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Jeruba's avatar

Did you ever attend a Billy Graham crusade?

Asked by Jeruba (56254points) August 8th, 2017

Did you attend a service where Billy Graham preached a sermon? This is asking specifically if you were there in person, not whether you heard a service on the radio or TV or other medium.

If so, what do you remember of it?

Did it make any lasting difference in your life?

Tags as I wrote them: Billy Graham, evangelistic crusades, evangelism, religion, salvation, preaching, conversion.

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15 Answers

Pinguidchance's avatar


Billy Preston – “That’s The Way God Planned It”

Yellowdog's avatar

In the summer of 2000 I took a group from Cherokee Cumberland Presbyterian Church in Cherokee, Alabama to a Billy Graham crusade in Nashville, TN.

I never really watched him much on television.

I figured this was probably the last time I’d ever have an opportunity to attend such a crusade and I was right.

His theology is impeccable but his message very simple and easy to understand and follow. He was fervent that people have a saving relationship with Christ rather than getting into what or why to believe anything beyond that. Not much proof or evidences were needed but the message was logical, made sense, and biblical.

I was a young pastor at the time—well, not that young—35 maybe. Most of my own preaching was teaching what I thought was interesting regarding the nature of God or why we believe what we believe—and that aspect of Christian theology called Apologetics. But Billy Graham’s message didn’t go there—he was trying to make sure as many as possible were saved and had an eternal relationship with Christ. For many people, this might be the only chance to hear the gospel proclaimed clearly and a decision made.

How did it change my life? Well, I had previously spent much effort in battling the many ‘charismatic’ (speaking-in-tongues) people in my church with their false prophesies and “word/faith” “name-it-and-claim-it” people in my church— I realized that all I needed to focus upon was salvation itself—the atonement and receiving Christ. I could still emphasize what I found interesting as far as Theology, the Sacraments, tradition, etc. but I didn’t need to prove anyone wrong—just focus on the essentials in a clear manner.

Pinguidchance's avatar

Impeccable theology: imagine that.

John Lennon – Imagine

PullMyFinger's avatar

A few years ago I attended a Billy Bob Thornton crusade, if that counts toward anything.

I was the only person to show up (even Mr. Thornton wasn’t there), but still…...

filmfann's avatar

Yes, at the Oakland Colosseum in the early 70s.

NomoreY_A's avatar

No. My dad was a big fan of Mr. Graham, but as an agnostic, he never impressed me with his horse wallop. That said, at least he doesn’t go on TV and ask for money, like most of those Evangelical snake oil salesmen.

Kardamom's avatar

No. I am not a Christian and am not religious. I wouldn’t see the point of going to see Graham or any other religious leader.

filmfann's avatar

As a Christian, I am annoyed by the snake oil salesmen who seem to be rife in my religion, but Billy G. was the real deal.

jca's avatar

I’m a Christian but not religious and would have no interest in seeing a preacher like that.

Yellowdog's avatar

People rarely go to a crusade for themselves, ica.

Usually a group of Christians brings someone or several someones as part of a group event. The message is always about receiving Christ as one’s Savior and Lord. Billy Graham does not get into philosophical discussions or try to prove anything or even try to get you to DO anything or give anything—but does comment on the futility of the way many cultural trends are going and contrasts that with life in Christ.

As another (similar) evangelist (Charles Spurgeon) once said, a little faith will get you to heaven—a great faith will bring heaven to your soul.

Of course, the main thrust is the urgency to lead people to Christ as savior. If he, or the Holy Spirit, can make that connection, that moment is when an individual should act on it, lest the chance never come again. A person who is already a Christian already has made a decision to receive Christ. Even they, however, may need to get back on the path to following God’s plan for their life.

Again, I was greatly impressed by the clarity and simplicity of his message and he needed no ‘proof’ or evidences to convey the seriousness and logic of the message/

jca's avatar

@yellowdog – I wouldn’t be interested in attending no matter who tried to get me to go or what their reasoning was.

PullMyFinger's avatar

Oh, come on @jca….Rev Graham got down on his knees and prayed right alongside Nixon.

Who wouldn’t want that on their resume’....??

Yellowdog's avatar

Hmmmm… well, lets set the record straight, Billy Graham was a lifelong Democrat—a personal friend of Jimmy Carter, probably influenced Christians to vote for Carter, a “Born Again” Christian. That’s when the phrase “born again Christian” (from John Chapter 3) became a catch phrase.

He also promoted forgiveness for Bill Clinton during the Monica Lewinsky scandals—now THAT’s something he shouldn’t want on his resume. Some of those women were forced upon.

He prayed with EVERY U.S. president—not sure if this ended with Obama—including, yes, Nixon.

Also, if you never attended a Billy Graham event or never would attend “such an event”—no one cares. Most people wouldn’t. This question was for people who HAD, and what effect it had, if any,

jca's avatar

@yellowdog – I answered the question the way I wanted to.

SimpatichnayaZhopa's avatar

No, I am a Soviet lady, so I have been an atheist all of my life. I have never attended any church, and I know little about any preachers. I know a lady who was a catholic, but she hs become an atheist. I have never heard her mention Billy Graham.

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