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chyna's avatar

Why does Trump use such basic language when a man in his position should be capable of speaking at a higher level?

Asked by chyna (51732points) August 10th, 2017

I saw an interview with Trump from a few years back. He had good language skills and spoke at an advanced level. Now he speaks at about a middle school level (IMO). I just saw him on the news talking about North Korea and he said “They better get their act together or they’re going to be in trouble like few nations have ever been in trouble”. Ok, I’m thinking 4th grade speaking level now.

Does he have dementia or Alzheimer’s disease? If not, what could cause his speaking level to go so far down?

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35 Answers

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

He is talking down to the American people at a grade 8 level so everyone, including foreigners, understands him. Unlike Conrad Black.

filmfann's avatar

A man like Trump should never have been elected.
He’s the Leeroy Jenkins of Presidents.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

He can’t, his daddy bought him his College diploma, his reading comprehension seems like it is grade school. The speaking level follows his reading comprehension.

Kardamom's avatar

Maybe in the past, as a dishonest and greedy business man, and a reality show guy, he at least kind of knew what he was talking about. He knows nothing about running the country, foreign policy, the Constitution, how laws work or anything else that is necessary to be a good President.

zenvelo's avatar

Most people develop a higher vocabulary through reading. Trump cannot read very well; he actually behaves like functionally illiterate people who disguise their deficits with tricks.

PullMyFinger's avatar

But wait…..he does watch this ‘Fox & Friends’ thing for (apparently) several hours a day on a regular basis, and I heard some things that this is far more educational than anything those cofefe Ivy League schools are teaching anyone…..

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Yes @PullMyFinger he WATCHES !!
He has trouble reading three syllable words.

PullMyFinger's avatar

Well….I’ve been practicing that ‘waving-my-right-hand-in-the-air-with-that-‘OK’-symbol’ thing, because whenever I want to make a serious point, at least half the country will apparently believe what I am saying….

stanleybmanly's avatar

I’d be very interested in that video you mentioned. But it is by now pointless to complain or even dwell on what is obvious to all who bother to look. The situation is both extraordinary and unprecedented as to a large large extent the affairs of the nation endure a sort of lingering time out. And it isn’t just us. The rest of the world gapes incredulously as both our allies and adversaries conclude that “normal” relationships involving the United States are suspended. The world scratches its collective head while a man so shallow that the missing depth renders him clinically dysfunctional presides over the United States. No one can deal with him. He’s immune to the reasoning of our friends while equally invulnerable to exploitation by our enemies. Even Putin is dumfounded to discover there isn’t enough substance to the man to allow for his manipulation. It’s an extraordinary thing to witness.

johnpowell's avatar

The fucking scary thing is my mom is about his age and I am seeing the same patterns with her.

We mainly communicate over email and her vocabulary has dwindled over the last 15 years. And her thoughts are all over the place. I wake up to 10 emails that are basically sentence fragments that barely form any coherent thought. .

She frequently takes things as a some sort of personal attack. I say there is some manicotti in the fridge if she is hungry and she goes off about how she knows how to make food.

So yeah. We are all fucked.

Sneki2's avatar

He is 70. He may as well be loosing his grip.

zenvelo's avatar

@RedDeerGuy1 What does that have to do with the question? Not even closely related.

flutherother's avatar

There is nothing wrong with politicians using basic language but Trump’s words reveal a scatterbrained, inconsistent and hateful mind and that I do have a problem with.

seawulf575's avatar

If you are public speaking, you need to speak to the level of your audience. Most Americans don’t think/speak in much above an 8th grade level. and I believe the electronic age has hurt that even more. IDK, MayB U get it. Can Trump speak at a higher level? I don’t know the man and have never had interactions with him. I would imagine so. But he may not want to in public forums.

chyna's avatar

I get that you should “speak to your audience.” But when you are speaking of nuclear weapons and bombing countries I would have more faith that my president had it under control if he said something other than “they will be in big trouble. Really big trouble.” He sounds like a 4 year old talking about someone that took his ball.

seawulf575's avatar

Ever see the movie Idiocracy? We are starting to enter into that sort of a society. One in which people are dumbing down, are apathetic, and tune out if someone starts talking to them above an 8th grade level. Hang on to your britches because I will lay good money that it will only get worse over the next couple decades. Look back in time and see how some of the presidents addressed the country. You can see the trend of it getting more and more simple and conversational. You have JFK addressing the nation at a high level to Barack Obama who dumbed it down to “we common folks” demeanor. And the presidents along the way kept pace with the trend. In fact, I distinctly remember a turning point in Bush I’s run for re-election. During a debate he was asked what he was going to do about the economy and he stated he wasn’t going to do anything because there was nothing wrong with the economy. He was 100% correct…the economy was at a low point but was always cyclic and was entering into an upswing. But because he spoke at a level where he expected the audience to understand, he was seen as out of touch and ignorant. Meanwhile, Bill Clinton swooped in with “His Plan”. His Plan was going to do this and His Plan was going to do that. Never once giving even an outline of what His Plan was. After getting elected, His Plan turned out to be doing nothing since he knew enough to keep his hands off it and ride the wave of a climbing economy. But because he spoke at a dumbed down level and because we have apathetic, uninformed voters, he benefited.

stanleybmanly's avatar

There is no question that Trump speaks to his base, and base is indeed the adjective appropriate to those devoted to his tweets.

PullMyFinger's avatar

Take a break, boys & girls, and (try to) enjoy my little musical salute to our Conniver-in-Chief….

DominicY's avatar

To be honest, I find Trump’s way of speaking to be a bit cringeworthy. I don’t think he’s purposefully talking down to his base, I think that’s just the way that he actually talks. Inarticulate and blunt. Some people eat it up, and I get that it’s not the “McSpeech” way of talking that other presidents do, but can’t we have an “unfiltered” present who doesn’t sound like they’re really struggling every time they address the nation?

jca's avatar

He minds me of a typical New York idiot (I’m from New York). Speaking with their hands, gesturing at the air, kind of like a gumba. “Ay, Joey, fuhgeddaboutit…..”

PullMyFinger's avatar

Nail on the head, @jca…..except he sounds like a typical goombah (not ‘gumba)

(I’m from New York too…)

stanleybmanly's avatar

It is now becoming rather apparent as to just how much trouble we are in. The reality is that those at the highest levels of responsibility in our country are now tasked with the tricky necessity of countering and actually circumventing the declared intentions of the President. It is the sort of crisis that must surely undo us were it not for the single positive aspect to our dilemma. And that one saving aspect is that the ineptitude defining our commander in chief is by now universally recognized for what it is. Friends and foes alike are fully cognizant that the great train of the United States is rolling down the track with a 4 year old at the throttle. The possible consequences of this are so severe that even those who wish us ill are forced to suspend the routine machinations around seeking advantage as the requirement to avert the Pandora’s box of possible universal castatrophes assumes top priority. We’re in big trouble, and here’s hoping that the mixed bag of more sober minds can hold up til we can get out of this.

jca's avatar

@PullMyFinger: Straight outta da Bronx.

PullMyFinger's avatar

@jca : Ga-head…..make funna me, ya feline moax…..

jca's avatar

No, I’m straight outta da Bronx, ya knucklehead.

PullMyFinger's avatar

We got married in Riverdale on a hot, muggy day in July.

(No muggings, just muggy…)

jca's avatar

@PullMyFinger: Do you still live in NY?

PullMyFinger's avatar

Nah….near Orlando for a long time.

Only return to NY these days for weddings and funerals…..

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

President Trump used the word egregious yesterday. So maybe he is not a dullard?

jca's avatar

@RedDeerGuy1: Maybe it was written for him by a speech writer.

chyna's avatar

Ha! I noticed that too and my first thought was it was written by a speech writer.

stanleybmanly's avatar

he heard it uttered aloud on FOX during one of their rare interviews of a subject who can both read and write.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@stanleybmanly Icy watt u deed they’re! ~~~~~~

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