How is your summer going?
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August 9th, 2017
Ours here in BC has turned to crap, with the worst wild fire season in 60 years, and a blanket of dense smoke covering the bottom half of the province like a thick fog.
Right now Beijing has far better air quality than we do here in BC.
But enough of that, are you having a great summer?
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17 Answers
Horribly. Sweating like a pig. Summer should be illegal.
Shitty and its taking its toll right about now. Hotter than hell, bored out of my mind because it is too damn hot to do anything other than the must do stuff and staying indoors in the AC. We have also had a lot of wildfires and the air quality has been crappy, resulting in sinus headaches and lethargy from all the pollutants.
I have also suffered a financial setback the last few months that has left me on a mere pittance of a budget.
This too shall pass but it’s not passing fast enough. Maybe I’ll pass first. LOL
For the first time in a lot of years we’re having a lovely summer. @SQUEEKY2, I know a number of people in BC who have been keeping me apprised about your fires out there, I am so sorry you all are going through this. I wish for you buckets of rain.
Few places are as stiflingly hot as Central Florida in July. We took a 10-day ‘escape’, visiting our daughter’s little family in Chicago (our 4-year-old grandson was the star, and rightfully so….what an amazing, wonderful boy).
While there, on our wedding anniversary we saw McCartney in concert, which we’ve been meaning to do for decades. Sensational. WAY better than I’d expected.
For our entire visit, the temp and humidity were amazingly low. A little bit of summertime heaven….
I have a shitty A/C that sits on the floor with a hose that pumps hot air out my window. This is a problem since it can only keep me so cool.
And the bigger problem is my fishtank. I can deal with the heat but my little fish friends can’t
So I have been freezing blocks of ice every-night. And then routing the air-lines through nearly frozen water to keep the temperature down. Inefficient as hell but it is all I can come up with.
Great!!! Because here in Boston, to which I recently relocated from Austin, summer nights (and some days) have started to feel like early fall days in Texas.
It has been pretty good here so far in the West of Scotland. Yesterday was superb with crystal clear air, warm sunshine and a cool breeze. It very rarely (never) gets too warm here.
Lovely. It’s not been incredibly hot for too many days here in southern NY. Lately it’s feeling like late September – dry, in the low 80’s during the day and a bit chilly at night. I haven’t used the AC much at home.
My ex boss was re-elected as my current boss and she also happens to be one of my best friends, so that’s been really nice. I had my office repainted and did some redeorating in it. It’s coming along at my pace, which is slow and steady.
Every weekend’s had some kind of event. Next weekend I’m going to Virginia with my boss/friend and my daughter, for some birthday party at my friend’s sister’s house. End of August we’re going to the Berkshires (Gail country, as I call it) which is only a two hour ride north. We stay at a wonderful resort with indoor/outdoor pool, crafts, movies, etc.
I just got confirmation for a trip to Williamsburg in October. That’s something to look forward to.
I can’t believe school starts less than a month away. My daughter will be in 5th grade.
For a guy who hates summer, I’ll tell ya, it’s been pretty okay in Boston this year. I’ve been off work this week so we’ve been doing day trips, which is fun.
@Pachy: Hey neighbor! Welcome to Boston!
Down the drain like all the previous ones.
Except for the looming possibility of a nuclear Armageddon, I’m having a good summer. Like the other Northeasterners here have said, it has been relatively mild and pleasant with very few super hot days and enough rain to keep things green. Heading off to the beach in a few hours.
Very uneventful so far – I always know I need to get out and appreciate good weather while I have it because winters are brutal (am a third Boston jelly in this thread) but then I just….don’t. I’m lazy and unmotivated and spend most of my evenings playing video games and hating myself for it.
Luckily I have some travel plans in a few weeks that will force me out of my routine.
Boston Jellys FTW
New Jersey’s cool too.
@cookieman So cool that the coolest penguins live there and hop around on the beach.
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