anyone into the gutter with me. I only talk about bad feeling when I need help, but most of the time I try to sort things out myself so few people know about my moments. So if you see me talking about my feeling without any censoring, you are someone very important to me.
TJBM doesn’t like emotional people.

Sneki2's avatar

Being emotional to a degree is completely natural, so I don’t really mind it, even if I personally am not that emotional at all. Being too emotional is annoying, and I usually avoid the drama queens.

TJBM agrees with “enemy of my enemy is my friend” mindset.

Coloma's avatar

Not sure what that means but I do agree with avoiding drama queens. Ugh.

TJBM has a busy day coming up.

Strauss's avatar

Yes, busy. but ot too busy for my pet story! I have told this story once or twice (or maybe more) here on Fluther, but here goes again:

My Dog King

King was a collie shepherd and he is the first dog I remember being “my” dog, although technically he was my older sister’s dog. From the time I was first allowed to leave the yard without supervision, he was my constant companion.

So by the time I was a little older, about 11 or 12, everyone in the small rural town knew that wherever young Strauss was, King was not far away, and that if they saw King, they would soon see me or one of my siblings.

About that time, one of the neighborhood boys, who had a mean streak, was with me and some other kids from the neighborhood. He had a stick, and was teasing King with it. King did not like it, and warned the boy with a low growl, and then barked at him. But the boy persisted with the teasing. King finally had enough, and snapped at the stick. When King caught hold of the stick, the kid had been holding it up, and King’s teeth accidentally grazed the boy’s nose and drew blood. If it had been one of us other kids, it would just have been a neighborhood scrap, and parents would talk, and decide that boys will be boys. But since King was a dog, the authorities were called in and King had to be confined for observation to determine if he had rabies.

So we kept King locked in a picket-fenced area of our yard. He was not allowed to run the countryside as he was used to, nor were we allowed to play with him for the ten days of observation.

Meanwhile, along comes the kid. Another stick, a picket fence, and the dog safely on the other side. The kid ran the stick along the pickets of the fence. This really irritated King! He ran to the fence and barked at the boy. The boy persisted, and continued to taunt the dog, poking at him through the pickets of the fence. That was enough for King! He grabbed the stick, tried to pull it through the fence, and in doing so, he caught the boys finger. Bloodshed! Minor scratch, but it was from the dog’s mouth, and that was all it took. We either had to put King down, or otherwise get rid of him.

One of the families we knew from church lived on a farm. The older kids were all grown, and had moved on to their own lives. There was a younger child in the family, Mary, about six at the time, who had Down syndrome. It was agreed that King would make a good companion
for her.

It was sad to say goodbye to King. The last story I heard about him was about a time when the Mary had gone missing. When they found her,
King was with her, “herding” her along the frontage road, but away from the main highway.

TJBM has another pet story.

Mimishu1995's avatar

I think I have talked too much about my dog. Other pets just couldn’t form a bond with me or maybe I was just too stupid for love. Now I have two fish who are kept indoor, unlike most other fish. They are addicted to mosquitoes and will never refuse a mosquito dropped onto their bowls. They are carnivores and they eat other things but nothing is as tasty as mosquitoes. For a long while my family went on a mosquito witch-hunt for the fish, to the point that mosquitoes became scarce in the middle of the summer. It’s still hard to find mosquitoes now. Guess they are scared of my family.
Gosh, I hate it when people make an animal mad then put all the blame on the animal when shit happens. That kid should never have touched a dog.
TJBM thinks animals are people too.

Sneki2's avatar

Of course not. People are animals, though.

TJBM is disorganized.

Coloma's avatar

I can be disorganized with my time but my house/stuff is organized.

TJBM likes flexibility in their schedule.

Mimishu1995's avatar

Of course. Nothing will stay the same, and you can’t predict the future. You need to be flexible to survive.
TJBM is good a time management.

Coloma's avatar

Mostly but I tend to procrastinate on the stuff I don’t want to do, like right now. LOL

TJBM is a procrastinator but always rallies in the end.

Mimishu1995's avatar

You just describe me! I can be both a procrastinator and a time strategist at the same time. You can see me take time to fool around while doing my work and still finish my job timely. I surprise my friends many times with that. Maybe I’m just someone who likes to have fun with everything.
TJBM is carefree.

Coloma's avatar

I always have been for the most part yes. I too can procrastinate and then turn out good work at the last minute, easy for me.

TJBM needs a shower.

Sneki2's avatar

Ha I just had one.

TJBM wants to watch a film.

Patty_Melt's avatar

I am waiting for a couple of them to arrive in the mail today. They should be here any minute.
TJBM likes off roading.

Coloma's avatar

No, I don’t like being banged and bumped around in a Jeep, hate dirt bikes, noisy and tear up the environment and I especially do not like being hot, sweaty and covered in dirt. I’m already grumpy enough right now dealing with the heat and dust over here. haha

TJBM gets grumpy when it is hot for a long time.

snowberry's avatar

No, but I sure don’t move fast!

TJBM likes to scuba dive or snorkel.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Yes, I do. I like snorkeling for the beautiful shallow coves and scuba for the deeper environments. I like being weightless and I like watching life on an active reef. Everybody has their little job to do. Life down there gets more interesting the more hours you spend there. If you dive with a buddy in the same spot a few days in a row, the big fish will remember which of you has the food. I don’t like carrying a lot of equipment on me. so I rarely go below the photic zone, which is about 90 feet, or three atmospheres. I recommend diving to people who find life on the surface boring.

TJBM had sky dived.

NomoreY_A's avatar

I’ll pass. Never saw the sense in getting off a perfectly good boat to risk my ass with sharks, jellyfish, sea monsters, and other disagreeable critters. I have done some snorkeling, that’s about it. TJBM will notate that the Strausster hath returned.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Yes, I’m glad he is well and back with us again and I’m very happy to hear it was only computer problems. I miss him when he’s gone. I’ve never seen the story of King before and I’m glad he shared it with us once again. That was a heartbreaker, but at least King got to spend the rest of his days in a friendly, rural environment doing what shepherds and collies are happy doing best. That was the perfect solution to a really shitty situation.

Oh, man, @NomoreY_A, you live near one of the most beautiful, world famous dive spots on earth: The Flower Garden. People come from all over the world to spend just a few days diving those big, beautiful, bountiful reefs. It’s on every diver’s bucket list. It’s only about 100 miles SSE of Galveston. Subterranean mountains rise off the bottom to about 60 ft. below the surface, well within the photic zone, and over three hundred species of often colorful fish feed on the thousands of species that live in two hundred different types of coral. This is as rich as it gets. Once you dive the Garden, there’s no reason to dive anywhere else.

This is the only place I’ve ever seen a whale shark. Fabulous. Kelp eater. Big as a bloody whale. Rubbed against me as it passed just to let me know who was boss of that reef. This alone is worth taking a dive course for certification which would allow you to rent gear at Galveston for the trip. What an amazing adventure that would be.

TJBM has another pet story.

NomoreY_A's avatar

I guess the only interesting pet story I have would be about my old pug, that my brother and I more or less took over when we were kids. My parents were on a day trip one weekend, stopped at a rest stop for a picnic. A little pug dog came up to them, begging for scraps, no one was around for miles, and the dog had no tags, so they decided to bring him home to us kids. The two girls thought he was ugly (poor Puggers, him was cute puppy, bad sis) but my brother and I took an instant liking to old Puggers, and it was mutual. He used to climb up in my lap at night and snooze, when I was watching TV after doing my homework, and would try to follow my brother when he went out to talk to his girlfriend. He finally passed away, and me and my bro were both devastated. My favorite pet of all time, I suppose. By the way, I know Puggers wasn’t an original name, but we didn’t know his real name, so we called him that and he’d answer to it. OK, getting maudlin now thinking about Puggers, time to move on. TJBM will change topics.

Mimishu1995's avatar

TJBM will now talk about the best ice-cream experience they’ve had.

NomoreY_A's avatar

My wife buys me chocolate chip ice cream now and then, best cream you can ice, cant beat it with a stick. TJBM will describe the joys of home made ice cream.

Strauss's avatar

I recently discovered the house of non-dairy “ice cream”, subbing coconut cream for dairy cream. While it will never replace the dairy version for me, it is delicious in its own right, especially with the addition of some kind of tropical fruit, such as banana, pineapple, etc.

TJBM has come across a substitute for some type of food which is tasty in and of itself.

Coloma's avatar

Nothing coming to mind in the moment I am still stuck on the ice cream bender here. LOl I like to add extra Walnuts to my Rocky Road to make it extra rocky.

TJBM hates poor communication.Fuck I told my boss today to let me know by 3pm if she needed anything later today or I would be gone. She freaking emails me at 6:45 with a request. Well, too bad, I am already gone.

NomoreY_A's avatar

You go, @Coloma Screw ‘em and the horse they rode in on. Yeah, I do hate poor communication. I used to work a safety/security job at a hospital. I’d get emails from the ER Director that there had been a “Code Grey”, combative patient brought in, and the Police/Security took too long to respond. Problem was usually that they would wait for the subject to go ape shit before putting out a page. Which in my view was their own fault. We had pocket pagers, cell phones, radios, and a PA system. I told my own boss, that look, these guy aren’t mind readers and they don’t come equipped with crystal balls to predict the future. When a medic unit encodes, which they always do, 10 to 20 minutes out, with a combative or suicidal ideation subject, tell us then, we can be at the ambulance dock waiting. Don’t wait till hell breaks loose and go, oh shit! He actually concurred with me. /END OF RANT/ TJBM will not post anything to get jellies pissed off. LOL

Coloma's avatar

I will not, I am defragging from being pissed. Lets just bliss out and go for some humor.

TJBM will tell a joke.

NomoreY_A's avatar

Why did the little moron jump off of the Empire State Building? He wanted to make a Big Splash on Broadway. What did George Washington tell his father when he chopped down the cherry tree? “I cannot tell a lie. Popeye did it”. TJBM will not throw tomatoes a me.

NomoreY_A's avatar

OK, I bombed. Try this one…. a guy found a magic lantern on a beach one day, rubbed on it, and out pooped a genie. Genie tells the guy he gets two wishes, as long as they aren’t unreasonable. The guy say, ok – I always wanted to visit Hawaii, but I am afraid of flying. So build me a bridge across the ocean, so that I can just drive to Hawaii. The genie responds, what, are you crazy? Do you have any idea of the cost, logistics, and engineering involved in something like that? No can do. What’s your second wish? Guy says, well I always wanted to have expertise in what makes females tick. You know, so I understand their wants, desires, wishes, secret longings, how to make them happy. The genie scratches his head, then says – so how soon do you need that bridge? TJBM will not tell me I suck as a comic.

Coloma's avatar

Haha, no, I can follow your non-linear rambles, I am non-linear at times too.

What did Jeffrey Dahmer sang on the way to his refrigerator? My bologna has a first name.—That’s all folks, my fluffy bed is calling me.

TJBM will tell another joke to surprise me in the morning.

Mimishu1995's avatar

What do you always do when you wake up? You open your eyes!
TJBM thinks it’s too obvious for a joke.

NomoreY_A's avatar

Not obvious to me, but I’m not the sharpest tool In the drawer. So I was hitchhiking out to the West Coast one time, a truck driver hauling new cars stopped to give me a lift. Told me there wasn’t room in the cab, I’d have to climb in to one of the cars in the back. He later picks up 8 more people, tells all of them to climb into a car. The Highway Patrol pulls the guy over, writes him a speeding citation. He then walks to the back, and writes all 9 of us a ticket. Go figure. So I went to a night club, went over and asked this pretty woman to dance. She looks at me and says, “Your socks don’t match”. I told her, I know, I go by comfort. TJBM will ask me to cease with the crappy jokes. You can blame Coloma ; )

Mimishu1995's avatar

No. This is a place to chill anyway.
TJBM can come up with a joke that is both crappy and hilarious.

Coloma's avatar

Not crappy but goofy funny.

What do you get when you cross a Donkey with an Onion?
Most of the time you get an Onion with floppy ears but…every once in awhile you get a piece of ass that brings a tear to your eye. LOL

TJBM will tell us what they had for breakfast.

NomoreY_A's avatar

Oatmeal, even as we speak. TJBM will tell us what is on the menu for lunch.

Coloma's avatar

Hmmm.I haven’t had breakfast yet, not sure, maybe tuna sandwich and salad.

TJBM has had blood drawn recently. Sheesh, 6 vials this morning, they want to suck my blood. LOL

NomoreY_A's avatar

Cant beat tuna with a stick, good eating. Got to have chips on the side, with a glass of sweet tea. PS – Get away from them vampires asap. I know women think Dracula is real sexy, but he bites. No one takes blood from me, I hate freakin’ needles. Haven’t been to a sawbones in years. TJBM will loan Coloma a silver steak, to kill that there vamp. Seems like a weird guy in a black cape, playing an organ, would have told you something…musta been that Romanian accent.

Coloma's avatar

Haha..actually the Phlebotomist was great, we joked about all the complainers out in the waiting room and agreed people were nuts. I was a good patient, no complaining and not afraid of needles. He liked me, because, well you know, I am likable. LOL

TJBM is likeable.

NomoreY_A's avatar

Meh… TJBM has no fear of needles or that alcohol smell.

Coloma's avatar

True. I mean needles are not exactly a good time but I’m not passing out in the chair or at the sight of my blood filling up the vials.

TJBM has a fear of the dentist.

NomoreY_A's avatar

Not as long as they shoot me up with Novocain. Luckily my daughter is a dental technician so I always go where she works. TJBM has no fear or needles or dentists.

Coloma's avatar


TJBM knows what a Skink is.

NomoreY_A's avatar

Dang smelly critter with a stripe on its back. TJBM hates skunks.

Coloma's avatar

Haha, no, I like Skunks as long as they explode near me.
I made friends with a young one some years ago and made him hard boiled eggs which he loved. He would come to my deck every night for his egg while I sat in my hot tub. A “Skink” is a reptile a type of Lizard that comes in many varieties.

TJBM will be somebody different besides me and @NoMoreY A

NomoreY_A's avatar

Turning this into a private chat room again – we bad

Strauss's avatar

No, it was actually @NomoreY_A!

TJBM has another subject

NomoreY_A's avatar

Hanging my head in shame, I’ll take the wrap for Coloma too, all my fault. From where the sun now stands, or in some cases the moon, I play TJBM game no more, forever. If TJBM buys that, I have a nice little property called the Alamo, for sale at a reasonable price.

Coloma's avatar

I do not buy that at all or the Alamo.

TJBM is on hold , hold, hold….

NomoreY_A's avatar

Strauss, Strauss, why must you do us like that? Always on hold hold hold. TJBM says he is typing typing typing.

Strauss's avatar

HUH?—-I didn’t even think my pooter was on.

TJBM is having problems pooting with their pooter.

Coloma's avatar

Nope. This laptop is only 9 months old. It’s whirring along like a champ.

TJBM will tell us the first thing they would do if they won the mega-lottery.

NomoreY_A's avatar

Buy my wife the superest duperest smart phone there is, renew our wedding vows in some isolated area, just me her, and a JP, and buy us a new car. After that, kick back and wait to croak, after making sure the money is equally distributed among my grand kids. TJBM will tell us what they would do under such pipe dream circumstances.

Coloma's avatar

Buy an amazing 200,000 acre ranch property with a river running through it. Maybe in the Eastern Sierras here in CA. or Idaho, Montana, Utah. Have a full time gardener, ranch hand, and weekly housekeeping and a cook that came in a few days a week to prepared delicious meals. Then I would give a boatload to my daughter, a couple friends, various charities and bank the rest, living off the interest income.

I would also buy all my Fluther friends round trip plane tickets for a couple weeks vacation and party time at my spread. Swimming, Jacuzzi, horseback riding, fishing, hammocks in the shade and cocktail and Happy Brownie hour at 4. LOL

TJAM is sharing the same fantasy.

Strauss's avatar

I’d divide the jackpot into 3 even piles. One would be divided between siblings (both my wife’s and mine). Second pile would be divided evenly amongst the children (trust funds, etc.). The third would be for me and the wife to re-retirement anywhere in the world we want, spending the rest of our lives as professional philanthropists.

And yes, there would be a real Fluther mansion!

TJBM has a similar fantasy.

Coloma's avatar

Here’s my ranch!

TJBM wants to help me design the ranch house, bunkhouse and stables.

NomoreY_A's avatar

I’ll help out, just call me Roy Rogers. Ok, Michelangelo. TJBM will also volunteer to help build Coloma’s new digs.

Mimishu1995's avatar

I would if I had spent my life in the countryside…
TJBM likes to live in a farm.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

It’s nice and quiet, most of the time. I prefer being around livestock more than I do being around the teeming masses. Though, I think it would drive a young, ambitious person nuts after awhile. It’s good to have an interesting city within a half-day’s drive to vacate to once in a blue moon. Paris, Rome, or San Francisco would do.

TJBM wonders if…

Coloma's avatar

Paranoid people even have the ability to look at the big picture and contemplate possibility vs. probability.

TJBM always looks at the big picture.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

LOL. I certainly try to. It puts things into perspective. Meditation really helps in this department. When I can’t keep the big picture in the background as a grounding reference, I know I’m burning out on that particular subject. Tunnel vision is a sign of either fatigue or panic. It is a sign to back off for awhile, time to take a breather. Literally.

TJBM has looked into ANTIFA recently.

Coloma's avatar

Just a little, one facet is based in Sacramento.

TJBM finds it hard to wrap their mind around what some people truly believe in.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Especially when these same people act on those beliefs on the behalf of others while they have facts available to them that thoroughly contradict their beliefs.

TJBM has experienced cognitive dissonance.

Mimishu1995's avatar

TJBM will explain what it is.

Coloma's avatar

I’d have to think about that for awhile.
@mimi..CD is when one holds two contradictory or opposing ideas/beliefs or values, thinking one thing, saying another, doing yet another. Not being in congruence with what one thinks, says and does and also refuting new information that might bring a new perspective on ones values or beliefs.

@Espiritus_Corvus Haha..exactly. I had that very experience today. presenting facts about something that were dismissed without basis.

TJBM is psychologically congruent.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

LOL. I wish. Yeah, most of the time. But new info is constantly coming in, sometimes when you’re in mid-sentence. Who would have ever believed back in 1975 that Margaret Mead’s observations and theories on cultural anthropology would be so violently attacked in 21st century academia? Or Naom Chomski’s theories on linguistics? How about those extra planets? It’s all very hard to fit in sometimes. There are times that I just want to throw in the fucking towel rather than re-learn everything.

Mimi, it’s like a personal, interior Bất hòa. It’s when you do or say something, but there is a little voice in the back of your mind that knows it won’t bear logical scrutiny. It is the opposite of psychological congruence.

TJBM is psychologically congruent.

Coloma's avatar

A lot of the time but I am always open to new information, but it has to have a logical and fact based backstory though I love theory.

TJBM is always evaluating possibility vs. probability.

Patty_Melt's avatar

No. I fly by the seat of ny britches.
@Coloma, love that ranch! If you have the winning ticket, I’m going there to innertube. If I have the winning ticket, the ranch will be MINE. I’ll let you visit. We’ll ride horses together until we both get whore cramps, lol.
TJBM likes to canter, but hates to trot.

Coloma's avatar

Absolutely! Unless it is a horse with a nice smooth trot and bareback is best, you blend with the horses body movements much better. @Patty_Melt Deal. Shake on it. LOL

TJBM will shake on it.

Strauss's avatar

I’ll shake on that! If I win I’ll buy that ranch and we’ll all three do some bareback riding!

TJBM likes riding bareback.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I loved it. Played Indian on my horse.

TJBM like water skiing.

Mimishu1995's avatar

Have never done it once.
TJBM will say something for me to write.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Write about the most interesting moment of your visit to Thailand.

Dutchess_III's avatar

The court will allow that slip in TJBM etiquette.

Mimishu1995's avatar

All of my experiences in Thailand is interesting. I think I have talked about so many things already, so now I’m going to talk about the last day in Thailand. My supervisors wanted to take us to a shopping center far away. At that point they already knew that most people in my apprenticeship team liked to shop so they provided what they wanted. We went to a city and stayed there from the morning until late in the afternoon. Then we went back to the dormitory.
It was the way home that was interesting. The road seemed to be longer, although we were going on the same road. No one talked on the way, unlike when we started. The students were tired after a long day of running around. There was only silence, and darkness as the night was approaching. I felt very weird. It was my last day in Thailand. Soon there would be no more ride like this. I looked out of the windshield as if to memorize everything before I left the place forever. It was a striking contrast to the day: everyone was going around talking and laughing in the light thinking of nothing. Now there was only me alone with silence and thought. My supervisor was driving. She was quiet and didn’t smile like she often did. Maybe it was all in my head but I had a feeling she was feeling the same way as me. The whole experience was surreal, as if I was experiencing time in slow motion.
TJBM understands what I wrote.

Patty_Melt's avatar

I do. I have experienced similar feelings. It finds a home inside you, and never leaves, even when you stop thinking about it. It becomes kind of like an internal teddy bear, loved, worn, and always your quiet friend.
BAD NEWS, @ALL… the Powerball jackpot was won, in Boston. Back down to $40M. What could anyone do with just 40? sigh
TJBM has a teddy bear. (No sorta-likes.)

Strauss's avatar

I can barley remember the teddy bear I had when I was a toddler.

TJBM can remember that far back in their life.

Mimishu1995's avatar

I still had some early memories in my head. Funny you ask this when I just had a dream that triggered a far far away memory. Right now the road connecting my house to the main street is very large and straightforward. But back when I was very little, things weren’t as clear. There was a very small road that led to that road, and the road back then was very narrow and rough. There was few lights along the road, making it extremely unlit during the night. It didn’t help either that there were a lot of trees surrounding it. The road looked like some kind of deep dark wood leading to a haunted house like those horror stories. There was also another road on the side of it with houses and more well-lit, but it was also connected to the creepy road.
I feel very weird thinking about it, especially when I compare it to the present road. It seems like something in a dream and have never actually existed.
TJBM remembers something in the past that has changed or no longer exists.

Coloma's avatar

Lots of things yes, I am old enough now to have lived through a lot of past. haha

TJBM was woken up in the middle of the night by something.

Strauss's avatar

Yes. The loud pipes of the neighbor’s Harley.

TJBM is well rested.

Coloma's avatar

No. I woke up to the cat barfing all over the house at 1 a.m. Must have been a bad lizard. Bah Humbug.

TJBM likes lizards.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Mmmmm, tasty.
Kidding. I do like lizards, and they tend to like me. Skinks are cool.
TJBM has drawn water from a well. We had several wells when I was growing up. I lived on two different farms. Each had one well we drew water from, and one well for discarding garbage. We were coached to live in terror of the garbage wells, and stayed well clear of them.

Coloma's avatar

I haven’t, actually, drawn well water but have lived on properties with well water. Good, clean, deep wells in solid Granite, mountain water at it’s finest.

TJBM hates tap water in the city, smells like chemicals, tastes nasty.

Dutchess_III's avatar

It varies widely from city to city (or town to town.) Most of the time tap water is just fine. So is hose water. But the little town I grew up in had a LOT of sulfur in the ground water. It smelled like rotten eggs, until we got a water softener. It wouldn’t hurt you, but it smelled nasty.

TJBM keeps plastic water bottles of tap water in the fridge for those waterphobes who insist that ALL tap water is bad, and think they’re getting the “good water” just because they’re in the plastic containers.

Coloma's avatar

Haha no.

TJBM knws that Morning Glory seeds have Lysergic Acid in them and can cause a major psychedelic experience if you ingest a lot of them.

Dutchess_III's avatar

No, I don’t know that.

TJBM is ready to go camping!!

Patty_Melt's avatar

With a bag of seeds? Okay.
TJBM will tell us their favorite pie. Is there a cool memory to go with it?

Coloma's avatar

I have 3 favorites.

1. Lemon Meringue

2. Pecan

3. Blackberry

TJBM like Rhubarf pie.

snowberry's avatar

Rhu-BARF? Hahaha! No, I can’t say I’ve ever had that!

TJBM has had rhubarf pie before!

Dutchess_III's avatar

No I have not. I just see, like, leaves soaked in sugar or something. I guess some people love it. Bleh!

TJBM loves jalapeño poppers.

NomoreY_A's avatar

Not at all, set you on fire. Can’t seem to eat anything hot or spicy these days. TJBM likes things hot and spicy.

Dutchess_III's avatar

No, I hate hot and spicy stuff. Hate it. @NomoreY_A the secret is to split them in half and get every single seed out, and rinse it really well. Then wash your hands and stuff. It’s the seeds that make them hot. OMG, they are heavenly!!! Rick talked me into trying them the first time…to both of our amazement I loved them. They’re even better than ice cream!

TJBM is going to try making not-hot jalapeño poppers now.

Mimishu1995's avatar

What is that anyway?
TJBM eats foreign food everyday.

NomoreY_A's avatar

@Mimi – It’s a type of hot pepper popular in Mexican cuisine. I’ll have to take Duchess advice and try them that way, see I like them. No, I’m not much into foreign, I stick with the tried and true. TJBM will try the jalapeno peppers asap.

Coloma's avatar

Not today but…here’s a good Jalapeno snack recipe, really tasty.

Buy whole, canned jalapenos. Cut open lengthwise and scrape out seeds. Pat dry with paper towels. Stuff with tuna mixed with a little mayo and sprinkle with crushed white tortilla chips on top. Yummy! Just pop ‘em in your mouth. Cold jalapeno poppers. haha

TJBM has a quick snack recipe.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Brick of Cream Cheese cover with hot pepper jelly take a knife and put on Ritz crackers.

TJBM has another quick snack.

Coloma's avatar

Chop up some dark chocolate and mix with almonds, dried cherries and coconut chips. Yummy!

TJBM loves chocolate covered dried cherries.

AshLeigh's avatar

I’m not a fan of cherries.
TJBM makes a lot of lists.

Coloma's avatar

Not really, I make a few here and there if I have extra things to do I don;t want to forget.

TJBM likes Mounds Candy bars.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Are those the ones with almonds and coconut covered in chocolate? If so, then YES! I love them, but haven’t had one in years. I used to tour bike, sometimes a century a day. In the afternoon, at about mile seventy, I sometimes would run out of steam. But I would still be a long way from my intended camp, so I would stop at a store and buy one of those candy bars and BAM! It would get me through like a dose of nitro. Love those things. They are packed with both instant- and sustained-release carbs.

TJBM has a favorite energy food.

Mimishu1995's avatar

No. I only have favorite junk food :D Actually I maintain a balanced diet at home, not too much meat or too much vegetables. My diet can bring me enough energy.
TJBM is @Espiritus_Corvus, and will tell us whether he has his stable connection back.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

No. The broadband is out until they replace a tower on this side of the island, so I am down to using a slow telephone hotspot of narrow band. In the past few days, my phone has stopped transmitting to my laptop for hours at a time, then resumes. I screw with the settings, checked the mac id and punched it into the phone to no avail. It transmits when it wants to. So, my comms are very unstable and unreliable.

TJBM hates phones.

Mimishu1995's avatar

Not all phones. The old phones are nice and brings a lot of nostagia. Even smart phones have their own benefit too.
TJBM will move on

Strauss's avatar

Already? OK, I’m moving on!

Brian1946's avatar

Second to the last post.

There is only one JBM.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I always have the last word.

TJ always has the last word.

NomoreY_A's avatar

I got the last word, yea fer me!

Mimishu1995's avatar

Wow the fight for the last word!

snowberry's avatar

Last letter! Z

NomoreY_A's avatar

That’s all there is, there aint no mo’. I assume?

NomoreY_A's avatar

Earp derp, flerp.

Brian1946's avatar

This is answer # DXIX

Brian1946's avatar

This is answer # 520.

Let’s see if you lightweights can protract this pile to 600.

NomoreY_A's avatar

Yes – No – Nyet

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